Chapter 242 Escape

Mo Tu's face was very calm, "So, it is best to take one plant every five days, so that it can last for nearly two months. If possible, take it once every six days, and it should be able to last until you return home." inland."

Wu Zhi hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Then, what will happen if you run out of Youming Flower?"

"I haven't tried this. But when the curse backlash was at its worst, it almost made my bones burst. So if I don't suppress the curse, I might die."

Mo Tu said it lightly, but Wu Zhi heard it with horror.If this kind of curse fell on him, it would be considered as worse than death.But fortunately, he practiced light magic, so ordinary curses would have no effect even if cast on him.

Nodding silently, Wu Zhi didn't know what to say for a while.

Perhaps it was because Wu Zhi discovered his secret, or because his body had just been injured by a curse, and his mood changed due to his weakness. Mo Tu spoke a little more than usual: "You are not curious What's the curse?"

Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "This kind of thing is your privacy, so I don't have the nerve to ask. But if you want to talk, I'm naturally willing to be an audience."

Mo Tu smiled, but she didn't seem to want to say anything. Wu Zhi thought for a while, then took out two bottles of life potion from the ring, and put them in her hand: "I have two bottles of potion here, although it's okay Your curse doesn't help much, but it should be able to recover your injuries. Otherwise, you may faint on the road tomorrow."

Mo Tu nodded: "Thank you, I owe you one more time."

Wu Zhi waved his hand, turned and left the tent.

Mo Tu watched Wu Zhi leave, looked at the waist in his hand, hesitated for a while, first took out a piece of white paper, put a drop on it, waited for a while, and saw that there was nothing unusual on the paper, this time He picked up the medicine and took a sip.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Tu's eyes lit up.

As soon as this small sip of the potion entered the stomach, it immediately turned into a stream of heat and gathered towards the injured part of the body, and there was also an itchy feeling from the wound, obviously the muscles were healing rapidly!

Mo Tu poured down a whole bottle of potion, and immediately the injuries on his body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. This amazing effect was simply appalling. Mo Tu thought to himself that he was well-informed, but he had never I've heard of any magic potions that can heal wounds so well!

Even if it is the healing magic cast by the light magister, it's nothing more than that, right?
The next day, when the team was on the road again, Wu Zhi observed Mo Tu's complexion, and found that the latter's complexion was much better, and no injuries could be seen on his body.Slightly nodded.

At the same time, Wu Zhi began to make some small calculations in his heart.

From the fact that Mo Tu is both a master of wind magic and a powerful ghostly sniper assassin, as well as the cursed magic on her body, it can be seen that this chick is definitely a person with a story.

Not only a person with a story, but also a very good talent.

It is almost impossible for professionals below the eleventh level to block her assassination.Super long attack distance and strong attack strength, erratic movement speed.If her level is raised a little bit, I'm afraid that even strong men above level [-] will not be able to resist her assassination!

Such a talent, if he can receive it under his command, would be a good choice.

Since he can become an assassin, it is very likely that Mo Tu is alone.Without any relatives, such a person is easier to control.But before that, we still have to figure out her background, if it's appropriate, I might as well think about it.

Wu Zhi sighed.I feel that now I have a feeling that I want to recruit my subordinates when I see talents.

It was really because Wu Zhi was tired of the feeling of wandering around alone.Without strong strength and own influence, he is bullied everywhere like a lost dog.

First in the small town, then Silvermoon City, Mowu Academy, Guangming Shengjiao
But now, Wu Zhi can be said to have laid his foundation in Wanguolin.As long as it is based on this, if it is managed well, it can be his solid backing.

But Wu Zhi felt that the strength of his subordinates was still too weak.Although it is almost possible to dominate one side in Wan Guolin, but if it is placed in the inland, compared among countless powerful families, in fact, at most, it can be mixed up in the same position.

Take the Mob family, for example.According to Esbell, in the Mobo family, there are as many as three professionals above the eleventh level, and the strongest one also has the strength of the fourteenth level.

Compared with those big countries in Wan Guolin, the Mobo family, the force that once dominated the Sealand Empire, although not as many in the number of ordinary combat power, but the high-end combat power can be said to be almost the same.

And the strength of the Mobo family might not even rank among the top ten in the entire inland area.

Not to mention the big powers known in the mainland such as the Holy Church of the Light and the Church of the Darkness.

Wu Zhi, who was once the bright son of the Holy Cult, deeply knows how terrifying the power of the Holy Cult is!
Huge financial resources, countless supporters and fighters, the Knights of Light, the Magic of the Holy Light, and the Holy Tribunal!

To put it bluntly, if Guangming Shengjiao moves a little, it can easily destroy the entire Wan Guolin!

The war potential contained in such a behemoth is more than terrifying!
It is precisely because of understanding that Wu Zhi feels oppressed.

It seems that he easily stole a country in Wan Guolin, but he is not proud of it, because he is deeply aware of his own weakness and inadequacy.

