Start with a Siheyuan

Chapter 216 8 years

Chapter 216 80s
Li Lang just received a call from Cai Xiaoli.

He said that in Dajing City, a Piaoxiangxiang milk tea shop suddenly appeared in the name of selling milk tea.

He has only started making milk tea for more than a month.

How come there are competitors so soon.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoming's eyes lit up for a while.

He would like to see who is so bold as to open a milk tea shop under the condition that he has registered a patent.

The 80s was the era when various commodities flooded into the market.

Manufacturing is just in vogue in this era.

It was against this background that Li Lang decided to stake all his 4 yuan plus the interest-free loan from the commercial loan system.

Just when he took out the interest-free loan of 5000 yuan, the system issued a task for him with a ding.

Within one month, opened a milk tea factory and successfully made a profit.

With the habit and experience of opening twelve milk tea shops in the previous three months, this time, Li Lang became calm and unhurried when he opened a milk tea factory in one month.

Before looking for the factory site, he had to figure out what was going on in the milk tea shop.

"Li Lang, in the past few days, Taozi has found several shops selling milk tea when he was selling goods."

As soon as she arrived at the milk tea shop of Huajing University, Cai Xiaoli said with uneasy eyes.

"Yeah, I think their taste is a little bit worse, but the price is [-] cents cheaper than ours."

Cai Xiaoli's arithmetic made him very clear about his position.

As the boss of the industry, however, he didn't show the pomp that a boss should have.

However, this is just the eyes of others.

Li Lang is not such a master who allows others to dominate him.

For this kind of thing, he was still a little worried about letting Taozi run errands.

He wanted to control the whole process.

Therefore, he can only personally do the research.

It just so happened that he, a student who graduated from economics, was very good at research.

An ordinary milk tea shop in Zhengyangmen.

Li Lang took the initiative to bring Wang Qiang over for milk tea.

In his opinion, it is a matter of market research, but in Wang Qiang's eyes, it is an extremely romantic matter.

When Wang Qiang was a child, she and Li Lang traveled across Beihai Park in a boat.

It's just that the childhood sweetheart love bloomed more wonderfully when the two grew up.

"Waiter, your milk tea doesn't taste right. Didn't you drink it?"

Li Lang took a sip of the milk tea, and when he thought about it, his forehead began to frown.

"Sir, this is what our milk tea tastes like."

The waiter smiled and directly regarded Li Lang as an ordinary customer.

"No, I've had the milk tea from the Piaoxiangxiang milk tea shop, and the taste is definitely better than this."

"Sorry, the milk tea in our store uses the most authentic raw materials, which is completely comparable to Piaoxiangxiang milk tea."

"Have you ever drank Piaoxiangxiang milk tea?"

"I'm sorry, we're a Piaoxiang milk tea shop here."

The waiter looked at Li Lang impatiently.

"I'm talking about the Piaoxiangxiang milk tea shop. I've been to that one before, and it's inside the campus of Huajing University."

"Hello, customer, we don't know these things, and I can't give you specific answers."

"Who is your store manager, can I ask him?"


The beautiful waitress paused for a while, but didn't intend to continue.

At this moment, Li Lang had already counted the number of people who came in to drink milk tea in his mind.

In just half an hour, the number of people drinking milk tea exceeded ten people.

According to this pure mathematical analysis, Li Lang got a very accurate result at once.

The daily turnover of this milk tea shop has directly exceeded the ranks of the daily income of [-] yuan.

He only needs to make up for some areas that need to be made up, and he can guarantee the hope of long-term profitability.

"Li Lang, I seem to have heard that Cheng Qianli is busy starting a business recently. Have you heard about him?"

Li Lang was thinking about these small milk tea shops, and he didn't care about what Wang Qiang said at all.

"Entrepreneurship, that guy has only this kind of virtue. It seems that whether he starts a business or not has nothing to do with us."

"I've heard him say before that he's going to do something about milk tea."

"Really, no wonder that guy has been sneaking around lately, as if he was afraid that others would find out his secret."

"A few days ago, he took the initiative to invite me to visit the milk tea shop he opened. I remember he said it was in this area."

Wang Qiang had already given Li Lang a very clear signal.

The competitor of making milk tea is Cheng Qianli.

