Start with a Siheyuan

Chapter 182 Bread

Chapter 182 Bread
"The two are different. The bread and egg tarts you eat are all made from the ingredients that Li Lang brought from home. He is making the layer of the bread and egg tarts in your hand, adding a lot of ingredients he brought. The ingredients, what we ate were made from the ingredients in the cafeteria, and we only mixed a little of Li Lang’s leftover noodles, and the other ingredients he brought were used up when making the layer of the egg tart in your hand.”

"Brother Li Lang's noodles are also noodles? It's all made by one pot and one person. What's the difference? The workers are about to get off work, and the cafeteria is busy. Hurry over to help. You're a back cook. , What's the matter with staying in my office, hurry up and don't make me angry.".

"Understood, heartless ghost." Liu Lan walked out of the deputy director's office with her mouth pouted, and returned to the back kitchen.

The deputy factory manager finished the remaining bread and egg tarts in his hand, drank a few sips of water, got up and walked towards the cafeteria.

The factory manager was also shocked when he saw the bread and egg tart that Huzi brought over. Hearing that it was just made by Li Lang, he hurriedly asked Huzi to take him to the cafeteria. After a while, we walked to the cafeteria together.

When the people who were cooking saw the two factory managers coming over, they all said:
"Hello, two factory managers..."

"Hello, comrades."

The two walked towards the back kitchen without stopping.

Li Lang, who was in the back kitchen, saw the two factory directors coming over. Instead of sitting down, he stood up and said to them, "Hello, two factory directors."

"Comrade Li Lang, did you really just make this bread and egg tart?" Although he already knew what happened, the factory director still wanted to confirm further.

"Director, we all watched, it was made by Comrade Li Lang..."

"Factory Manager, we have checked that there will be no fakes during the whole process. The steamer for making bread and egg tarts is still there."

Li Lang didn't even need to answer. Those who didn't go to the front to cook for the workers stood up and testified for him.

But in the end, Li Lang had to nod and admit it.

"Director, this is indeed made by me. I started researching years ago. During the Chinese New Year, I was not busy all day long just to do this. I didn't develop it until the day before the start of work. This is not what it is today. I just want to try it in our factory to see how it works in large quantities, whether it can be made, and improve the food for the workers in our factory.”

"Okay, very good. Comrade Li Lang's ideological awareness is too high. He always puts our factory at ease. The decision to transfer you to the cafeteria was indeed correct. With this bread and egg tart, it can not only enrich the workers' food, It can increase the income of our factory. ”

The factory manager said happily to Li Lang.

Bread and egg tarts are usually rare and expensive. If you sell bread and egg tarts in your factory, you can not only sell them to workers in your own factory, but also attract people from other factories to buy them. This is not to increase income for the factory, but to give If the factory brings benefits, then one's political achievements will be added, and there is hope for promotion.

"I can research it, and this is inseparable from the support of the factory. After all, I have only made a few small-scale before, hundreds of them at a time, and I am not sure if I can make so many bread and egg tarts at one time.

If the deputy director of the factory hadn’t approved me to do it yesterday and asked me to do it boldly, I would not dare to try to make bread and egg tarts today. The grain of more than 100 catties at a time is not a small amount. If I ruin it, I will not make bread and egg tarts. I can't afford the consequences. The deputy factory director owes a lot to the fact that this bread and egg tart can be made.

Li Lang's words stunned the deputy factory manager for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said in his heart: "Brother Li Lang is really good to me, I can't let him down, I have to do what he said yesterday Beautiful..."

"For comrades who dare to innovate, as the leader in charge of logistics, I will of course give support. As long as the thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. There is no reward for the effort. Comrade Li Lang is the greatest credit for being able to develop the bread and egg tart , Without him, this bread and egg tart would never have been made, and I just assumed the responsibility that I should do, and my little contribution is nothing." The deputy factory manager said modestly
The deputy factory manager was just saying politely, he had already figured out how to maximize the credit for sending Li Lang here, and when he returned to the office, he told the news about the bread and egg tarts sold by his factory to other leaders who often dined with him , Let this matter spread to the nearby factory circle, and then ferment for a few days, when the reputation will be gained, and the credit will be gained, and then please ask my father-in-law to help me operate it, and give this word away.