What's more, Wu Zhi's final imaginary enemy is the former O.R.G., the current Paradise of the Undead, as well as the Saint of the Undead and Lord Lord of the Undead!

On the way with the army, there were other people guarding him before and after, so Wu Zhi simply began to plan his future development.There is no doubt that De Klein is the focus of his development!But it has to slowly move inland.

The mainland is the real stage, and Wan Guolin can only be regarded as a "countryside" at best.

When his power is strong enough to challenge the Paradise of the Dead, he will undoubtedly declare war on Lorde and take revenge for Egbert, for his teacher, for the innocent dead in the college, and for the dead of Nikind Countless ordinary civilians took revenge!
The soldiers parading in the rear came to report, followed by a huge ape-like monster, coming towards the team.After an urgent discussion, the group prepared to evade, but after walking for a few minutes in a deflected direction, the soldier behind came to report again: The monster also changed direction and came after it!

There is no doubt that the goal of this monster is clear, and considering that the monster is an ape, after discussion, everyone has determined that this monster should have something to do with the giant ape they killed before.

Reminiscent of the giant ape before, seeing that being chased by this monster was not a solution, he simply formed an formation in place, wanting to deal with the monster before going on the road.

So after a few minutes, a behemoth appeared in front of everyone.

It is still a giant ape with a height of five or six meters, which is close to the height of a two-story building. However, the difference is that the hair of this giant ape is slightly dark golden brown, and there is a circle of tumors on its head. The general protrusion is worn on its head like a crown.

As soon as the giant ape appeared, its eyes as big as copper bells patrolled the field, and immediately fixed on Wu Zhi!

Then, he suddenly stood upright, clapped his hands on his chest, and hissed!
The next moment, the giant ape hammered the ground with both hands, and then it was obvious that on a straight line between Wu Zhi and the giant ape, the ground exploded one after another as if a bomb had been buried, and the rubble was rotten. The soil shot everywhere, and finally at Wu Zhi's feet, the explosion was unprecedentedly violent. Almost tons of soil and rubble were lifted up like a volcanic eruption. Even if a cow was on top, it would be blown away in an instant!
However, Wu Zhi would be really stupid if he couldn't dodge such an obvious attack that couldn't be more obvious.Lightly tap the toes on the ground, and the whole person bounces away a few meters like a water spider, dodging the blow and explosion, and is slightly startled at the same time.

"Earth magic?"

This monster missed a single hit, and immediately roared furiously, and then grabbed and lifted its hands on the ground, and immediately a mass of soft soil solidified into stones like cannonballs and slammed towards Wu Zhi.

Wu Zhi wanted to try the power of this monster. Fighting energy shone on the sword, and then the invisible star power gathered, and finally turned into a huge cluster of sparks, and flew out of the sword!
Celestial combat skills, sparks of fire!
When Xinghuo collided with the rock, it first covered the entire rock in an instant, and then exploded with a bang.Both annihilated in mid-air!
"Scatter all, be careful not to be accidentally injured by this giant ape!"

Wu Zhigao yelled, and then glanced behind him out of the corner of his eye, almost furious.

The group of guys behind, all tenth-level professionals including Leia, have no intention of coming to help alone!

This group of people obviously saw clearly that the giant ape seemed to have a particularly deep impression on Wu Zhi. They didn't know whether it was because the trauma he left on the previous giant ape monster was particularly severe or what, and they stared at him all the time. put.So this group of people was happy to let Wu Zhi strike forward to test the depth of this giant ape.

It's okay for Leia, after all, her legs are injured.It was inconvenient to make a move, but that Snake, including Sai Luo and the magician Ao Yan, all looked like they were watching the show.

In an instant, Wu Zhi felt the coldness of the world.

"These bastards!"

Unhappy in Wu Zhi's heart, without saying a word, he turned around and rushed directly into Snake's formation.And the giant ape behind thought that Wu Zhi was going to run away, so he roared angrily and followed. Along the way, he inserted his palm-sized hands into the ground, and with a random wave, a huge boulder was thrown, that is, a human-shaped trebuchet!

"Vijay Wu, you bastard! Why are you leading that bastard here!"

Seeing this scene, Snake was immediately annoyed.He is an agility and speed professional who tends to assassinate, but facing the throwing of this boulder is even more troublesome than Wu Zhi.Seeing these boulders being thrown, the soldiers under his command immediately ran out to the surroundings, but there was still one soldier who couldn't escape and was directly crushed to death by a boulder!
This is also the first time that the team has lost members since the team traveled to the mountains for five days.

When Snake saw this scene, his lungs almost exploded, and he was about to yell, when suddenly, beast roars and roars sounded one after another from all directions in the jungle, and then he saw a head with different shapes, but all of them were extremely ferocious. Wild beasts and demonic beasts appeared one after another and surrounded their team tightly!

Wu Zhi turned his head to look, and among these magical beasts, there were all kinds of wealth, wolves, tigers and leopards. After the giant ape roared, they immediately rushed towards the team.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zhi took a deep breath: "Hiss commanding the beasts, this giant ape is at least a beast emperor above level eleven."

