Start with a Siheyuan

Chapter 141 No. 2 Licking Dog

Chapter 141 No. 2 Licking Dog

Naturally, He Yuzhu didn't pay attention to the look in his eyes asking for help.


"What the hell is going on here?"

"I didn't expect there to be so much meat in my stomach, Widow Qin, where did you get rich?"

The second aunt saw that Widow Qin was silent, so she spoke first.

With the second aunt taking the lead, everyone is also discussing the source of this meat.

"Widow Qin, honestly, how did you get the meat of the stick? If you didn't steal the chicken from Xu Daguo, could it be that you stole something from the factory again?" Li Lang asked.

"I didn't steal the chicken from the factory. I didn't steal the meat from the factory, and I didn't take it from the factory." Widow Qin said with a pale face.

"It wasn't stolen, and you didn't get it from the factory. Could it be that it grew out of the ground?"

Now everyone in the yard was puzzled, it wasn't stolen by the stick, and it wasn't widow Qin who took it from the factory, so how did it come about?

You must know that it is good to be able to eat enough under the conditions of Widow Qin's family, but it is simply impossible to eat so much meat.

Seeing everyone looking at her with doubtful eyes, Widow Qin was a little flustered.

"I didn't steal it, this meat was given to me by Zhao Tiezhu."

After speaking, he gave a look to his newly recruited licking dog Zhao Tiezhu.

After hearing Widow Qin's words, Banggen held his stomach and said, "That's right, my uncle gave me this meat. I definitely didn't steal the chicken from Uncle Daguo's house. If you don't believe me, you can ask my uncle."

Everyone looked at Zhao Tiezhu who was on the side.

"Yes, I gave this meat to the sticks. Is it against the law for me to add meat to them?" Zhao Tiezhu admitted with a nod.

Zhao Tiezhu already knew what Widow Qin meant when she looked at him just now, and even planned to take the blame for Bang Geng.

Li Lang was not surprised at all that Zhao Tiezhu would take the blame for Bang Geng. After calling Zhao Tiezhu an idiot in his heart again, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Normally, Zhao Tiezhu kindly helped Widow Qin, but Widow Qin didn't appreciate it and kept complaining that Zhao Tiezhu had harmed her.

Now he lied that the meat was given by Zhao Tiezhu, and Bang Geng also shifted the responsibility to Zhao Tiezhu, but this family really caught one person to the death.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't even know he was being used as a gun, he deserved to be bullied all the time.

After hearing what Zhao Tiezhu said, everyone in the courtyard looked at Li Lang again.

"Li Lang, since Zhao Tiezhu said that he gave the meat to BangGong, it proves that BangGiao didn't steal Xu Daguo's chicken, but what's the matter if you beat BangGong?" Second Uncle Liu Haizhong asked.

"And my chicken must have been stolen by you." Xu Daguo hurriedly said after seeing Li Lang pointed again.

Seeing Xu Daguo jumping out again, Li Lang felt uneasy and stared at Xu Daguo.

Seeing Li Lang staring at him, Xu Daguo was startled and took a few steps back.

"You still dare to stare at me? Are you a thief and you still want to beat me?" Xu Daguo said.

Li Lang looked at the crowd in front of him and didn't want to waste his saliva, he grabbed the stick's arm and pulled it in front of him, and now he punched him in the stomach again.

Although this punch still avoided the vital point, it didn't draw back its force. It can be said that it hit the stick firmly in the abdomen.

Stick stem held his stomach in an instant, fell to the ground and cried like a bent-backed shrimp.

On the other hand, Widow Qin and Old Lady Jia cursed anxiously.

"Li Lang, you are not a fucking human being. If you take action on a child, you will lose your conscience and die."

"Li Lang, are you still a man? Now you even beat children, today I will fight with you."

Seeing Li Lang hitting his stomach with the stick, Zhao Tiezhu couldn't bear it anymore.

He rolled up his sleeves and rushed out to beat Li Lang, but Zhao Tiezhu was no match for Li Lang.

Seeing Zhao Tiezhu rushing towards him, he kicked Zhao Tiezhu to the ground heavily without talking nonsense.

Then he stepped on Zhao Tiezhu's face, and Zhao Tiezhu couldn't move for a moment.

"I said Zhao Tiezhu, your brain was kicked by a donkey, good or bad, and now you're being sold and you're paying for it."

After speaking, Li Lang let go of Zhao Tiezhu's foot and walked towards the stick lying on the ground.

