Chapter 269 All kinds of life

After Bai Yunfei ate a flying spirit fish, he immediately felt more energetic, and the feeling of hunger was also swept away.

But after he finished eating the spirit fish, he suddenly thought of another spirit fish, but this fish was let go because of his carelessness.

Originally there were two spirit fishes, one for him and senior sister Gongsun was just right, but now that one was released for him and the other was eaten by him, senior sister Gongsun couldn't eat it anymore.

Thinking of this, Bai Yunfei couldn't help blaming himself, but it was useless, after all, the released fish had already flown away, and there was no way it would fly back.

However, he still said apologetically to Gongsun Ju: "Senior Sister Gongsun, I'm sorry, it's all because I was too careless to let that little fish fly."

Originally, when Gongsunju saw the fish flying away, she felt very sorry, after all, it was not easy for her to catch these two fish.

It's just that now seeing Bai Yunfei's heartbroken expression, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she immediately comforted Bai Yunfei: "Junior Brother Yunfei, it's okay, I'll grab two more and bring them up."

"Senior Sister Gongsun, it's a pity that I don't know how to swim, otherwise I'd catch it with you." Bai Yunfei immediately sighed and said.

"Junior Brother Yunfei, why don't you know how to swim? How about I teach you how to do it?" Gongsunju felt a little strange when Bai Yunfei said that he couldn't swim. She didn't expect Bai Yun A big man like Fei can't swim, so he said immediately.

"Okay, Senior Sister Gongsun, it would be great if you could teach me how to swim." Bai Yunfei said immediately, he was envious when he saw people who knew how to swim, but now someone taught him how to swim, of course he wished for it up.

"Junior Brother Yunfei, take off your clothes first." Seeing Bai Yunfei's excited expression, Gongsun Ju was also infected by him, so she also said with high spirits.

After Bai Yunfei heard Senior Sister Gongsun's order, he immediately took off his coat, and Gongsun Ju didn't look away, because there was no need for it, after all, he had to teach Junior Brother Yunfei to swim later!

So not only did Gongsunju not avoid his gaze, but he also enjoyed admiring Bai Yunfei's muscular muscles and moderately fat and thin figure.

After Bai Yunfei took off his clothes, he didn't know what to do?Because he saw such deep water, he was afraid.

Gongsun Ju had no choice but to enlighten Bai Yunfei and said: "Junior Brother Yunfei, don't be afraid, it's like practicing martial arts, only by breaking through psychological barriers can one go to the next level.

When Bai Yunfei heard what Gongsun Ju said, he mustered up his courage immediately, and indeed there was nothing to be afraid of.

So Bai Yunfei immediately plucked up the courage to jump into the water, but he couldn't swim, and he didn't know how to balance his body in the water, so he sank as soon as he jumped into the water, and he drank several big sips of water in a row.

When Gongsunju saw that Bai Yunfei jumped in like this, she immediately acted recklessly. She didn't expect that Bai Yunfei would dive when he said diving, and she wasn't ready to teach him yet.

So, Gongsunju jumped into the water quickly, and then picked up Bai Yunfei. After being picked up, Bai Yunfei was already full of water, and he almost passed out.

When Gongsunju saw this situation, she felt angry and funny. She didn't expect that, she just said a word, and Junior Brother Yunfei couldn't wait to jump into the water. There was no time to prepare. Even the most basic Some things to pay attention to, the method of breathing is not clear yet, so he jumped into the water blindly, this junior brother Yunfei is really too impatient.

So Gongsunju quickly asked Bai Yunfei to spit out the water in his stomach, and after he recovered a little, he asked, "Junior Brother Yunfei, do you still want to learn now?"

"Learn, Senior Sister Gongsun, why don't you learn! I was a little impatient just now, and I will go into the water with Senior Sister Gongsun later." Bai Yunfei said immediately.

Seeing that Bai Yunfei didn't give up because of the setback that almost killed him just now, Gongsun Ju couldn't help nodding. Of course, as long as Junior Brother Yunfei is willing to learn, she will definitely be able to teach Junior Brother Yunfei to swim. After all, this kind of thing is comparable to practicing martial arts. It's much easier, and once you get the hang of swimming, it's not that difficult at all.

Therefore, Gongsun Ju immediately said to Bai Yunfei: "Junior Brother Yunfei, now we can go into the water together."

After Gongsunju finished speaking, he immediately walked into the water holding Bai Yunfei's hand.

This time, with Gongsun Ju leading him, Bai Yunfei didn't sink immediately like last time, but was pulled by Gongsun Ju, and floated on the surface of the water.

Then, Gongsunju taught Bai Yunfei how to hold his breath in the water, how to paddle, etc., and then demonstrated it himself.

Bai Yunfei was originally a very smart person. Under Gongsun Ju's hands-on teaching, he quickly mastered the relevant knowledge of swimming, and then practiced step by step under Gongsun Ju's gaze.

