Start with a Siheyuan

Chapter 206 It's Just Nonsense

Chapter 206 It's Just Nonsense
Professor Wang frowned: "I also saw this news from yesterday's "Yanjing Daily". These people are simply nonsense."

"Professor, as far as I know, although the restaurant called Juyou has opened, the business license has not yet been issued."

"I know someone who runs a restaurant. He did speculative things before and was expelled from his unit."

"Unexpectedly, he is now starting a business again, destroying the path of our country's socialist economic development, it is too hateful."

"Xiao Cheng, I'm writing a review article on the matter of opening a restaurant by myself. If you also want to contribute to the country's economic development, I will give you a suggestion..."

After talking for more than half an hour, Cheng Qianli walked out of Professor Wang's house.

The expression on his face no longer had the anger and disappointment brought about by yesterday's incident, but was a little more smug.


Cai Xiaoli and Huzi arrived at Juyou Restaurant after two o'clock this afternoon.

They came here in the name of Cengfan, who knew that Li Lang had captured the young man and set up a shed in the restaurant yard.

It was raining lightly today, and if there was nothing on the roof of the courtyard to keep out the rain, we would not be able to set up tables for dinner in the courtyard, and the capacity of the restaurant would be reduced by a quarter.

This is a great loss for a hard-to-find friend.So after lunch, Li Lang mobilized everyone to build a shed.

Li Lang's eldest brother and second brother are also here.

They are here for work.

At the insistence of his wife, Li Chunsong has been decided to resign from his work unit and join Juyou Restaurant.

Li Chunsheng knew that his capable brother would definitely not treat him badly, so he also decided to resign from his work unit and become a member of the restaurant.

Li Lang handed over the purchasing work to his two elder brothers so that Meng Xing could concentrate on learning cooking.

There is great power in numbers.Before four o'clock in the afternoon, the shed was set up.

Li Lang talked with Huzi and Cai Xiaoli in the wing room.

"The trend I told Cheng Qianli yesterday was not to scare him. Reform and opening up is the general trend, and the liberalization of self-employment is also the general trend."

"If you want to live a good life in the future and become a master, you must give up the stable life you are used to and join the wave of business."

"I want to ask you two, do you have this idea?" Hu Zi immediately expressed his opinion: "Li Lang, I trust your eyes, your eyes. Tell me, what, how... how to do it."

Without even thinking about it, Cai Xiaoli blurted out: "Li Lang, what do you want me to do, I'll listen to you."

Li Lang: "Okay. My idea is that Huzi will open a bakery and Xiaoli will open a clothing store."

"I pay for [-]% of the money. You are responsible for the actual operation and account for [-]%."

"Huzi, I will teach you the recipes and techniques of various breads. Xiao Li, I will design clothes for you."

"I will also formulate a complete development plan for you. You just need to do what I say, and you can definitely make a lot of money quickly."

"Because the country has not fully liberalized the individual economy, we will not sign any agreement. I trust you two. I don't know what you think?"

Li Lang really believed in Huzi and Cai Xiaoli.Even if the two of them betrayed him later, he didn't care.

In this day and age, opportunities to make money are everywhere.If the two of them really did something unkind and unrighteous, and lost Li Lang's support, they would also lose.

Huzi: "Done, done."

Cai Xiaoli: "I am willing."

Li Lang: "Very good. But, you don't have to rush to resign."

"Huzi, I'll compile a batch of bread-making materials for you, and let me know when you learn it."

"Xiao Li, opening a clothing store is a little more troublesome. I can design clothes myself, but production is a problem. Your task now is to find a factory willing to produce clothes for us through various channels. If you find the right one, talk If you don't come down, tell me."


Li Lang stretched out his hand, Cai Xiaoli immediately held his palm, Huzi's hand followed suit.

"Happy cooperation." The three said in unison.


On Monday, Cheng Qianli went to the telephone room outside the school and called the office of the director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

"Hello, is this Director Zheng?"


"I have a situation to report to you. The Juyou Restaurant in Shuangdong Hutong, XC District is self-employed, but it opened without a business license. I request your bureau to deal with it seriously."

"Comrade, I solemnly tell you that Juyou Restaurant was opened with the approval of our Industry and Commerce Bureau."