Immediately, Li Lang became a little puzzled.

Why do you want to do this business after a long journey?

He obviously has a very comfortable job in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

In the mid-80s, the state had promulgated a decree prohibiting leading cadres from providing convenience for their spouses and children to run businesses.

Cheng Qianli was also a well-connected section chief in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau at any rate.

It even inspired the idea of ​​going to sea to sell milk tea.

The only explanation was that he wanted to surpass Li Lang and stop being discriminated against.

Li Lang, who came through time, thought about it.

As the saying goes, shopping malls are like battlefields, even if Cheng Qianli is his own child.

Li Lang would never be merciful.

This time, Li Lang wanted to teach those who coveted his career a painful lesson.

Let that Cheng Qianli retreat in the face of difficulties.

"Li Lang, what's wrong with you today, you don't look as sweet as before."

Wang Qiang looked at Li Lang for a while.

Some of his thoughts finally turned into a smile that a man should have.

Cheng Qianli had discovered the existence of Wang Qiang and Li Lang at this time.

He was just sitting in a small noodle shop opposite, and kept looking at the backs of these two figures he was very familiar with.

Although he hasn't made as much money as Li Lang, there is no problem with saving a few hundred dollars in his hands at the moment.

When he opened this milk tea shop, he had already calculated the whole process.

He uses the overnight milk that can be bought in this market, and the tea is also the most common kind.

As long as these things are not discovered, no one will know about him.

And he himself has such a group of friends from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

It is easy to deal with them.

"Piaoxiang milk tea, the name is really good."

Thinking of this idea, he couldn't help feeling excited inside.

"Tch, didn't you just buy a motorcycle? I'll make money in the future, so it's not bad to buy a big Benz to drive."

He has a brilliant career and is not subject to criticism from other courtyard people in the courtyard.

Cheng Qianli's life map is about to take off, at least that's how he thinks at the moment.

Calculate the income of the three milk tea shops at the moment, 320 yuan.

Adding in everyone's salaries, he would have earned 200 yuan for this day.

In another ten days and a half months, he will be able to buy a motorcycle that is more handsome than Li Lang and roam the entire Zhengyangmen Street.Back to the milk tea shop.

Li Lang started to ask Cai Xiaoli to contact him about the location of the factory.

When encountering various errands, such as buying machines for producing milk tea and purchasing various raw materials, he handed over all of them to Taozi.

The whole Li Lang's milk tea empire is spreading like a raging fire.

The time to truly establish his image of the milk tea empire has not yet come.

Right now, he's just laying the groundwork.

Piaoxiang milk tea shop.

Cheng Qianli crossed his legs and ate the noodles proudly.

Like a spring breeze, warm and gentle.

His mentality these days can be described as complacent.

The income of hundreds of dollars a day was something he never imagined when he was receiving his salary at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

If it wasn't for a chance to drink milk tea from Piaoxiangxiang milk tea shop, Cheng Qianli would not have put his mind on it at all.

At that time, it was only a colleague of Cheng Qianli from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau who had received a small gift because he had made a lot of money in the stocks that had just started to gain momentum, and he was invited by this colleague.

This cup of milk tea that changed the trajectory of his life came at just the right time.

Because not long ago, he once watched Fa Xiao riding a motorcycle in Donglazi Hutong.

This, this is the most intolerable thing for him.

You can lose your head, but you can't lose face. With this foreign jealousy, Cheng Qianli began to think about milk tea.

Milk tea Milk tea is just milk and tea mixed together in proportion.

He estimated the approximate cost.

What he never expected was that such an unremarkable business of selling milk tea turned out to be a huge profit.

If he can get the formula of Piaoxiangxiang milk tea, it means he has got a gold mine, and the wealth in it will continue to flow.

After much deliberation, the most feasible way is to touch the defecation on the spot.

Just like Li Lang brought Wang Qiang over for milk tea this time.

However, what Cheng Qianli couldn't figure out was why Li Lang came here to drink his milk tea instead of going to his own milk tea shop.

Is it just because it is close to the residential area?

When he first got the real information of the owner of the milk tea shop from Wang Huahua, who sells milk tea, his whole expression was dull, his eyes were surprised, and his thoughts were wandering.

