Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 270 Mercenary Union (2)

Chapter 270 Mercenary Union ([-])

The maid smiled: "Okay, guest. In addition, the person you are looking for is Miss Mengfeier, the daughter of the Marquis of Rhine. Our mercenaries will contact her as soon as they find her whereabouts and confirm her with our mercenary union. Yours. Do you want to leave your name here so we can get in touch with you?"

Wu Zhi shook his head: "No, I will come to the Mercenary Union every once in a while to confirm."

The maid nodded, and then took out a piece of paper with a task number, task amount, time, and content written on it.And there is also a seal distributed by the Shiling City Mercenary Union,

"Guest, please keep this receipt. With this receipt, you can follow the progress of the task you posted in any branch of my mercenary union, and after your confirmation, we will draw 100 of your 5.00 million gold coins." % share, and the remaining 95 gold coins will be rewarded to the mercenaries who found Miss Meng Feier."

Wu Zhi nodded, expressing his understanding.Then he put away the receipt and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, three people walked down the stairs on the second floor of the mercenary union talking and laughing.

The noisy environment in the hall immediately became silent after the three people walked out.The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became oppressive.Feeling this strange change, Wu Zhi raised his head, looked towards the stairs, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

I saw above the stairs, two of them were the sword soul powerhouse Tiger and the mysterious young man Aisar who he met and fought against in the Marquis's Mansion that night!
These two people actually appeared here!
The strong Tiger of the Soul of Sword level walked behind Aisar like a bodyguard, and beside the latter, there was a majestic middle-aged man with a very eye-catching unibrow.

Because of the characteristic of the unibrow, Wu Zhi had a deep impression on this guy. When he was in the Marquis' mansion, Wu Zhi saw this guy at a banquet at the Marquis's mansion. He was from the mercenary union Shiling City. Head of the branch.He is the highest commander of the mercenary union in Territor.

That guy named Aisar, first he was able to accompany the city lord of Shiling City, and now he was talking and laughing with the chief executive of the Shiling City branch of the mercenary union. Needless to say, his status must be unusual.

Seeing these two people appear, Wu Zhi pressed the bamboo hat on his head, then turned away without saying a word.Although he was fighting in a demonized state at the time, Wu Zhi was wearing a bamboo hat all the time, so it was certain that the two of them had never seen his face.But in order to avoid accidents, it is better not to have any contact with them.

However, Wu Zhi had miscalculated at this time.Originally, in the mercenary union, there were not no people who covered their faces and came to issue tasks.Some people don't want others to know about their tasks, so they choose to hide their faces.So Wu Zhi wearing a bamboo hat in the hall is not considered conspicuous.

But it is worth noting that when the three of Aisar appeared from the stairs, the atmosphere in the hall became very strange.Those mercenaries stopped talking and laughing one after another, not even breathing loudly.And Wu Zhi's behavior of turning his head and leaving carelessly at this moment seemed to stand out from the crowd, and was directly noticed by Aisar.

After Wu Zhi walked out of the hall, he immediately blended into the crowd.And Aisar stared at the direction he left for a long time, then walked to the counter where Wu Zhi was sitting just now, and said, "Is that person just now a mercenary or is he here to issue a mission?"

The mercenary union has always kept the situation of the guests strictly confidential, and will not disclose it to others easily.But as soon as Aisar opened his mouth, the maid quickly replied: "Master, the guest just issued a search mission within the scope of the three empires."

Aisar asked: "Who is he looking for? Did you leave any information about your identity?"

The maid said: "The person he is looking for is Miss Mengfeier, the daughter of the Marquis of Rhine. Miss Mengfeier left Shiling City a month after the Marquis died, and she has not been found yet. The guest just now did not stay either. any information."

At this time, the head of the Yizimei also came over, and said with a smile: "Why, did you have a festival with that guy and Aisar? How about I send someone out to capture him directly for this kind of hide-and-seek guy?"

Aisar smiled slightly: "Uncle Nick, if the guy just now was really that person, then the people you sent would not be able to catch him at all."

Are you kidding me? If it is said that three days ago, someone wanted to be unfavorable to Wu Zhi and set up a lore-killing situation, then only a group of professionals above level [-] could choose a favorable terrain to kill Wu Zhi. Will stay.

But now, under the condition that Wu Zhi can transform into the second form of demonization, unless it is a strong person above the Zun level, it is almost impossible to keep him on the mainland.If something goes wrong, just fly away.

Being able to fly and not being able to fly is the difference between heaven and earth.For example, wind magicians have an extraordinary status among all magicians because wind magicians are the only magicians who can fly.

Another example is Mo Tu.It is only a seventh-level magician.But with some magic gun talents and the combination of wind magic, he immediately became the scariest assassin under the eleventh level.With its seventh level, it can even directly assassinate a tenth level professional across the ranks!
Between land and space, the status is not equal.

Aisar was just telling the truth, but Nick didn't believe it, "Who is that guy? Could it be that even the elite of my mercenary union can't catch him?"

Aisar smiled, without too much explanation, and looked at the maid next to him: "Inform me in my name, and next time that guy appears in any branch, please notify me immediately."

The maid nodded quickly: "Understood, young master."

Tiger next to him let out a light sigh at this time, and asked, "Young master, that guy doesn't deserve your attention, right? Although he is good in strength, he is only at the master level after all. If I went all out that night, We are sure to take him down in ten strokes."

Aisar smiled lightly: "What I value is not his strength, but his ability! What's more, with your twelfth-level sword soul level, it takes as many as ten moves to deal with a mere grandmaster, which is not enough To prove his strength?"

Tiger's eyes lit up, "My lord, do you want to use his pair?"

Aisar waved his hand slightly, stopped what Tiger was about to say, and smiled: "Time is running out, if we can get this guy's help, we will be more confident."

 Today's Double Twelve, everyone, don't be on the top today and obviously want to chop your hands hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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