Chapter 276 Dragon Sparrow
Terito.Hatters Hill.

As night fell, the cold wind howling on the mountain became more intense.Ordinary people staying in this kind of place, I am afraid that their limbs will become stiff and their hands and feet will go numb within a short time.

But fortunately, Wu Zhi and his group are professionals with extraordinary strength. They have battle qi magic protection, and they have prepared thick clothes long ago, so they are still in good condition.

Finally, when the bright moonlight was shining on the night, I heard a deafening dragon chant from the top of the mountain, and then a huge creature flew out, circled around the mountain, and headed towards The forest behind the mountain flew away.

Wu Zhi took the SuperMaster Fruit, his eyesight was enhanced, and the darkness was not an obstacle to him.So it was easy to see the original appearance of the dragon.

It was a giant wind dragon about twenty meters long, covered in blue scales, with a slender neck, showing some female characteristics.There are two clusters of wind circling under the wings, the speed is extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it has already appeared hundreds of meters away.

"The dragon is gone!"

Aisar waited for a while, until he couldn't see the back of the giant dragon at all, and then waved his hand fiercely: "Action! Time waits for no one, move!"

Immediately, the mercenaries on the platform took off the big padded jackets wrapped around them one after another, and the magician also dispersed the surrounding clouds and mists. When the cold wind blew, his spirit was shaken immediately.

Several nimble mercenaries have already climbed up to a higher place from behind the platform, and then took out a hammer to nail a few iron pillars into the rock wall, hanging down the rope, and the people behind pulled the rope, Also climbed up one by one.

However, just when there were seven or eight people going up, there was a shrill scream from above, and the noise of chirping like countless birds.Immediately afterwards there was another cry of pain from a mercenary, and Wu Zhi saw a mercenary fall directly from the upper edge, fell down the mountain, and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds in an instant.

"The top of Mount Haytes is a huge flat land, which should have been dug out by the giant dragon. In the center of the flat land is a cave, which is the dragon's lair, and the dragon egg is inside!"

Aisar obviously expected the death of the mercenaries, narrowed his eyes, and said: "Beside the dragon's lair, there is a group of birds and beasts called dragon sparrows. They feed on the excrement of dragons, and after the leftover food rotted by the dragons, they will become the delicacies of these guys. And they serve as servants to help the dragons guard the lair. There is a large group of dragonfinch on our heads. I I thought we could all go to the top to organize and start to wipe out the Dragon Sparrow, but I didn't expect to be discovered by them so soon."

Aisar looked at Wu Zhi: "Now, I need your help. Brother Wang, please transport the main combat power up first, and quickly deal with the dragon sparrows. We can't delay too long."

Wu Zhi nodded, and suddenly the clothes on the upper body burst open, and dark black scales with armor spikes grew out from under the skin, and terrifying horns appeared on the limbs.

Aisar took a step back subconsciously, and immediately exclaimed: "Cool!"

Wu Zhi ignored him, turned his head and grabbed Tiger next to Aisar with his backhand, and then the two scales on his back split apart soundlessly, and a pair of huge bat wings grew out, grabbed Tiger, and directly Fly up and drop it on the platform above.

With the help of this skill, Wu Zhi also saw the whole picture of the platform above.

This is a vast space that is nearly the size of a football field. In the middle of this space is a raised hill with a huge opening on one side, which can even accommodate giant dragons. Apparently it's the dragon's lair.

On the edge of the hole, a large number of animal bones were piled up, even piled up into a hill.

And above this platform, a kind of bird and beast about the size of a hunting dog, with a body like a chicken, but with a head like a giant dragon and a tail with long feathers, is scattered everywhere.A rough count, probably no less than five hundred.

At this time, the mercenaries who had just boarded the platform were suffering from the attacks of these birds and beasts, and they were struggling.

As soon as Tiger's feet landed on the ground, he immediately roared, and drew out the big sword on his back. The detonator flashed and saw that he had rushed into the flock of birds. They became stiff and paralyzed and fell, and the few dragon sparrows with weak resistance were directly scorched to death by the thunder and light.

Wu Zhi just took a look, then flew down again, and pulled a professional with good strength up.After going back and forth several times, with the participation of these professionals, they finally stood on the platform.The other mercenaries behind can safely climb through the ropes.

At this time, under Aisar's suggestion, Wu Zhi pulled another middle-aged mercenary with red eyebrows to the platform.As soon as the mercenary landed, the others, even Tiger, subconsciously restrained their fighting style, and couldn't help leaning towards him.