But at this time, when the stick saw Li Lang walking towards him, he quickly backed away in fright, and kept calling Widow Qin for help.

But Widow Qin didn't dare to go forward when she saw Li Lang like this, so she could only curse at the side with tears in her eyes.

"Boy, I'll give you another chance. If you don't tell the truth today, I'll beat you until you tell the truth." Li Lang said:
Now being so frightened by Li Lang, Bang Geng cried immediately.

"Don't hit me, actually my Uncle Daguo instructed me to do this, he told me to hide the chicken feathers behind your house and said you stole the chicken, because he told me it's none of my business anyway .”

After finishing speaking, he covered his head and squatted on the ground, crying loudly.

And Xu Daguo at the side was also anxious when he heard it, pointing at the stick and yelling.

"Little bastard, you stole my chicken first, and I haven't settled with you yet. Now you dare to say that I ordered you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Daguo immediately realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly covered his mouth.

But the people present were not fools. They had heard Xu Daguo's words clearly before and understood the truth of the matter, and immediately looked at Li Lang with a complicated expression.

Seeing everyone was a little embarrassed, Li Lang didn't care to point at the crowd and shouted angrily: "You people have blind eyes, you are all blind, I can't care about other people, but the few who work in the steel mill will be given tomorrow." I will go to the security department to report, and I will report this matter to my superiors, and then none of you will even try to run away."

The second uncle Liu Haizhong and the others who work in the steel mill turned pale with fright when they heard this.
If the factory leaders know about this matter, criticism will definitely be inevitable, and it may affect their careers.

"Now you are being told to wrong Li Lang, you deserve it." The deaf old lady applauded and applauded.

"Don't, don't, Li Lang, we are all members of the courtyard. It's fine if we let everyone go to the security department. We can discuss anything." The second uncle Liu Haizhong hurried forward and said.

"It's fine if you don't go to the security department, but my injustice is not in vain. Now I have to ask Widow Qin to apologize to me, and then pay me money for mental damage." Li Lang pointed to Widow Qin's family.

When the second uncle Liu Haizhong heard it, he agreed without even thinking about going to the security department.

Then he said to Widow Qin: "Your son, Bang Jian, stole things from others, and now you are still framing him. You have no way to teach your son, and you will be fined to pay Li Lang five yuan. The plot of Bang Jian stealing things"

After the second uncle Liu Haizhong finished speaking, many people joined in, and after a while, someone came over with a rope.

After listening to the second uncle Liu Haizhong's punishment for the stick, the widow Qin collapsed on the ground in an instant and broke down in tears.

The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, didn't care about Widow Qin who was lying on the ground, turned around and smiled at Li Lang who was furious, and said, "Li Lang, do you think you are satisfied with the punishment of Widow Qin and the stick?"

Li Lang glanced at the second uncle Liu Haizhong, ignored him and turned to look at the other side of the yard.

At this moment, several people holding hemp ropes came over.

"You guys quickly tie up this thief."

Li Lang looked at the stick, and after hearing Li Lang's words, several people put the hemp rope on the stick without hesitation.

Seeing that the stick was about to be tied up, Widow Qin rushed out of the crowd frantically and threw herself on the stick to protect the dead stick.

"Li Lang, you are still human. You don't let children go. You have no conscience." Widow Qin cried and cursed.

"What's wrong with the child? If you make a mistake, you have to accept the punishment. This is the rule, and now it is the rule and you have to implement it."

Before Li Lang could speak, the second uncle Liu Haizhong spoke immediately.

"No, my stick is still young, and I absolutely cannot be dragged into the streets to show the public, or my life will be ruined, no matter what I say, I can't let you catch my stick."

At this time, Widow Qin had lost her mind, and she was almost roaring.

Seeing this, Li Lang sneered and said, "Widow Qin, don't think we'll let you off just because you're like this. Not only must you go to parade in the street, but your family must also give the five yuan that the second uncle Liu Haizhong said."

"Li Lang, I don't have any money for you. I'm sure you won't let you drag him into the street. He's still a child. If you do this, you'll ruin him. Don't you have any sympathy?" Widow Qin began to play a rogue and said.

When Li Lang heard Widow Qin's words, he became even more angry, and opened his mouth to scold.

"What kind of bullshit child, the child doesn't have to be responsible for his own mistakes? The stick framed me, and you took the lead in criticizing me just now. If I don't explain it, what should I do? Didn't I just ruin it?"

Li Lang's hysterical appearance also frightened Widow Qin, she didn't speak for a long time, and she just kept sobbing.

