Start with a Siheyuan

Chapter 125 Looking forward to the flowers blooming

Chapter 125 Looking forward to the flowers blooming
Li Lang returned to the old lady's room in the backyard, who knew that He Yuzhu had already put all the food on the table.

On the table are two meat and one vegetarian, and there is an egg soup next to it.

The meat dish on the table was half a roast duck brought back by Li Lang, and the other half was given to the uncle Yi Zhonghai.

Another meat dish is fish-flavored pork shreds made by He Yuzhu himself, and the vegetarian dish is boiled cabbage made by He Yuzhu.

There is a shortage of everything these days, but there is no shortage of cabbage.

After all, for cabbage, it can be eaten in front of every household.

"Li Gong, just now He Yuzhu told me that he went on a blind date today. The little girl is a little nurse. She seems to like him very much. He also invited the little girl to Quanjude to eat roast duck."

"Since He Yuzhu ate roast duck at noon, we won't let him eat it tonight. Let's not spoil him."

After listening to the old lady talk for a long time, Li Lang thought that the old lady's focus was He Yuzhu's blind date.

Unexpectedly, there was a big reversal, and the old man's focus turned out to be the half roast duck.

But this sentence made Li Lang and He Yuzhu laugh out loud.

Li Lang knew that the old lady was joking with He Yuzhu, so the old lady wouldn't care about half a roast duck.

"Come on, Li Gong, let's have a few drinks tonight, I'm really happy today."

He Yuzhu had already washed two small wine cups, and each filled Li Lang and him with wine.

"Brother Silly Zhu, let's drink later, in fact, I brought you something good."

Li Lang took out a lunch box from his bag, put it on the table and opened it, revealing a lunch box full of lychees.

"Li Gong, what is this?" He Yuzhu asked curiously.

"Silly boy, don't you know this?"

"There are lychees in this box."

The old lady laughed and scolded, reached out and grabbed a lychee, peeled it off with trembling hands, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it a few times, her eyes lit up immediately.

"It's delicious and sweet. It's iced and sweet. I haven't eaten lychees for many years."

The old lady ate lychees and remembered some old memories.

"So this is a lychee? I've only heard of it before, after all, it's the first time I've seen it today."

He Yuzhu also imitated the old lady and picked up a lychee, peeled off the skin and threw it into his mouth to eat.

"It's delicious and sweet, Li Gong, have you gone all over the capital to search for purchase channels?"

"I really didn't expect that you could even get such good things as lychees. I didn't realize until today that you are simply too magical."

He Yuzhu ate several in a row excitedly, and the more he ate, the more he wanted to eat.

Li Lang was too lazy to explain to him, so he could only smile and nod.

"Forget it, the two of you will each eat half now, and the rest will be given to your sister's rainwater."

"After all, lychees are the most popular among girls these days. I think Yushui must like them very much." Li Lang laughed.

After hearing this, the old lady nodded repeatedly.

Lychees are iced and you can’t eat too much. In fact, it’s enough to satisfy your cravings.

He Yuzhu simply stopped eating, picked up the wine glass and toasted Li Lang.

"Li Gong, I found that you, a dry brother, are better at rainwater than my real brother."

"I didn't expect you to buy her a bicycle and leave her lychees to eat."

"Come on, if that's the case, I'll toast you." He Yuzhu smiled excitedly.


The two drank their glasses together.

Sure enough, as Li Lang expected, after the rain came back, he was very happy to eat iced lychees.

Li Lang knew that women had no immunity in front of lychees.

After all, even Yang Guifei couldn't resist the temptation of litchi, let alone an ordinary woman in the market.

Time flies, summer passes in a blink of an eye, autumn passes and winter comes.

Unknowingly, the first light snow fell in Kyoto.

Bicycles are already common on the streets.

Movie posters such as Tunnel Warfare, Seven Days and Seven Nights, and Fire Is Red are posted at the entrance of the Red Star Cinema.

Li Lang and Mr. Liu brought Mr. Liu's father to the factory infirmary to see a doctor.