Among the monsters, there has always been the saying of the king of a hundred beasts, the emperor of a thousand beasts, and the king of ten thousand beasts.

It means that a monster of the beast king level can command a hundred beasts; the beast king dispatches a thousand beasts; and when the beast master comes out, all beasts will submit!
Of course, this number of hundreds and thousands is just a finger pointing.The essential meaning is to highlight the control and deterrence of high-level monsters over low-level monsters.After all, most Warcraft basically like to walk alone.

However, there are some magical beasts like wolves, apes, birds, dogs, etc., but they can really command the herd!
This kind of monster has the attribute of living in groups or has high intelligence, so even after the individual strength is outstanding, it still likes to retain the habit of living in groups or commanding subordinates.In a sense, this kind of monster is more difficult and troublesome than ordinary monsters.

But obviously, this giant ape is such a monster.

Wu Zhi glanced quickly at the sand table in his mind, and quickly found an easier escape route.

Wu Zhi pointed in that direction: "Don't love to fight, everyone will work together to break through in that direction!"

The direction Wu Zhi pointed out was an azimuth that was offset by [-] degrees from their original direction of travel.In that place, the terrain is relatively flat, making it easy to escape. The most important reason is that there is a rushing river there. As long as you run across the river, you can get rid of most of the chasing monsters.

But what Wu Zhi didn't expect was that at this time, Snake sang against him.

"Are you stupid? The terrain over there is flat. Do you want to race with these monsters? Can you run away? Can other people also run away? Just run to the back. There is interference from the forest. If you persist, you can get rid of these monsters." .”

After Snake finished speaking with a sneer, he rushed in the original direction with ten of his men.Seeing this scene, Wu Zhi almost wanted to curse.

This idiot, what is he so smug about?Race against monsters in the jungle?I just don't know how he came up with such a way!Take the road he recommended, although it seems that it will be easy to be overtaken by monsters, but at most 10 minutes away, you can reach the river and get rid of these monsters.

However, seeing Snake breaking out towards that side, Wu Zhi immediately followed.

One is because he doesn't want the team to disband.The second reason is that if he broke out towards the river, it would certainly be the right choice, but that giant ape obviously hated him more, and would undoubtedly choose to chase him.

Wouldn't that be like bait to help Snake and his group reduce their burden?
If you want to cheat, let's cheat together!
Wu Zhi sneered in his heart, and followed Snake with the warriors of the tribe.

Behind, the giant ape roared and rushed over, and in front, since it was the direction chosen by Snake, this time it was naturally Snake's men who rushed to the front and fought to create a bloody path, and then everyone behind followed this path. The road breaks out.

Wu Zhi thought of Leia's inability to move, and looked towards her, only to realize that this little girl had abandoned the wheelchair at some point and was running on the ground with her own legs.

Wu Zhi's figure flashed, and he came to Leiya's side, and shouted at her: "You are stupid, didn't I tell you not to exercise vigorously? When your legs are crippled, you will waste my time again."

Leia opened her mouth and was about to explain. When everyone is in danger, she can't let someone push her wheelchair and run away. Otherwise, she might be caught up and smashed by the giant ape behind in an instant. pulpy.

But before she could speak, Wu Zhi had already picked her up from behind, hugged her in the posture of a princess, and ran towards the front along with the team.

Leia fell into Wu Zhi's arms, was stunned for a moment, and then patted Wu Zhi's chest, "You put me down, I can run by myself!"

"Don't make a mess! Be quiet!"

Wu Zhi glared at her, the latter froze, and then really quieted down obediently.Wu Zhi glanced around from the corner of his eye, only to find that in the chaos, at least seven or eight people had fallen behind in the original 50-member team, and the result of falling behind was naturally needless to say.

The giant ape behind was still chasing, but with the cover of the trees, it was able to maintain a certain distance for a while, so that it would not be caught up.But in this vast forest, there is someone running behind him.

In fact, to be fair, there is nothing wrong with Snake's choice of escape direction.But Wu Zhi was based on knowing the terrain and knew that running towards the river was the best choice, but Snake didn't know the existence of the river, and only wanted to use the jungle to interfere with the speed of the pursuers.

Wu Zhi walked through the forest with Leia in his arms. Since he was holding Leia with both hands, he was basically unable to make any attacks, so after hesitating for a while, he directly supported Leia's hip with one hand and moved her to his back.

Leia screamed, but Wu Zhi said coldly: "Hold yourself well." Then he took Youmeng in his hand, rushed to the edge of the team, and beheaded the ordinary monsters chasing up one by one. .

At this time, Wu Zhi suddenly felt a cold all over his body, and it seemed that there was wind around his feet, which made his body feel much lighter. When he turned his head, he saw Mo Tu running quietly in the middle of the team. Chanting the spell silently, adding "Wind Travel" to other tribal warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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