When Wu Zhi was curious, he saw the middle-aged mercenary pull out a magic wand with a blank face. After a short chant, the wand pointed forward fiercely. Pieces of fire clouds gathered, and in the fire clouds, groups of football-sized fireballs rained down. After encountering those sparrows, they immediately burst open, and even the sputtering sparks It is necessary to cover the surrounding sparrows together.

Wu Zhi glanced at the middle-aged mercenary in surprise. Based on his knowledge, he naturally recognized this magic, which was the platinum magic of the fire system, "Flame Sky Fire Rain".Judging by how proficient he is in performing it, he must be at least a magic master above level nine, right?

It has to be said that a magician is a sharp weapon in group battles.

Hundreds of sparrows, even if they were to be slaughtered one by one without moving, it would probably take a long time.What's more, these sparrows are all brave by nature, and they are quick to move, and their strength is not weaker than that of high-level monsters?

However, under this wave of fire rain, more than half of the sparrows were directly burned to death. There was a burnt smell floating on the entire platform. If you smell it carefully, there is even the smell of barbecue. fragrance!
"Fix them quickly, don't waste time!"

While the fire magic master was mopping up the dragonfinch group, all the other mercenaries behind also boarded the platform.Aisar also came to the side at some unknown time.

At that time, the water magician who gathered clouds and mist before also came out. After the spell was uttered, the clouds and mist in the distance were immediately pulled over, forming a series of drowsy dark clouds, and immediately the dark clouds poured down. Heavy rain, turbid raindrops fell, and condensed into water arrows in mid-air, like a team of hundreds of archers shooting, sweeping the ground in front of everyone.

Wu Zhi recognized that this was the silver-level water magic, Rain Arrow.Of course, this magic seems to have been improved by the magician. The original "Rain Arrow" magic is just a few isolated ones, and it can only be cast when it rains. It can be regarded as a magic for novices.

However, in the hands of this water magician, it has transformed into a powerful group attack magic.

Compared with the previous Yantianhuoyu, the power of this rain arrow is slightly inferior. The arrows gathered by the rain cannot directly kill these dragon birds with excellent defense.However, the dense rain of arrows is too much to bear.

One round of fire, one round of water.

After two rounds of magic swept past, the burnt smell in the field was washed away.But the flock of dragon finch left less than one-tenth of the previous number.

To deal with these skylarks, Tiger and other mercenaries rushed up and started the finishing work.

"Okay, everything is done, you can go get the dragon egg."

At this time, Aisar also showed an excited smile on his face.Everything is going very smoothly. At this time, only 10 minutes have passed since the dragon left, and there is still plenty of time
With a smile on Aisar's face, Tiger quickly returned to his side, and then took a few mercenaries and walked into the dragon's lair.Wu Zhi shrugged, retracted the bat wings and canceled the demonized state.After all, in this state, the consumption of physical strength is still huge.

Wu Zhi's "transformation" form really didn't look like a good class, so the other mercenaries didn't come over to talk to him.There was only one person standing shirtless in the cold wind.But with his physique, this coldness is not enough.

After about five or six minutes, footsteps came from the dragon's lair. Wu Zhi turned his head and saw Aisar coming out with a happy face. Behind him, two mercenaries carried a full-length A giant dragon egg as tall as a person.

The dragon egg was more than one meter high, oval in shape, with circles of cyan spiral patterns on it, and two black spots at both ends of the oval.

"Is this the dragon egg?"

Wu Zhi saw quite a few giant dragons, such as Qin Yuling's Wen Long.The black dragon at the bottom of Dishangjian, and the wind dragon just now.

But this is the first time I have seen such a rare thing as a dragon egg.But it seems that there is nothing unusual except for the more colorful patterns and larger size.

"Yes. For this thing, some of it is worth it!" Aisar was obviously very excited at the moment, even gently stroking the pattern on the giant egg, as if it was his own relatives.

"However, such a big thing can't be put into the interspatial ring. How are you going to move it down? And according to what you said, the dragon will return in at most ten minutes." Wu Zhi reminded him.

Aisar smiled: "Don't worry, I have already prepared!"

After finishing speaking, Aisar waved his hand, and the mercenaries on both sides had already gently put down the eggs, and then the former took out a huge box. The inside of the box was slowly covered with soft things like cotton flannelette, and the outside was still There is a layer of leather outer packaging, and Wu Zhi even saw the lines of the magic circle in some places, which looks similar to the shock-absorbing magic circle of the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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