Chapter 194
"Don't ask me if I have done crooked things. If I did that kind of thing, I wouldn't do the job of collecting junk that you despise."

In the past three months of collecting junk, he earned more than 400 yuan, but he also collected antiques that he could only get in. The real money he got was only more than 300 yuan.

But he has thousands of dollars in his hand, and his mouth grows on his body. He says that he can earn as much as he wants. Anyway, no one knows except himself.

It was quiet.

The family members looked at the 500 yuan on the table and dared not show their atmosphere.

The elder brother with the highest salary here has a monthly salary of 37 yuan, and his salary is only more than 400 yuan all year round.

But Li Lang earned five hundred in three months.How can everyone not be shocked?

Second Sister: "It's so easy to make money by collecting trash?"

"Second sister, you should remember that I borrowed money from you half a year ago, right? I don't know how to make money. You save this money for me, and you can buy whatever you want. You don't have to save it for me. Earn more, and still have a little more.”

Li Lang took out a handful of money from his pocket, and there were several Great Unity tickets for ten yuan.

"Before you question me, I have to repeat what I told you last year."

"We are a family, we should not be suspicious of each other, we should trust each other. I have finished my words? Anyone who wants to ask can ask."

Everyone looked at each other.

It was the second brother who spoke first: "Can you lend me fifty? I want to buy a new bicycle, and you can see that my bicycle is broken."

Li Lang looked at his mother and said, "Brother and sister have helped me a lot in the past. I thought about the 500 yuan, which is [-] yuan for each of you. This is what I repay you. What do you think?"

Mom narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Okay. Okay. Of course, you have the heart, and Mom agrees."

She divided the money into five parts, kept one part for herself, and pushed the remaining four parts in front of her four children.

The happiest thing for her as a mother is not that her youngest son is promising, but that after her son earns money, he can still think of his family. This is what she wants to see most.

Some children are like this, and I am very relieved.

Li Lang's brothers and sisters looked at the money in front of them and were embarrassed to stretch out their hands.After all, what the younger brother said was lending or not.

They used to lend money to the younger brother, but now they feel a little uncomfortable taking the younger brother's money instead.

Especially since the elder brother had just educated Li Lang, it seemed a bit hot to pick up the money.

The second brother picked up the 100 yuan in front of him first, and said, "Li Lang, thank you, the second brother."

Then the eldest sister and the second sister also picked up the money in front of them.

"My eldest sister is more than happy to see that you are promising. I will save the money for you first, and tell me if you need money in the future."

"Elder Sister, Li Lang is different from before. He is capable now. Li Lang, Second Sister will not be polite to you. I will treat this money as if you and Mom bought me a dowry."

The eldest brother finally picked up the money, and said a little ashamedly: "Li Lang, it was my fault that the elder brother didn't trust you enough before. The elder brother sees that you are promising, so I don't have to worry about your affairs in the future."

When the family was enjoying themselves, the second sister's smile froze suddenly: "Li Lang, have you considered that it's not nice to say that you collect the junk, I'm afraid it will be hard to find a girlfriend in the future."

"Second sister, let me tell you, if the laws of our country allow it, I can give my mother ten daughter-in-laws, all of whom are beautiful and virtuous."

"Hahahaha, just blow it."

That day Cheng Qianli told Wang Qiang that Li Lang was collecting the trash, Wang Qiang went out immediately, Cheng Qianli followed secretly to the theater and saw that Wang Qiang and Li Lang were having a stiff fight.

Cheng Qianli didn't know how comfortable he was. Afterwards, he spread the story of Li Lang's collection of trash in the courtyard.

But what he didn't expect was that the people of Lao Li's family didn't seem to have much reaction to this?

Strange, I heard from people in the yard later that although Li Lang's collection of trash may sound ugly, the money he made seems to be quite considerable?

This made him suffocate.Why is it so difficult to embarrass that kid Li Lang?
On this day, he found another opportunity, an educated youth gathering.

If this group of classmates and educated youths knew that Li Lang was so good at collecting trash... he would feel happy just thinking about it.

Cheng Qianli returned to the front yard after get off work and saw Li Lang reading a book in his room.

He parked his bicycle, walked outside the window of Li Lang's room, and said, "Li Lang, let me inform you that you have to go to the party tomorrow night."

Li Lang said without raising his head, "I won't go, shall I?"

Of course Cheng Qianli didn't agree: "No. When you say you haven't arrived, it's as if I didn't deliver the message."

"You all look like dogs, what are you doing when I collect the tattered ones. I won't go."

"Don't say that, the division of labor is different, we are all working for the revolution. You must go, everyone is waiting for you."

Li Lang raised his head and looked at Cheng Qianli with a half-smile: "You really want me to go?"

"Li Lang, what are you talking about? It's rare for everyone to have the opportunity to get together, how can we miss you? I definitely want you to go."

"talk later."