"Director, I would like to ask you, why is Jufriend Restaurant able to open without a business license? If you don't take this matter seriously, I will complain to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce."

"Let me tell you again, the opening of Juyou Restaurant was approved by our industry and commerce bureau. I don't want to say the same thing a third time."

"Okay, I will complain to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce immediately."

Today, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce has received several calls about the problem of gathering friends restaurants.

And it was the third call that Director Zheng answered in person.

The person who reported the situation just now said that he wanted to file a complaint with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Director Zheng was not afraid of this, because it meant that Li Lang's gathering of friends became the first self-employed pilot.

However, the person who reported the situation just now was right. It is indeed against the regulations to open a business without a business license.

Director Zheng had previously considered that the country's top officials were still vacillating about the liberalization of self-employment.

The General Administration did not make it clear whether it is possible to apply for an individual business license, but just let Director Zheng play by ear.

In desperation, Director Zheng instructed Director Ye of the Chengxi Branch to let Li Lang open the business without a license, and wait for the reaction from above.

As a result, there was no movement at all.And no response is the best response.

But just now, Cheng Qianli said on the phone that he would go to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce to complain about the violation of the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, which made Director Zheng a little worried.

"Since you complained about my illegal operation, then I will make the violation normal."

Director Zheng decided to apply for a business license for Li Lang's restaurant in advance.Do it today.

Director Ye of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Chengxi District, after receiving a call from Director Zheng of the Municipal Bureau, immediately called the subordinate in charge of the business license to the office.

"In any case, we must complete the business license of Juyou Restaurant today."

"Don't worry, Chief, I'll do it right away."

The staff member of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau immediately took the relevant documents, rode a bicycle, and galloped away to Juyou Restaurant.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the staff of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came to Li Lang with a stack of documents and asked him to sign a few names on the documents.

Then, Li Lang took over the business license of Juyou Restaurant from the staff in surprise.

"Comrade, I am very moved by your attitude of doing practical things for the people. Thank you. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I have to go back to the bureau. Let's go."

"You go slowly. Goodbye."

Civil servants in this era, in order to apply for a license, even came here on purpose.Li Lang couldn't help feeling that these people's public servants were really respectable and cute.

What he didn't know was that he was able to get the business license so quickly, thanks to brother Cheng Qianli.

After Cheng Qianli called the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce, he called the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

The staff of the General Administration told him that they would immediately investigate what he reported.

After doing such a big thing, Cheng Qianli was in a good mood, and rode over to Li Lang's restaurant on purpose to see if it would be shut down today.

As a result, he saw dozens of people holding umbrellas at the door of Juyou, waiting in line for dinner? .

"Do you know? I went into the restaurant just now and looked. This restaurant has a business license."

"Really? Brother Wang saw it when he came to eat yesterday. Didn't he say he didn't have a license?"

"I am not sure as well."


The conversation between the two people next to him was overheard by Cheng Qianli.

He put down the umbrella in his hand and looked up at the sky.

The cold rain fell on his face, he didn't care, his hands clenched into fists, trembling... Yesterday, Meng Xing brought his younger sister Meng Xiaozao to the city and became a kitchen handyman in Juyou Restaurant little sister.

Meng Xing became one of Li Lang's apprentices, helping him while learning cooking skills.

Li Lang taught her everything, not afraid of teaching Meng Xing as an apprentice, but afraid that she would learn slowly.

The second sister, Li Chunyan, is in charge of all work related to money.

Two days before the opening, her accounts were in a mess, and Li Lang had to spend time teaching him modern accounting methods, various forms, income and expenditure details...

Li Lang also bought a Texas Instruments calculator for her to use.

Li Chunyan's bookkeeping efficiency has skyrocketed, and Li Lang can understand the recorded accounts...

The Gathering Friends restaurant is full of seats every day, and people queuing outside the courtyard to eat gather together, which has become a scene in Shuangdong Hutong.

Restaurants consume a lot of ingredients.Two brothers, Li Chunsong and Li Chunsheng, are either purchasing or on the way to purchase.

About half of the restaurant's customers are diners who have been conquered by Li Lang's cooking skills.

The other half was mainly attracted by the title of "the first self-employed restaurant in China".