How did an outcast from society who couldn't be accepted after entering several factories find a job in selling milk tea in such a short period of time, and quickly accumulated wealth.

A secret, or an opportunity.

Cheng Qianli seemed to be on a stimulant, unable to sleep all night.

"Oh, it's terrible, it's terrible."

Early in the morning, Meng Xing, who came from the market, said to Li Lang's mother in a very surprised tone.

"Second aunt, something serious happened."

"What a big deal, it's a surprise."

Li Lang's mother sighed.

Ever since Li Lang had a serious job, he left Meng Xing by his mother's side and took care of her errands.

"The two milk tea shops in our market were closed down by a group of blue uniforms early in the morning."

"After closing two milk tea shops, why should I be surprised?"

Li Lang's mother glanced at Meng Xing.

Since she entered this door, she found that Meng Xing still had many problems.

"The point is, I heard that these two milk tea shops were opened by our neighbor Cheng Qianli."

Meng Xing put down the vegetable basket and gestured.

"That Cheng Qianli was also there at the time, with an innocent expression on his face."

"This kid is no longer in the Industry and Commerce Bureau, so why was he banned by the people from the Industry and Commerce Bureau?"

Li Lang's mother looked puzzled when she happened to meet Grandma Wang Qiang rushing to Cheng Qianli's house with a cattail fan in her hand.

"Auntie, what are you doing in such a hurry, watch your feet."

"Oh, it's terrible, our neighbor Cheng's Ada and his son Cheng Qianli have been arrested, we have to go and inform their family."

The old lady turned around and walked over quickly.

"I said, grandma, you'd better not go there, I guess the news has already been heard there."

"Yeah, then I'll go and have a look."

The old lady turned left and right and finally decided to visit their house.

After reporting the little secret.

Meng Xing looked at Li Lang with a smug expression.

"I said Second Aunt, do I have more important information to report to you?"

"You brat, what important information can you report to me?"

"Is it important or not? You can decide for yourself. It's about our Brother Li Lang."

When Meng Xing mentioned brother Li Lang, Li Ma's heart jumped up.

"Tell me, what happened, what did Li Lang do again?"

Li's mother naturally connected Cheng Qianli's arrest with Li Xiaoming's matter, and there was a pet relationship between the two.

"I heard someone say that all the milk tea shops in Dajing City are opened by the fifth son of Li's family in Donglazi Hutong."

"Then, then Li Lang should be fine."

"Second Aunt, it's okay. Everyone has already said that Brother Li Lang is running the business with integrity. As for the journey, I don't know the specific reason."

After being told by Meng Xing, Li Lang's mother felt as if she had tied a knot.

On the one hand, he was surprised, and on the other hand, he was worried about the safety of his son.

If something happened to Li Lang, how could she be worthy of her dead husband.


Li Lang returned home as usual.

This time.

Something happened that he never expected.

Everyone in the whole family is here.

Li Lang's eldest brother, second brother, eldest sister, second sister, and Li Lang's mother sat aside.

Everyone looked at Li Lang in unison.

"Tell me, what have you been doing recently?"

Before Li Lang could catch his breath, his elder brother asked impatiently.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, why did Cheng Qianli, the old Cheng family in our neighborhood, get arrested?"

"Yes, I was arrested early in the morning at the gate of the market store, I can testify."

Meng Xing stood up without losing the opportunity and said.

"It's possible to be reported, what's the big deal."

Li Lang spoke as if he didn't take this matter seriously.

"Li Lang, don't be too big on your heart, or you will make mistakes and take detours."

Sister Li Lang comforted her.

"Understood, elder sister, I will figure out my affairs myself."

Li Lang was about to go back to his room.

Unexpectedly, his elder brother shouted.

"Stop, I haven't finished my question yet, I want to leave so soon, don't you take my big brother seriously."

Brother Li Lang roared while sitting upright.

"If you have any questions, just ask. I'm still in a hurry to get a good night's sleep after dinner."

"Okay, since you're so direct, I'll be more straightforward. Let me ask you, what does the milk tea shop we opened in Dajing have to do with you?"

When asked this question suddenly, Li Lang's eyes widened into smiles. Someone must have leaked the news.

Fortunately, his adaptability is the strongest among them.

"Oh, that's it. I own all the milk tea shops in Dajing City."

(End of this chapter)

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