"The deputy director of the factory is right. Comrade Li Lang deserves the most credit for making bread and egg tarts, so I decided to promote Comrade Li Lang as the highest-level chef in our factory, a sixth-level chef, with a monthly salary of 45 yuan. Li Lang made bread and egg tarts for our factory to be rewarded by the whole factory, with an extra reward of [-] yuan, deputy factory manager, do you have any objection to my arrangement?

Hearing this, Li Lang thought to himself: "Fortunately, he was not chosen at the time. This is a real deduction. How dare you take out the one-time reward of 200 yuan? When the news of the rolling mill selling bread and egg tarts spreads, don't talk about selling them for a day." Two or three thousand, and you can earn 200 cents if you sell it for [-] cents, and the net profit of [-] yuan a day is not even up to you. Although you don’t care about the money, you should give a few tickets and industrial certificates anyway.

People from other factories come to buy it, and the increase of 5 cents and ten cents is not too much. In the future, I will launch higher-end bread, egg tarts and various snacks. Can the selling price be lower?What's more important is the personal connections you bring, what a benefit this is, you deserve to sweep the streets in the future. . "

"Of course, with Comrade Li Lang's culinary skills, he is qualified as a sixth-level chef. There is no problem at all, but the bread and egg tarts made by Comrade Li Lang have brought too many benefits to our factory. This bread and egg tarts are only made by Comrade Li Lang. The ones that have just been developed are already better than those produced by the supply and marketing cooperatives, and can bring a lot of profits to our factory.

If Comrade Li Lang is given a little more time, Comrade Li Lang will definitely be able to make better ones and create greater profits for our factory. I think we should give greater rewards. The six-level chef rating is the limit that our factory can give , but the job can be promoted, the former director of the cafeteria did not supervise well, which caused Zhao Tiezhu and others to bring huge losses to our factory, and since Comrade Li Lang came to the back kitchen, no one in the back kitchen has ever brought anything home , I suggest that Comrade Li Lang's position should be changed from chef to canteen director. . "

The factory manager's face sank when he heard this, but he quickly smiled again and said: "Then do as the deputy factory manager said..."

"Thank you to the two factory directors for your kindness. I will definitely work harder to serve the workers and comrades in the future and create greater benefits for the factory."

The reason why Li Lang gave benefits to the deputy factory manager was because if he wanted the horses to run, he had to feed the horses. Although Li Lang used magic porridge, the food poisoning frequently controlled him, he still had to give them some benefits. Only when one's own position is more stable, the combination of carrots and sticks is the best policy, and it is not wise to blindly squeeze.

Li Lang's plan to sneak in was aborted due to some inexplicable reason, and the deputy director, the future xx director of the rolling mill, became Li Lang's good helper. (That thing is really sensitive, even if it was a nickname or a homonym before, it still can't escape the ban and block the whole page, everyone just understands the meaning.)
"I am very happy that Comrade Li Lang has this awareness and put it into action. Everyone should learn from Comrade Li Lang."

The factory manager talked a lot to the people in the back kitchen, and finally said to everyone, work hard and continue to work hard, then turned and left, and the deputy factory manager said that it was his responsibility to guide Li Lang. , the new director of the cafeteria stayed in the cafeteria.

"Brother Li Lang, congratulations."

"Director Li, congratulations."

"Brother Li Lang, you are wrong, I am the deputy director of the factory..."

"It's just a few days earlier and a few days later. I have prepared a little gift over there. Don't forget to bring it when the deputy factory manager leaves later..."

The deputy factory manager smiled knowingly when he heard what Li Lang said.

"By the way, Factory Manager Li, tomorrow night I would like to invite everyone from yesterday to come over to celebrate my promotion. I wonder if the deputy factory manager can let me know. I have prepared a big surprise for everyone."

"Of course it's okay, brother Li Lang, you've been calling me Factory Manager Li, and your tone is a little too rusty. The two of us have such a good relationship. From now on, you can just call me Brother Li."

"Since Director Li, Brother Li said so, then I will call you Brother Li directly from now on."

"That's right, brother Li Lang, can you tell me what a big surprise it is, brother, I'm very curious."

"Since Brother Li asked, I naturally dare not hide it. It's cakes and there are a few special dishes."

