Chapter 54 Fraud
In a room outside the examination room.

The wind magician opened the door and walked into the room. There were two other magicians in blue robes in the room.

In the center of the room, there are pieces of circular screens like clouds and mist that are constantly changing, on which are the scenes in the examination room.It is water magic, water mirror technique.

"The cheater has already been dealt with. He also warned the boy of the light department. Does he still look around?"

A blue-clothed magician stood up and said with some surprise: "No, there is nothing, but something is wrong."

"En?" The wind magician came over to take a look, and saw Wu Zhi sitting in the field writing, and was furious: "This kid, dare to cheat! Huh! I'm going to drive him out right now." examination room!"

As he said that, the wind magician was about to leave, when suddenly an old man in ordinary clothes but with an extraordinary bearing came in: "Master Li Fan, what happened, why are you so angry?"

When the three people in the room saw the old man, they were all shocked, and quickly stood up: "Master Vice President, why are you here?"

The old man smiled slightly: "I'll take a look at this year's students. What happened to you just now?"

Li Fan pointed to Wu Zhi in the water mirror and said, "Look, Mr. Dean, this kid didn't know anything about the content of the test paper before! And he kept looking around, but from just now, he was able to answer the questions fluently all of a sudden. He It must have been cheating by some means. That's why I'm going to expel this kind of person from the examination room."

The old man still had a smiling expression, looked at Wu Zhi carefully, and then asked, "Did you see him cheating with your own eyes?"

Li Fan shook his head, "No."

"Is that also the way you are sure to discover his cheating?"

Li Fan looked away again: "No."

The old man's face darkened: "Then since there is neither this nor that, and there is no evidence, why do you believe that he cheated? Moreover, on the premise that he has no fact of cheating, he is a candidate of my Magic and Martial Arts Academy." student!"

"Vice President, I was impulsive."

The old man nodded and said meaningfully: "Do you think that this second exam is just to test professional knowledge, astronomy and geography?"

"Those things are all memorized by rote! But to become an outstanding talent, the most important thing is mind and courage!"

"I asked you to emphasize that cheating is not allowed. Do you think that cheating is only prohibited? No, those who answer the questions honestly and in accordance with the rules are just ordinary students. With the difficulty of my Mowu Academy's questions, I can answer more than sixty questions correctly. It’s not easy for you at such a young age, you are indeed eligible for admission.”

"But, if that's the case. Then why do I arrange for the veteran students in the college to go to every profession to do the questions?" The dean had a half-smile on his face.

Li Fan and the two magicians widened their eyes, and recalled in their minds the arrangement of the previous vice president, deliberately letting the veteran students in the academy participate in the second round of tests. The training of the college, but now that I think about it, it seems that the dean only sends one student for each profession.
Li Fan thought of an unbelievable but extremely true answer, and couldn't help blurting out: "Could it be that you just want them to copy?"

"It's considered that you reacted in a timely manner." The dean glanced at him and continued: "Why are the talents cultivated by our Magic and Martial Arts Academy the best? Because students are not immutable creations, they have their own Personality has its own soul. The students we cultivate will not only know a few basic magic, only know a few standard magic circles, standard equipment, and the same fighting style."

"They have their own unique style. They can adapt to changing circumstances and have different ways of dealing with any situation! They are flexible and alert. They are full of spirituality like magical elements in the world!"

"As long as they can copy, and copy beautifully, and even copy so that you invigilators can't see the method of cheating! Then, they are successful!"

"The light element has the light and shadow technique, the water element has the water mirror technique, and the wind element has the wind listening technique. Swordsmen and archers also have their own skills. As long as they are not intimidated by your 'warning', young people who dare to cheat , are the students we need!"

"The so-called eclectic downgrading of talents, what our Magic and Martial Arts Academy wants is this kind of bold students who dare to challenge authority! Only such students can create the future!"

After the dean finished speaking for a long time, he looked at Li Fan meaningfully: "You just took over the job of enrolling new students this year, I hope you understand the meaning. I will stop here. Wait until the exam is over , take that kid’s test paper and let me have a look, I want to see what is the cheating method that we can’t even find out.”

After the dean finished speaking, he left.Li Fan stood still for a moment, and let out a long breath.When he looked towards the light curtain again, his eyes had changed.

"No. 17, No. 30, and No. 1. Please keep an eye on these people. If there is still cheating, you will be disqualified from the exam immediately!"

A water magician tentatively asked: "Master Li Fan, didn't the dean just say that he wanted these students to cheat?"

"Yes, but you haven't grasped the essence of Mr. Dean!"

Li Fan sneered: "As long as these people can copy beautifully and wonderfully, I can't even see the clue. Then naturally they can pass."

"Look at these few people, the methods of cheating are childish, and their acting skills are contrived. And this one, they only dare to try to cheat after being pushed. What use do people like this have?"

The two magicians looked at each other, seeing a hint of wonder in each other's eyes.

After the second round of testing, Wu Zhi and Galen returned to the inn.

The results of the test will be announced the next day, and those who pass will be given a third and final test.If you can still pass, you can become a student of the Glorious Mowu Academy.

Wu Zhi didn't know what happened because of his mysterious fraud.After returning to the inn, seeing that it was still early, I continued to practice guns in the suburbs.

And in the Mowu academy, in the dean's room.

Magician Li Fei walked into the dean's room with a dozen papers.

"Dean, you asked me to bring you that paper."

The old man sitting in the room was stunned for a moment, then smiled as he thought about it: "Oh right. It's that kid who cheated and I can't even see through it. Why, he got his grades?"

Li Fei nodded, stepped forward, and divided the dozen or so papers into four parts, three of which had only one paper, and the other part contained all the other papers.

"Master Dean, that student is called Wu Zhi, a third-level pastor. His grades are full marks. This is his paper."

"In addition, this paper is the test paper of another third-level pastor in the same period, Liu Tianqing, and it also has a perfect score."

"This paper is the paper of the veteran students you arranged for the assessment, with a score of 94."

"These are the test papers for other light magicians who are being assessed."

Li Fan introduced the four papers in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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