Teacher Liu's father was still suffering from asthma, and he couldn't catch his breath in winter.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Liu, are you two here again?"

Dr. Zhao happened to have no patients on hand and greeted them with a smile.

"Doctor Zhao, I have to trouble you this time. I have to infuse a few bottles of liquid for my father-in-law. I will prescribe more medicine after the incident. The old man is afraid of winter, and he will always feel that he will not have enough energy in winter."

Li Lang greeted Dr. Zhao with a smile, and this time he came to Dr. Zhao with some wild mushrooms.

Wild mushroom stew in winter is the most delicious with some sliced ​​meat.

"Come on, come on, you said bring me something now."

"It made me almost embarrassed."

Doctor Zhao complained to Li Lang with a smile, but he still accepted Li Lang's things.

"Thank you for introducing a good partner to He Yuzhu. Let me tell you about Dr. Zhao. Now that the two of you are doing well, it's really like not seeing each other every day." Li Lang said to Dr. Zhao with a smile.

"That's a good thing. No wonder during this period of time I found that the little girl was in high spirits at work every day, and she kept laughing when she had nothing to do. It turns out that the relationship between the two has developed so quickly." Dr. Zhao also said happily.

It was originally an unintentional act to introduce the two to each other, but I didn't expect the relationship between the two to develop so quickly.

"It's all thanks to you. Dr. Zhao is waiting for you to have time, and I will ask He Yuzhu to thank you." Li Lang said with a smile.

"It's too polite, but I actually didn't do anything."

In the following time, Dr. Zhao took Teacher Liu's father's blood pressure with a smile.

Teacher Liu was always on the sidelines and couldn't speak.

In fact, Teacher Liu always felt sorry for Li Lang.

The two received their certificates at the beginning of the year, but it was almost the end of the year and they hadn't gotten married yet.

But Li Lang has always regarded his parents as his parents, who are always on call for serious illnesses or minor ailments.

Take my father to see a doctor, every time Li Lang finds a car to take his father to the factory infirmary, who can not be called a good son-in-law if he does this, Mr. Liu's parents and neighbors in the neighborhood all praise Li Lang of.

After accompanying Mr. Liu's father to see the illness, infuse fluids and take medicine, Li Lang looked for a car to take the old man home.

But Teacher Liu didn't take care of her father at home this time, so she followed Li Lang out.

Teacher Liu cut to the chase and said, "Li Lang, I will marry you after this year. I can't let you down anymore. I've already let you down for a year, and now I can't go on like this."

"Li Lang, I'm really sorry."

"Well, if that's the case, then listen to you."

"Actually, marriage is just a formality, but this situation must go away." Li Lang smiled and nodded.

Teacher Liu watched Li Lang go away, and went home to take care of her father.

After Li Lang returned to the factory, he continued to work in the factory.

Mainly because he made a lot of money selling watermelons and mung beans in summer.

In addition to the steady flow of money from selling pork, in fact, Li Lang's secret banknotes have always remained at around 150 million.

There are countless antique calligraphy and paintings, antique ink treasures, and gold bar jewelry in my hands.

Of course, there are also Li Lang's favorites, Moutai, Xifeng, Fen, and Luzhou Qujiu.

However, he still firmly controls these things in his own hands, and cannot let others know where these things are.



Teacher Liu has lost a lot of weight, her eyes are bigger and more beautiful, especially her body is slimmer and more beautiful.

For more than half a year, she has been worrying about her father's condition and taking good care of him.

But she still cared about her marriage with Li Lang in her heart.

At the beginning of spring at the beginning of the year, the two had just received their certificates, so she hadn't taken the marriage to heart yet.

After all, she felt that she had obtained a certificate with Li Lang, and she would be Li Lang's woman from now on. For the two of them, it was a matter of time before they got married.

But she never expected that the marriage would be delayed again and again, who knew it would drag on for more than half a year.

In the past half a year, Li Lang never complained.

Visit her father at home every now and then.

