Chapter 283
left the restaurant.It was already dark.Wu Zhi turned his head, smiled, then turned and walked into the secluded alley next to him.

"System, summon me a level [-] hero, Widow Maker—Evelyn."

"Yes. Summoning"

"Consumption, 2000 game coins, remaining, 5530 game coins."

"Shadow, is instructing me!"

In front of him, a cloud of black smoke exploded, and then a stunner with wine-red hair, pointed ears, and so little clothes on her body made her heart beat faster, exposing a lot of blue-purple skin, walked away with a low and hoarse voice come out.

Widowmaker, Evelyn.A top assassin with the ability to blend into the darkness at will.After completing the task of "Crossing the Colossus Mountains", Wu Zhi obtained the authority to summon Evelyn.But at that time, in order to save Leia, Wu Zhi kept all the game coins for safety, so that he only summoned this hero until now.

"Evelyn, a guy named Aisar will appear in the restaurant later, follow him and stare at him. If he has any intentions against me, and you are sure, kill him!"

Wu Zhi smiled lightly, and threw a few Zhenshi guards out of his hands, "You should know how to use these things."

"Don't worry, Summoner!"

Evelyn smiled lowly, then turned around and disappeared from Wu Zhi's face, blending into the darkness.

Faintly, Evelyn's voice came from the darkness.

"The night is my veil"

The next day, when Wu Zhi was heading towards Meng Feier.In the mercenary union in the small town, Aisar was sitting in the minister's room with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was thinking.

dong dong dong.

sounded on the tip.Then a middle-aged man in his fifties walked in.This middle-aged man is obviously the head of the mercenary union branch, but he is very reserved in front of Aisar.

As the son of the president of the mercenary union, Aisar is one of the powerful successors of the next president. If he is a branch minister in a big city like Shiling City, he will naturally have the same status as Aisar. But the branch ministers of these small cities are naturally slightly inferior to Aisar.

"Master Aisar, all the information you are looking for is here, and it has just been delivered from other distributions using magic flying letters."

The middle-aged man put a thick stack of documents on the table and said.

Aisar nodded, "En. How about the message to send you back to the headquarters?"

The middle-aged man said: "It has already been sent, the news from the headquarters has arrived, and the things you want are being escorted in your name. But this year, your authority is only the last time left."

"I see. I'm sorry to trouble you, I want to read this information." Aisar nodded and said.

The middle-aged man smiled quickly, "No trouble, then take your time, I'm going out first."

The middle-aged man went out and closed the door behind him.

Aisar opened the file, and saw a colorful picture at first sight, which was Wu Zhi's face.Then, there was an introduction about Wu Zhi.

"The Marquis of Linde Klein, the master of the fire swordsman?"

Seeing this, Aisar raised his eyebrows.Then continue to look down.

"To save his fiancée, he asked for help from the Demon Lord of the Holy Cult of Light and joined the Holy Cult of Light? And he looks the same as Wu Zhi, the son of Guangming before the Holy Cult of Light?"

Aisar muttered to himself: "According to the data, he should be his fiancée who went to the Gade Empire to ask for help from a senior powerhouse of Gade. But he appeared in the Sealand Empire, and still To find the daughter of the Marquis of Rhine?"

Aisar narrowed his eyes, and then said to Tiger in the room: "Tiger, go get information about Wu Zhi, the former Son of Light of the Holy Cult of Light. Use my authority, the more detailed the better!"

Tiger nodded, opened the door, and walked out.But at the moment before the door was closed, there was a gust of wind blowing in the room for no reason, but no one noticed it.At the same time, there was a low laughter that was almost undetectable, and an invisible guard had been placed in the room.

Aisar carefully looked at the document in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more the same light appeared in his eyes.When Tiger brought over the material signed "Son of the Holy Religious Apostasy, Wu Zhi", he took it, then flipped through it quickly, and let out a long breath.

"Is that so? Wu Zhi? Vijay Wu? It's amazing, so I, a new friend, still have this background!"

Tiger next to him asked: "What's the matter. Master, is there something wrong with that Vijay Wu?"

Aisar looked at him and smiled, "It's better that you don't know these things. Well, you go to rest first, and I'll look at the information again."

Tiger nodded, turned and left the room.

And Aisar read the two documents back and forth carefully several times, and then put the two documents side by side.

On the left, Wu Zhi, the son of Guangming with black hair and looking vigorous, is smiling triumphantly.On the other side was Marquis Vijay, who looked a little gloomy and haggard, with short gray hair.But the faces of the two are strikingly similar!It can even be said that if the temperament and hair color change a little, it is simply a person!

Aisar exhaled a long breath, and then laughed: "Vijay Wu? A son of light who betrayed the Holy Cult because he learned dark combat skills? He fell into the Dishangjian and died?"

"Hehe, according to the information, this Wu Zhi killed Yale Massa, the son of darkness of the Dark Church, and took away the addictive Dark Moon Sword. And combined with the changed state of my Brother Vijie, it seems that he is He didn’t die after falling into Dishangjian, but the blood sacrifice succeeded in that magic sword? And it seems that his mastery of that magic sword is No.1 in history!”

"Interesting, really interesting. He defected from the church and joined the church again with a hijab. This friend is really interesting."

Aisar chuckled, then suddenly picked up the two documents and threw them into the nearby stove.


Aisar shouted loudly: "In my name, delete all the information about Vijay Wu and Wu Zhi in the guild!"

Tiger was stunned: "Young master, we need to clear all the data, but you need your permission for the last time this year."

"Do as I say!"


Outside the door, Tiger led the order to leave.But Aisar laughed lowly: "Wu Zhi. Weijie. Wu, this friend is worth making!"

At the same time, from an unknown distance away, Wu Zhi in the carriage opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

"It's really worth paying for."

(End of this chapter)

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