Minke's black technology

Chapter 415 Copies and Originals

Chapter 415 Copies and Originals

The cyborgization of human beings is a milestone in the path of mechanical immortality, so this clinical trial was put on the Internet by Meow Star for the whole process of tracking and reporting, and there are still many video records available for viewing.

Meow Star Group has a lot of orders, all asking about the maximum ratio and price report of cyborgization. Almost all of them are middle-class people who don’t have much money, but because of illness or aging, they are eager to own one. Healthy body.

They are not like those rich and powerful people who can rely on anti-aging drugs to achieve the goal of eternal youth.

We can only choose a relatively cheap way. For example, cyborgization is a cost-effective way of immortality, so many people are very concerned about this clinical trial.

If this operation is successful, then human beings are only one step away from complete cyborgization, and that is the most mysterious brain of life, which has already involved the essence of the information field of the soul of intelligent life.

Cyborgization is not something that can be achieved overnight. There must be a gradual process during the period. The higher the cyborg ratio, the more difficult it is. As early as many years ago, the Meow Star Group had already cyborgized the five internal organs and limbs of human beings. Now it is finally possible Replace the flesh and blood except the brain with mechanical components.

This means that human cyborgization technology has reached a very high level. If even the brain can be replaced with an electronic brain, then "Ghost in the Shell" can really be staged in the real world.

Some people support this technology on the Internet, and of course some people oppose it. Opponents believe that cyborgized humans are no longer humans, but belong to another life form, or even monsters born from the dead bodies of old humans!

Others believe that cyborgization technology will eventually lead to a more unequal world. They worry that in the future, human beings will soon develop the social form shown in the sci-fi TV "Duplicate". It is guaranteed that it may be taken away by the ruler for use at any time.

These opponents concluded: "Cyborgization is not terrible, what is terrible is that it cracks the greatest mystery of life, so that the soul and body can be separated, and they are no longer inseparable as in the past, so that the human body can also be separated. Became a resource!"

"In "Dungeon", the Mashi survived by seizing the bodies of the people at the bottom. Those who were deprived of their bodies could only continue to survive with an old and ugly body, which was very similar to the cyborgized body in the real world , full of inhuman breath!"

At the same time, some people expressed concern about the last step of human cyborgization. They think that even if the life born from the dead body of the old human is not a monster, it has little connection with the old human, because such a cyborg life It is obviously different from carbon-based life, just like Max who was killed and resurrected many times in "Dungeon", as long as the backup it has is not destroyed, it can never be killed.

These people gave an example: "For example, the Max who was resurrected after being killed, after he backed up his memory or soul, he was killed by smashing the cortical disk, and then the satellite downloaded his backed up memory to a cloned body. "

"According to our human point of view, in fact, he is still dead, and the resurrected one is a clone of his consciousness, but after you die, there will be a clone with all your memories and thoughts to replace you and continue to live. "

"Is this also called eternal life?"

"For your family, it's true that you just lost a small piece of memory, but for yourself, the unique you is dead, and the one who lives instead of you is only a clone!"

Regarding these theoretical views, many people on the Internet have been arguing endlessly about this. In the end, everyone’s mainstream view is that as long as the cloned copy can be basically the same as the original, then the copy can still be recognized as the original. After all, the important thing is the consciousness information above.

From a philosophical point of view, it is really difficult to prove that the clone is the same person as the original, but if you want to understand this problem, you must first define when you are not yourself.

If a person is missing arms and legs, we still tend to think that person is still the same person.

If someone loses their memory or goes mad, we will instead feel that the person has changed, so the key is to determine whether a person changes or not, or let the physical body decide?

If it is consciousness, then the continuation of consciousness can be regarded as the extension of lifespan, so no matter how high the ratio of cyborgization is, whether the brain is completely electronic, whether consciousness or soul can be copied and cloned, this fact cannot be changed.

After all, the physical body is only a carrier of consciousness.

Of course, the loss of part of the memory can be regarded as accidental damage to the consciousness, as long as the core integrity of the personality has not changed, so it can be ignored.

It is true that the body of Immortal Marsh is cloned, but his consciousness is still the original consciousness. Only after he has used up one body, will he activate the next one. In reality, his consciousness is unique, so he can be defined for himself.

Having an inexhaustible body is equivalent to having eternal life.

For the immortal mash who was shot, he was indeed dead, but for the original immortal mash himself, what died was only one of its branches, which is no different from the death of some cells when he sneezed.

At most, when preserving self-awareness, a few days of memory data was accidentally lost.

In addition to these debates about whether cyborgization can achieve immortality, many people think that any idea of ​​pursuing immortality is ridiculous, after all, real immortality cannot be achieved in the real world.

They believe that you are another person who wakes up every morning, just copying or inheriting the consciousness of the person from yesterday, which leads to today’s you thinking that you are still the person from yesterday, but you are no longer.

"Because in the process of copying or inheriting, more or less memory data will be lost, and anything that happens during the period will change yourself, making you now have a completely different way of thinking and even personality from ten years ago. Change, too!" they said.

In the same way, the experience of waking up in the morning after the backup in "Copy" is restored is the same.

If two backups were restored, that's two of you waking up in the morning.

Everyone thinks they were the same person they were yesterday, but whether you admit it or not, you are changing and dying a little bit every day.

Therefore, the so-called eternal life is a false proposition, and the pursuit of eternal life is meaningless.

People who hold this point of view are neither against nor enthusiastic about cyborgization. They believe that when the technological level has been reached, they should use it freely. All the debates and worries caused by cyborg technology are unnecessary. , are all ridiculous and worrying behaviors.