"I brought you the words, don't pretend you don't know and don't go."

It wasn't that Li Lang really didn't want to go to the educated youth gathering, he just teased Cheng Qianli.

Let the bullet fly for a while.

Cheng Qianli walked to the backyard and saw Wang Qiang was trimming the leaves of her tree.

He immediately parked his bicycle and said with an exaggerated expression: "Hey, don't move."

Wang Qiang gave him a strange look.

"Wang Qiang, why do you think you are so good-looking?"

"Annoying." Wang Qiang muttered impatiently.

Cheng Qianli said cheekily: "I really want to freeze this picture of you at this moment forever."

Wang Qiang couldn't be bothered to look at her, and said displeasedly: "Stop smelling and being poor. Don't disturb my work."

"Let me discuss something with you. Tomorrow, our educated youth gathering. Yang Jian's cadres and children insisted that Li Lang and I invite you over, saying that they really want to hear you sing."

"Step on and me, right?"

"How could it be stepping on you? Praising you."

"Then why didn't Li Lang come over and tell me?"

"He didn't intend to go. He said his job was not decent and he was embarrassed to go."

"He's not what you said he was."

Although Wang Qiang had a big fight with Li Lang last time, in her heart, Li Lang is definitely not someone who looks down on her.

"Hey, don't you believe me? You go please, try it."

Cheng Qianli used the aggressive method, and the effect was obvious.

Wang Qiang glared at him: "Competitive, right? Just try."

When Wang Qiang walked to the middle courtyard, she felt a little regretful, and her heart was at war between heaven and man.

Li Lang said that to me last time, why should I go to him?
However, what if he really invited me to sing and take the opportunity to apologize to me?Do you want to give him a chance?
During this time, Li Lang seemed to have disappeared from her world, leaving her heart empty.

Whenever she thinks of the happy time with Li Lang, she can't sleep at night.

Sometimes, when she thinks of what Li Lang said to her, she also thinks, sometimes, is she not doing well enough?

She felt that there might be some misunderstanding with Li Lang.

Wang Qiang stood there hesitating for a while, and finally made up her mind: If Li Lang really wants to apologize to me sincerely, I will consider whether to forgive him this time.

She walked to the front yard and saw Li Lang reading a book through the window, so she walked to the window and said, "Li Lang, I have something to tell you."

Li Lang raised his head, glanced at her, said "Oh", and continued to read with his head down.

Wang Qiang became angry when she saw his performance: "Li Lang, I'm talking to you."

Li Lang turned a page of the book and said, "I'm listening."

"Do you want to invite me to sing at the educated youth party?"

"No. We are all in trouble, and I invite you to go. Are you uncomfortable?"

"Li Lang, you bastard!"

Wang Qiang walked away angrily.

However, after walking a few steps, she stopped again, took a few deep breaths, then turned around and walked back to the window.

There was not much anger on her face, she just said indifferently, "Will you go to that party?"

Li Lang looked curiously at Wang Qiang who had gone and returned, and said calmly, "Whether you go or not doesn't seem to be your business, right?"

Wang Qiang stared into Li Lang's eyes, and said in a mocking tone: "I think you are afraid of shame, so you dare not go. People are deader than others, and goods are to be thrown away. If things go on like this, people will not be people."

Li Lang was not provoked by her, so he said with a calm smile: "In the world of life, there is no difference between seven feet tall and a lifespan of only a hundred years. There is no distinction between rags and rags. People are not cheap, and goods are not broken. You understand this truth ?"

"Hey, I really can't see it, you can temper your mind after dealing with junk every day."

"Congratulations! Acceptance."

"That is to say, will you go to the educated youth party?"

"Go, why don't you go?"

"Okay. You just said that you don't want me to go, so I will go anyway. I just want to make you uncomfortable, hum."

"Oh. Whether you go or not is your freedom, you don't need to tell me. Please go." Li Lang said indifferently.

Wang Qiang stomped her feet angrily, and walked away quickly.

She thought Li Lang was looking for a chance to apologize to herself.Who knew it wasn't the case at all.

This girl is mad at me.

Li Lang, I'll just compete with you.At noon the next day, Li Lang inquired from a scrap seller that a relative in his country had a porcelain vase handed down from his ancestors at home.

After listening to the person's description of the characteristics of the porcelain vase, Li Lang hurried to the countryside.

In the end, after he found the place, he found that the adult of that family had gone to the city to handle errands, so he was in vain.

When Li Lang returned to the city, it was already dark.

Only then did he think of the educated youth gathering tonight, and immediately rushed to Dongfeng Building, where the meeting was held.

When he came to the lobby of the hotel where the party was held, he saw that the party had already started, and now Party Secretary Yang of Fangshan Xiaoqinghe Party Branch was speaking on the stage.

Li Lang took a look, then quietly squeezed into the table farthest from the stage, sat down between two old acquaintances, and waved hello to the people around him.