"Brother Li Lang can also make cakes? It's the cakes of the supply and marketing cooperative."?
"Brother Li looks down on me too much. The cakes made by the Supply and Marketing Cooperative are not as good as mine. There may not be any better ones in the whole country. If it was released before, at least it would be a royal offering, and the cakes that night were the same as red porridge. .”

As soon as Li Lang's words came out, the back chef and the deputy factory manager all gasped.

The cakes offered by the imperial court are not ordinary things. In the past, even the deputy factory director among them didn't even have the qualifications to meet them.

"Brother Li Lang, why don't you start making two pieces right now, and let Wei Wei taste it, you can use any material in the cafeteria as you like..."

"Brother Li, that kind of pastry that is specially provided by the palace cannot be made with ordinary materials. There is not even half of the materials in the cafeteria, and the manufacturing process is complicated. It takes a long time to make, at least five or six It takes hours to make it, I will go back today, and make it overnight to ensure tomorrow's supply."

Hearing what Li Lang said, the deputy director swallowed his saliva, and said regretfully, "Then I'll wait until tomorrow to taste brother Li Lang's masterpiece."

After the two chatted for a while, the deputy factory manager left the back kitchen. Li Lang asked Liu Lan to follow, sent the deputy factory manager's bread and egg tarts, and went back to the lounge to take a nap.

After the lunch break, when I went to work in the afternoon, the radio in the factory broadcast the commendation to Li Lang in the factory. Li Lang was woken up by the sound of the radio, and remembered that he hadn't received his bonus yet, so he hurried to the finance office to claim the 200 yuan reward. After getting the money, Li Lang went to chat with Brother Li for a while, got a bicycle ticket and a watch ticket, took an afternoon off by the way, and went to the department store to buy things.

After Li Lang left the factory, he went straight to the department store. Not long after, Li Lang came to the department store. There may be cars sold in other places, but Li Lang didn't know, so he went directly to the department store. There must be a car for sale.

Li Lang looked around in the department store, first checked his watch, and then walked to the bicycle sales area of ​​the department store. There were several bicycles on the ground, and a female salesperson was sitting at the counter next to him.

Li Lang found that the salesperson was very cold. He walked up to the counter, but the salesperson still didn't respond. He didn't treat Li Lang as a customer at all. This attitude was worse than Li Lang's attitude in the pigeon market.

"Hello, do you have Feige bicycles?" Li Lang didn't want to talk to her, so he went straight to the point.

The salesperson didn't raise his head, and didn't answer. Li Lang turned his head away when he saw this, and the salesperson looked up at Li Lang, but there was no response, and then he lowered his head again.

Buying a bicycle in this day and age is no less than buying a car later, but the salesperson is actually not very enthusiastic. This is beyond Li Lang's imagination. Even if you buy a bicycle for future generations, the attitude of the salesperson is better than this.

Li Lang knew that the salespersons at this time were bad, so he was unwilling to deal with them all the time. Dealing with them would make his liver hurt. No matter what the salesperson was selling, at this time, the salesperson would be dragged to death. You said you sell food and drink It's okay to drag it, after all, it depends on their mood for good or bad.

What can you do to sell a bicycle?No matter how good your mood is, you can’t take it away if you don’t give the ticket. If you’re in a bad mood, you can’t raise the price. Scarce stuff, that is, the price is a bit more expensive for people at this time, tickets are a bit difficult to get, but it is not too difficult to get, as long as you really want it, it takes a little effort, even Yan Bugui can get it, can you buy it? Difficult to get where to go?
If you have a ticket for a bicycle, you will be able to buy it. If you don’t have meat, it’s hard to find. Bicycles are generally around 200 yuan at this time. Those who have the ability to buy [-] yuan of meat and the meat tickets needed will definitely be able to buy bicycle tickets. I know that the gang of peace egg heroes can't eat half a catty of meat a day.

Even if you have a meat ticket to buy meat, if you go late, you have to come back another day. The meat sold by the supply and marketing cooperatives, unless the salesperson keeps it for you, there are very few in the afternoon.

Before Li Lang crossed over, when he was reading novels, he saw the main character who had time traveled to this era, selling tens of thousands of catties of meat to the factory every day for a long time. It's less than a catty of meat a day, how can you just let everyone in the factory eat a catty of meat a day, and treat people like idiots?No more brains.

(End of this chapter)

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