Therefore, in less than an hour, Bai Yunfei had fully mastered the knowledge of swimming, and was able to hold back in the water for a long time. Of course, this ability to hold back the water was mainly due to Wu Xiu's breathing method.

Because martial arts can breathe internally, therefore, Wu Xiu's ability to hold his breath in the water is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

After Bai Yunfei learned how to swim, he immediately dived into the water with Gongsunju to catch the spirit fish, but this time they didn't find a single spirit fish even though they searched in the water for a long time.

Therefore, Bai Yunfei and Gongsunju had no choice but to get out of the water. Looking at the time again, it was already noon. They didn't expect to stay in this river for a whole morning, but this morning was very important for Bai Yunfei. Pretty big gain.

During this morning, he not only ate a rare spirit fish, but also learned to swim, which really benefited him a lot.

After Bai Yunfei and Gongsun Ju got ashore, they quickly put on their clothes, and then walked back.

It didn't take much time, in about twenty minutes, Bai Yunfei and Gongsun Ju came back.

However, what surprised them was that Shan Kaihuai and the six of them were still waiting here, and they didn't even go to other places to play.

That's right, after all, they are all penniless now, where can they go to play.

What's more, they haven't eaten yet. They originally planned to stay at Senior Sister Gongsun's place. No matter how bad they are, they can get two meals. However, they didn't expect Senior Sister Gongsun and Bai Yunfei to go out for a whole morning, and they didn't come back until now. .

Seeing them like this, Bai Yunfei knew that these people hadn't eaten, but after Bai Yunfei ate the spirit fish, he didn't feel any hunger at all.

Now Bai Yunfei looked at Shan Kaihuai and the six of them and didn't know what to say, after all, Bai Yunfei didn't have a penny on him, so he couldn't help them much.

In the end, it was Gongsunju who showed mercy and gave each of them a gold coin, so they can live a basic life for a few days.

So, after Shan Kaihuai and the others got a gold coin each, they immediately left here, and Bai Yunfei guessed that they should go somewhere to get food.

Indeed, Bai Yunfei's guess was right, they had indeed gone to get food.

Not long after the six of them walked out, Zhang Dafu proposed to go to a restaurant for dinner. Except for Shanxi, these people immediately agreed, because they were already very hungry, so they really wanted to have a good meal.

However, Shan Kaihuai disagreed with life and death, and in the end Shan Kaihuai had no choice but to walk away alone when persuasion failed, and he did not walk with Zhang Dafu and the others again.

After all, Shan Kaihuai was detained by the restaurant once, and now he doesn't want to experience that feeling anymore, but since he can't stop the rest of the people, he has no choice but to let them go.

Shan Kaihuai's heart is also extremely complicated now, he is becoming more and more jealous of Bai Yunfei, and he also feels that Bai Yunfei's life is too good.

Why does Senior Sister Gongsun like Bai Yunfei so much, but not him?When Shan Kaihuai thought of this question, he felt a little irritable.

However, he just couldn't figure it out in his heart, and he was a little unbalanced, and he couldn't change anything.

It's just that he can't borrow gold coins now, and he can't cultivate that alchemy skill, but there is no way to do it. It's better to get something to satisfy his hunger now.

It's just that he only has one gold coin, what should he buy to eat?

Shan Kaihuai didn't know, after all, he was not very familiar with the world of Lingdanshe. For the past two days, he had been soaking in the library, but because of the lack of gold coins, the most basic cultivation skill of Dandian magic skill I haven't even learned the law.

Shan Kaihuai regretted it when he thought of this, but there was nothing he could do without money.

However, Shan Kaihuai was not discouraged, he had to find a way to make money, but he didn't know much about this world, and he didn't know what to do to get money.

So, Shan Kaihuai immediately walked towards a town, he wanted to find someone to ask what he could do to get the money.

However, when he came to this town, he saw that these people came and went in a hurry, and he didn't know who to ask this question.

However, he found a bun shop, so Shan Kaihuai immediately walked over.

You know, Shan Kaihuai ate at that restaurant with Bai Yunfei the day before yesterday, and he hasn't eaten yet.

Therefore, when Shan Kaihuai saw the steamed stuffed bun shop, he was overjoyed immediately. After all, he only had one gold coin on him, so of course he had to spend it.

If he used up all the gold coins, he would have no place to borrow money, and if he went to Senior Sister Gongsun, he might not be able to borrow any money, and he would be stared at.

Therefore, Shan Kaihuai now saves as much as he can.

After Shan Kaihuai came to the steamed stuffed bun shop, he immediately asked about the price. Fifty copper coins for a steamed bun was not expensive, so Shan Kaihuai immediately bought ten steamed buns for five hundred copper coins, and then ate them with the boiled water in the shop.

After Shan opened his arms and filled his stomach, he would feel much more energetic, and then he walked towards the central square of the town.

Moreover, as soon as he came to the central square of this town, he immediately saw a large circle of people surrounded by a huge sign, so Shan Kaihuai also walked over, wanting to see what these people were doing around .

 Good night friends!

(End of this chapter)

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