After all, they believe that the real immortality that human beings can achieve is to find a way to pass on their own spirit.

For most people, they pay more attention to the difference between cyborgization and the cloning immortality technology in "Duplicate". As soon as they came up, they directly started from the level of consciousness, and realized the consciousness preservation and replication technology that even mew star technology could not do, but the progress in human cyborgization was slow..."

Someone immediately retorted: "This is the background setting of the TV. If the cyborg technology is also developed, then we won't see so many conflicts!"

No matter how heated the debate on this clinical trial on the Internet is, the plan of the Meow Star Laboratory is still going on as scheduled, but the relevant waiver letter still has to be signed. Even if the laboratory has 100% confidence in its own technology, they There are no legal issues left, either.

Even though the cyborgization surgery cannot replace the human brain with an electronic brain, it still attracts the attention of many big shots. They can indeed prolong their lifespan and keep the body youthful by relying on anti-aging medicine, but the use of this medicine The older the patient, the worse the effect becomes.

In the end, one day, they may find that the anti-aging medicine loses its effect, and then the genetic immortality pathway will not work. Therefore, driven by the idea of ​​​​preparing for a rainy day, these people also showed great interest in cyborg technology.

Because the human brain is the organ with the slowest aging rate in the body, the elderly usually suffer from amnesia and various diseases. Most of the cases are dragged down by the aging body. Until death, our brain can still have normal function.

So when the Meow Star Group announced that it was possible to transplant human brains into cyborg bodies, those big shots thought more. They thought that it should be possible to transplant brains into cloned bodies, which is equivalent to a longer lifespan.

As an experimental subject, the young man is of course more concerned about the development of this kind of technology. After signing the release letter, he hurriedly flew from Bald Eagle to Pengcheng. After all, the onset of ALS is very painful. family, otherwise it will basically die soon.

Now that he finally got the clinical trial opportunity of Meow Star Technology, why don't he come here quickly, does he want to wait at home to die?
As a guinea pig experiment subject, all his expenses are naturally exempted, even the air ticket is provided by the Meow Star Group, and there are specialized personnel responsible for all the eating, drinking and drinking. This kind of treatment is more comfortable than him at home.

"By the way, what kind of body should we provide him?" Qin Hua asked.

Zhao Baibing laughed and said, "What other body is there? Of course it is the mechanical body of Computer Angel. Could it be that we still have to clone his body?"

If it is a biologically cloned body, then the stem cells of the experimental body must be collected first, and then genetically modified to eliminate the disease. Things will become quite complicated and troublesome. It will not be able to be done in a short time, at least a few months.

But if it is replaced with a machine body, many things will be very simple. It is so simple that there are more than a dozen different types of bodies available in the Meow Star Laboratory, among which Qin Hua has many special forces mechanical bodies that can be used.

Qin Hua was a little annoyed, and said angrily: "Of course I know it's a mechanical body, but is it appropriate to use it for someone else's computer angel's body?"

Zhao Baibing was very upset when he heard others say bad things about his computer angel, so he wanted to refute a few words, but was stopped by the bald man beside him.

"Stop arguing! Why are you arguing over such a trivial matter?" Li Maoye decided on the spot: "Whatever is convenient, since he has come to Pengcheng to wait for the operation, let's finish the matter quickly!"

In the end, I still need a computer angel from Zhao Baibing, and then modify and adjust it on the basis of the above, at least to ensure the survival of the brain of the experimental subject, and to implant a biochip in the brain to realize the brain. Freedom to control the cyborg body.

The Meow Star Laboratory has made great progress in the research of the human brain. At present, it has been able to take out the brain and preserve it, so that the brain is still active in the bottle, but the price is a bit high. The money spent every day is enough to re-clon several bodies. came out to use.

In addition, it is also very unfriendly to the brain that is put in the bottle. After all, after losing all external signals, the whole person seems to be locked in a small dark room without any light source.

You can’t hear or see anything. If the time is too long, it is easy to go wrong. More than three days will cause mental illness in the brain.

Only by first implanting a biochip into the brain, and then providing external signals through the biochip, can a real "brain in a vat" be created.


The experimental subject was a young bald eagle. Three days ago, he got off the plane and came directly to the headquarters building of Big Meow Star.

Accompanied by his parents, he was sent to the meeting room by a computer angel in a wheelchair, where he signed a series of authorization documents, and after confirming that there was no problem under the witness of a lawyer, he couldn't wait to request a clinical trial.

Zhao Baibing turned on the holographic computer display screen in front of the young man, then pointed to the computer angel that was exactly the same as the experimental body and said: "This is your future body. The carbon nano-bionic skin will be the same as the real skin. It will have temperature and temperature." Sweat, but these sweats are actually water used to cool down, and don't have any smell!"

In fact, bionic skin is better than human skin, and it can almost be called perfect. Unless it needs to be specially customized, it will not have scars and moles, and it will not appear wrinkles due to aging.

"In addition, in order to protect your brain, we will not put it in the head. After all, there is a life support system for the brain, so it should be placed in the chest cavity of the body."

The life support system is not complicated, but it must ensure stable operation. Even if an accident occurs, the brain must be protected as much as possible, so it is the most suitable place to put it in the chest.

As for the eyeballs and ears, these are cyborgized mechanical components, which naturally have more powerful functions than humans. Even if an accident occurs, they can be replaced at any time, so the original ones will not be used.

Only the important organ of Ding Ding is different...
(End of this chapter)

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