"Hey. Li Lang, I beg you to let BangGong go. This time, he is still a child and the only seedling of our Jia family. Do you really want to kill him now?"

After the old lady Jia finished speaking, she knelt down in front of Li Lang with a plop.

Seeing the old lady Jia kneeling down, Li Lang remained calm, just turned around and walked towards Xu Daguo and said, "Xu Daguo, no matter how you say it all happened because of you, no matter how you say it, I have to give an explanation, If the widow Qin doesn't give you the five yuan that the second uncle said, she has to give it to you, and you can handle it according to your needs."

"That's right, it's you inside and out. If it weren't for you, my family wouldn't steal the chicken. In fact, you ordered it, and you led the stick to ruin."

Widow Qin quickly agreed and left the responsibility to Xu Daguo.

"It's none of my business, it's all your stickler's own fault. If he didn't steal the chicken, there would be no such thing." Xu Daguo said.

When Xu Daguo saw Li Lang pointing the words at himself, he immediately became unhappy.

But he couldn't speak to Li Lang and couldn't beat him, so he grabbed the stick and walked out the door in a fit of anger.

The second uncle Liu Haizhong saw Xu Daguo parading through the street holding a stick, fearing that Li Lang would turn around and make trouble for him, he quickly picked up the gong and followed.

The second uncle bang bang jingled and shouted, telling the neighbors to come out to see the thieves caught in their yard.

Widow Qin listened to the sound of the gong outside, but she still couldn't rest assured that she got up and ran out the door.

However, as soon as she got up, Li Lang stood in front of her and blocked his way.

"Widow Qin, Xu Daguo refuses to give the money, so you have to give me the money." Li Lang said.

"Li Lang, I told you that I have no money, what else do you want, do you have to kill our family now?"

As she spoke, Widow Qin began to cry again.

"Widow Qin, it's useless to cry. You have to give me the money. If you don't give me the money, tell me all about you. You stole from the public house in the factory and went home and ordered your children to steal from others. When the time comes, your family will It's all over." Li Lang said unrelentingly.

Widow Qin herself has a handle in his hands, and she is not afraid that he will not give the money.

When Widow Qin heard it, her cry became louder.

"Father, why did you leave so early, leaving us mother and son to be bullied, I was just deducted from wages during the day, and now I have to pay someone else, how will our family live in the future."

Seeing her like this, Zhao Tiezhu, who was standing by the side, couldn't take it anymore and hurried forward to comfort him: "Oh, my good sister, don't cry, it's only five yuan, you can just give him and it's over."

It was the first time Li Lang had seen such a comforting method, and he didn't talk nonsense, pointing at Zhao Tiezhu and scolding him.

"Zhao Tiezhu, this has nothing to do with you, you are not a good person, get out now, or I will beat you up again, believe it or not."

When Zhao Tiezhu heard this, he was instantly unhappy, and wanted to turn back when he opened his mouth, but he was slapped hard before he finished speaking.

Li Lang pointed at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Zhao Tiezhu, let me tell you, you are the most f*cking thing. Widow Qin steals and you cover her up, and you cover up the stick stealing. You know all this but don't stop it. Are you helping them? You are harming them."

Zhao Tiezhu was at a loss for words, but he couldn't speak, so he could only stare at Li Lang.

"Zhao Tiezhu, let me tell you, I didn't expose you for these things because of the face of the deaf old lady, otherwise you will definitely not be able to escape the crime of covering up."

Li Lang pointed at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Who stopped you? You can sue if you have the ability, and I'm not afraid."

After Zhao Tiezhu finished speaking, he put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the pillar beside him with an indifferent attitude.

Seeing Zhao Tiezhu like this, Li Lang couldn't suppress the anger in his heart instantly. He raised his hand and was ready to hit Zhao Tiezhu's face.

Widow Qin, who witnessed all this, was startled and opened her mouth quickly.

"Li Lang, don't hit me anymore, can't I pay you the money?"

After speaking, he took out a crumpled five yuan bill from his pocket and handed it to Li Lang.

After giving the money, Li Lang waved his hand to indicate that there was nothing wrong with Widow Qin.

Widow Qin didn't say anything, she got up and glared at Li Lang, then quickly went out to find Banggen.

At this time Xu Daguo just entered the door, his eyes quickly swept over Li Lang, seeing that Li Lang didn't see him quietly preparing to enter the house.

However, just as he was about to enter the room, a voice that made his heart tremble came from behind him.

"Stop, who told you to go now..."

"Do you dare to leave now without my permission?"

(End of this chapter)

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