Those who want to do business by themselves can only feel at ease in their hearts and strengthen their determination to do business only if they come to this "first restaurant" to see and eat.

Li Lang's restaurant is private, and he has made money.Yu Gong, he has become a role model for self-employment, and has inspired many people who want to start their own businesses to take the first step.

It can be said that he has contributed a lot to the development of the individual economy of the motherland.

After the first week of Juyou's opening, Li Lang did the calculations, and the net profit was as high as more than 100 yuan.

This afternoon, after the lunch market was over, Li Lang gathered everyone together for a meeting, and specially called his mother over from home.

"In the past few days, everyone has been very busy and must be very tired. What I want to say is that your efforts are not meaningless and worthwhile."

"Because you are not only the employees of the restaurant, but also the bosses here."

Li Lang's brothers, sisters, and two cousins ​​looked at each other, not understanding what Li Lang meant.

"You heard me right, everyone here is the owner of the restaurant. Because I decided that everyone can get the dividends from the restaurant at the end of the year."

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Big Sister, Second Sister, the dividend for each of you is 5% of the net profit."

"Xing, Xiaozao, your dividend is 3%."

"Ah. I'm so happy. Brother Wu, I want to cry, what should I do?"

Meng Xing cried out in excitement, and then he didn't want to cry, but really cried out.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, even if you don't get together with me in the future, you're still a dear brother who's closer than my father. Hehehe..."

Meng Xing was like crazy, crying and laughing.

No one here laughed at Meng Xing.They were also very excited. Although they didn't cry like Meng Xing exaggeratedly, they all laughed until their eyes narrowed into a line.

The eldest brother who used to be very dignified at home is no exception.

Although they don't know the specific profit of this restaurant, they know a general idea.

A 5% dividend, after a year, can be distributed to thousands of yuan.

Thousands of dollars.

Even if you don't have enough meat tickets, you can eat meat every meal.

Mother Li looked at these children with a smile, the wrinkles on her face faded, and she looked like she was ten years younger.

Seeing a harmonious family, loving each other, and a successful career is the greatest comfort for a mother.

Meng Xing: "Brother Wu, did you forget about Second Aunt?"

Mother Li smiled and said, "Xing, I didn't love you for nothing."

Li Lang glared at Meng Xing: "You are stupid. Isn't my money my mother's money?"


After everyone calmed down, Li Lang continued: "I'm done talking happily, let me say something serious."

"One, about how much money the restaurant makes, whether you know it or not, you must not talk about it. Especially you, Xing. You must control your mouth. If you make others jealous, you will always cause unnecessary troubles .”

"Second, I declare that from now on, Second Sister will be the manager of Juyou Restaurant. When I'm away, Second Sister will decide everything about the restaurant."

"Three, at work, if you don't obey my arrangement, or do something that violates the restaurant's rules and regulations, no matter who it is, you will be punished and fired."

"At that time, I will never show any affection. Even if I ask my mother to make peace, it will not work. You must keep this in mind."

Li Lang said this very seriously, without any hesitation when he said it.

Regardless of his family's reaction, he continued: "If you can't accept what I said, I will never force it. Does anyone have any objections?"

No one spoke.

Li Chunsong, who had always regarded himself as his elder brother as his father, lowered his head slightly, showing no sign of disapproval.As early as more than two years ago, he had already been convinced by Li Lang.

Li Lang's older brothers and sisters, they really didn't expect that his younger brother, who was always very talkative, could put such a lot of pressure on them with a straight face.

They have seen this younger brother's ability and vision many times. Although what he said just now sounds a bit uncomfortable, it is not very disgusting and can be accepted.

At this moment, they all realized: this family, apart from mother, is the biggest in Li Lang's words.

Meng Xing said with a smile: "Brother Wu, I will follow your orders."

Li Lang: "Okay, I have no objection. The meeting is adjourned."


Just as the business of the Juyou restaurant continued to boom, the "Yanjing Daily" published a commentary news, "Private business, neither fish nor fowl."

The spearhead is directed at the Gathering Friends Restaurant.

When Cheng Qianli saw this press release co-written with Professor Wang in the newspaper, his face, which turned out to be like that of a dead father, suddenly showed a sinister smile.


(End of this chapter)

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