Her father would have an asthma attack every once in a while, coughing and being out of breath, and had to trouble Li Lang to send the old man to a doctor.

But Li Lang was there whenever he was called, and he never delayed.

All the neighbors of Mr. Liu's house did not praise Li Lang.

Especially those neighbors who work in the rolling mill, no one would give Li Lang a thumbs up when they mentioned Li Lang.

At the beginning, Mr. Liu felt very proud. What the neighbors praised was his man.

But over time, that pride turned into worry and guilt.

"When your father gets better, you don't have to stay at home to take care of him all the time. You can also go to Xiao Li's house to take care of him."

"Xiao Li is so kind to our family. You are his wife, so you should treat those around him even better."

"Don't always think about waiting for you to marry before taking good care of him and the people around him."

"Listen to mom, don't hang around me and your dad all day long, remember to go to Xiao Li's house to wash, clean up, cook for others, rub shoulders and legs for the elderly, wash feet, These are the things you should do."

"I have seen through Xiao Li's child a long time ago. He is a kind and honest boy."

"I heard from the people in the rolling mill, don't look at you and Xiao Li getting the certificate, you think you are tied to Xiao Li, a young man as good and talented as Xiao Li is really staring at his woman too much Too much. So you must take good care of Xiao Li, cherish him, and don't lose your man."

What the mother said sounded the alarm to Mr. Liu.

So in the second half of the year, Mr. Liu went to the courtyard whenever he had time.

Sometimes I come to wash clothes and dry bedding for Li Lang, and find time to cook for the old lady.

But to say that Mr. Liu's cooking skills are really not good.

The first time the vegetables were fried, the scene frightened her.

At home, my mother cooks and cooks. She cooks very little. She wanted to show her skills in front of the old lady, but she didn't expect it to be self-defeating.

At the end, Teacher Liu was crying.

"Silly boy, didn't you just burn the vegetables? What's the big deal?"

"When I first became a daughter-in-law, I often fried the vegetables, and once I boiled the corn porridge in the iron pot dry."

"That's not counting. Another time I made a big hole in a big iron pot."

The deaf old lady comforted Mr. Liu with her embarrassing incident.

When hearing these words, Teacher Liu burst into laughter.

"Grandma, I'm stupid, and I don't know how to cook. Do you think that a person like me is not worthy of Li Gong, and is not qualified to be Li Gong's wife?"

Teacher Liu asked the old lady worriedly. Her beautiful cheeks were full of worries, and her fair and clean forehead was full of sweat.

Listening to the little girl's words, the old lady shook her head repeatedly.

"You are Li Lang's chosen daughter-in-law. I trust his vision."

The old lady looked at Teacher Liu like this now, and she really looked like she was just a daughter-in-law back then.

"Grandma, with your words, I feel relieved."

Teacher Liu nodded, the old lady's words reassured her.

She cleaned the pot, and she simply led the old lady to a restaurant outside for a meal.

Teacher Liu is straightforward and kind-hearted, and he is all about being kind to Li Lang and the people around Li Lang.

It was almost the end of the year. On this day, Teacher Liu came to dry Li Lang's quilt again.

The old lady pointed to a small sapling half a person's height in front of the window with her crutches, and asked Teacher Liu with a smile, "Do you know what kind of tree this is?"

"do not know."

Teacher Liu shook his head.

She had discovered this little sapling a long time ago, but she didn't know it and didn't care about it.

"Silly girl, this is a sapling that Li Lang planted just for you."

"He also said that he will marry you when the flowers bloom next year."

"You said that if Li Lang didn't have you in his heart, he would have planted this tree in front of the house?"

The old lady's words made Teacher Liu ecstatic. It turned out that all her worries were unnecessary. It turned out that Li Lang had always had her in his heart, and even planted a tree for her with his own hands.

At this moment, Mr. Liu felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

From that day on, Teacher Liu was looking forward to the flowers blooming in the coming year. She knew that it was the day when she would become Li Lang's most beautiful new wife.

(End of this chapter)

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