It can be seen that Li Lang is very popular among these people.

Secretary Yang on the stage continued to speak: "... farming depends on water, and crops don't recognize their fathers and mothers. They work intensively and harvest more grain. We farmers who are farming are just thinking about how to harvest more grain and earn more money. work points."

"I don't want to say anything more, I just want to tell you children, go back to Fangshan if you have nothing to do, go back to our Xiaoqinghe, your second hometown, and take a look. Don't ride a donkey and a mule, think about a horse, go back to the four or nine City, just forget about us. That’s all for now.”

clap clap clap...

Everyone applauded.

Yang Jian on the stage said: "Secretary Yang, don't worry. We are the screws of the revolution. Wherever you need it, we screw it. Does the big guy say that?"

"Yes." Everyone responded loudly.

Yang Huajian saw Li Lang sitting at the farthest table, and said with a smile, "Let me tell you a secret..."

Pointing at Li Lang, he said loudly, "Li Lang is here. Talk about you, hey, talk about you, don't hide."

Wang Qiang, who was sitting at the second table near the stage, immediately turned her head to look behind her, and she saw Li Lang.

Cai Xiaoli, who also came to the party and was sitting in the middle, hadn't seen Li Lang for a long time.At this time, her eyes were also eagerly looking for Li Lang.

Yang Jian: "Secretary Yang is here, you still dare to hide? Hurry up."

Wang Qiang was a little surprised. Among these classmates, Li Lang seemed to be very popular, very popular?
Li Lang was pushed out by two old classmates sitting beside him.

He smiled as he walked to the stage and said, "Who is hiding? I don't want to interrupt Secretary Yang."

He trotted to Secretary Yang, gave him a hug, and then walked to the stage, saying:
"When I saw Secretary Yang, I thought of one thing. If you want to hide, the person who should hide from Secretary Yang is you, Yang Jian."

He gave Yang Jian a push in the way of greeting among buddies, and continued: "Brothers and sisters, on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month in [-], we Comrade Yang Jian secretly celebrated a small year for ourselves."

"That day, this buddy wanted to eat chicken. Guess everyone, whose house did he steal the chicken from?"

Yang Jian said with a smile: "Which pot do you not open and which pot do you carry?"

Li Lang: "He went to our captain's house and stole it."

Everyone laughed.

"Then, if Secretary Yang hadn't come to the rescue with all our strength and paid him two yuan out of his own pocket, would you have been able to return to the city smoothly?"

Yang Huajian: "I really have to thank Secretary Yang for this matter."

Li Lang: "Thank you can't just rely on your mouth. Give me a bow."

Yang Huajian is also an open-minded person, and he bowed to Secretary Yang without saying a word.

Everyone shouted hello.

Next, Li Lang joked about Mao Tutu, who had a better relationship with him, and talked about his glorious deeds of bedwetting, which made everyone laugh out loud.

Wang Qiang said to Cheng Qianli who was sitting next to him: "You said that Li Lang's aura is very popular at first glance. You see, when you first came in, few people greeted you."

The relationship between Wang Qiang and Li Lang is very tense now, but at this moment, she is still deeply attracted by Li Lang's strong aura and eloquence.

A thought suddenly came to her mind: It would be great if Li Lang still treated me like before.

Provoked by Wang Qiang's words, Cheng Qianli pulled his face down and looked at Li Lang on the stage, wondering what was going on in his heart.

The other women also looked at Li Lang on the stage, smiling so hard that their eyes narrowed.

After Li Lang damaged Yang Jian and Mao Tutu on stage, seeing that the atmosphere was getting hotter, he ran away directly.

However, Yang Jian, who had been squeezed by him to the point of being like a marionette, didn't intend to let him go just like that.Go straight over and pull him onto the stage again.

"Hey, don't go. Others have already said it, so it's time to talk about you. Our good buddy, he came to our party, and he didn't even want to change his clothes. It's obvious that he doesn't take us seriously."

The clothes Li Lang wore today were not torn, but the clothes he wore to collect the rags were not much better. He was the worst dressed in the audience.

He immediately explained: "Absolutely not, I am simple and unpretentious."

Yang Jian: "No matter what you say, if you don't perform for us today, don't think about stepping down. Everyone agrees?"


Everyone booed excitedly.

Yang Huajian: "Sing one."

Everyone in the audience: "Sing one."

Li Lang: "Dude, I'm tone deaf."

Mao Tutu, who had just been damaged by Li Lang, shouted, "Dance."

Li Lang had a bitter face: "Dancing? Why don't you ask me to perform a boulder-breaking performance?"

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed.

Cheng Qianli looked at the piano on the stage, felt that his chance had come, and said loudly, "Play the piano."

Li Lang glanced at him with a half-smile, and thought, "He can't help it anymore, he's going to make a move. Let the bullets fly for a while longer."

(End of this chapter)

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