Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 239 Saved and Killed

Chapter 239 Saved and Killed
Wu Zhi has already prepared well, and ordered ten elite fighters from the tribe. Although their individual strength is only around level three, their equipment is luxurious.

The body is double-layer tough leather armor with cotton layer sandwiched, a sharp machete made by cold forging, a black dragon dagger, and even a small-volume space ring for each person, in which tightly pressed dough cakes are placed, and All kinds of emergency medicines, tools used in the jungle and mountains, etc.

To buy such an outfit, the gold coins spent on each soldier are at least [-] gold coins.Faced with ten times the number of soldiers on the battlefield, they can directly crush them!

Just as Wu Zhi was about to leave, suddenly a guard in the palace came to report that a magician wanted to see him.

Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and after asking, he realized that it was a woman who was looking for him.Claiming to be Moda.

Only then did Wu Zhi react.

It was because Moda's identity as an assassin impressed him so deeply that he ignored her identity as a magician.

"Isn't this guy very wary of me? Why did he suddenly come to the door now?"

Wu Zhi thought for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, but he had already started to think about whether to take this opportunity to kill her.

A sniper who can assassinate a tenth-level professional is really terrifying.With her in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Forest, almost no one could stop her assassination except for those few strong men from the country.If the situation becomes chaotic after he leaves, someone invites her to assassinate Jolaire.
A cold light gradually appeared in Wu Zhi's eyes.

At this time, Mo Tu had already walked in slowly under the leadership of the guards.

When Wu Zhi saw Mo Tu, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

You know, the place where Wu Zhi is now is in a solid palace, and Mo Tu walks into this room, so even if she is a magician of the wind system, if Wu Zhi wants to do something to her, she will be too in a short time. Can't escape with wind magic.And this time was enough for Wu Zhi to kill him.

In other words, when she walked into this palace, life and death were already under Wu Zhi's control!

Hasn't Mo Tu been very cautious all the time, why would he do such a thing now?
Just as this doubt flashed across Wu Zhi's mind, he suddenly saw Mo Tu's expression.

His complexion was pale and haggard, and even the bright eyes before had become weak at this moment.

Wu Zhi waved his hand to let the guards leave, then frowned and looked at Mo Tu: "What's going on with you?"

Mo Tu didn't answer Wu Zhi's words, but asked instead: "I heard that you are going to cross the Colossus Mountain Range and go back to the inland?"

"Yes, what's the matter? How did you make it look like this?"

Mo Tu looked at Wu Zhi and said, "I'm with you."

Wu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Crossing the Colossus Mountain Range is not an easy task. Besides, you seem to be injured or something, and your complexion is not very good. If something happens to you on the way, you can It's a waste of energy to take care of you. I don't have the time to bring a burden."

Mo Tu shook his lips, and then said: "I'm not hurt, just. Don't worry, I will never drag you down. And my magic may help you. And I promise, I won't cause you any trouble. You Take me, even if I owe you a favor."

"What's the use of favors? Let's be honest."

In Wu Zhi's heart, he was already preparing to bring Mo Tu along. For him, it was certainly better to take Mo Tu out of Wan Guo Lin than to keep her here.But at this time it was Mo Tu who took the initiative to come to her door to beg her, so naturally he was sitting on the ground and raising the price.

Mo Tu's chest heaved violently, and then he said coldly: "I can help you kill someone, as long as it is within my ability."

Wu Zhi frowned, and raised three fingers: "Three."

"Up to two!"

Wu Zhi clapped his hands, smiling all over his face: "Deal! I'm leaving soon. Do you have anything to prepare?"

The middle of the Colossus Mountains.

Wu Zhi led ten tribal warriors, and beside him was a haggard Mo Tu.When they arrived, everyone else had already arrived.

Wu Zhi glanced around the arena, and found that there were almost no familiar faces in the arena.The only person she knew was Leia in a wheelchair.

After walking over and talking for a while, I realized that the leader Lei Xunsi sent this time was Leia.A tenth-level thunder swordsman.

The one Jing Hongguo sent was also a swordsman, but with the fire element.This swordsman is a middle-aged man with a beard, holding a red giant sword called Sai Luo in his hand.

Sunset Kingdom is a dark fighter who uses a dagger.It's called Snake.

As for the offensive and defensive alliance, it turned out to be a water magic master named Ao Yan.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go."

Wu Zhi saw that all the people from the five directions had arrived, and wanted to set off after saying a word, but at this moment, Snake, the tenth-level dark-type fighter from the Setting Sun Kingdom, sneered coldly. Then he said: "By the way, the meeting place is within De Klein's territory, right? As the leader of De Klein's team, Your Excellency Vijay waited until the last one to arrive?"


Wu Zhi raised his head and glanced at him.Then he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that other people in the scene were also standing in place, with no intention of moving.Immediately after a change of mood, I understood.

Obviously, the team that crossed the Colossus Mountains this time was made up of the current five major forces in Wan Guolin.But they did not appoint a common leader, which means that there is no one who can give orders.

If it is based on the previous situation, Lei Xunsi, as the strongest country in Wan Guolin, should be the leader who will do his part.But this time Lei Xunsi did not know what was going on, and unexpectedly sent Leia out.

First of all, Leia is just a woman, and second, Leia has disabled legs now.This also led to the fact that although she is the representative of Lei Xunsi, it is difficult for her to hold the right to speak in this team.

For the leader, intellectually speaking, it is undoubtedly beneficial to this team.If there is a leader who can give orders, it will undoubtedly make this patchwork team strong.Otherwise, if you encounter something, you say what you say, each has its own suggestions and opinions, and who will you listen to at that time?

Therefore, before entering the Colossus Mountains, it is still necessary to elect a leader.

However, understanding it intellectually does not mean that Wu Zhi can accept it emotionally!

This guy named Snake obviously had the intention of recommending himself.But what he said just now was clearly carrying a gun with a stick, which meant beating.

what is this?To make an example to others?Stand up for yourself?
Wu Zhi snorted coldly: "The previous agreement at LYG was today. Although I was the last one to come, I didn't seem to break the agreement or be late. Could you blame me for coming early?"

This Snake was only planning to use Wu Zhi to show off a little bit. In his opinion, Leia's disabled legs are undoubtedly impossible to win the approval of others.Even she herself didn't seem to want to fight.

As for the others, Ao Yan of the offensive and defensive alliance is obviously impossible to compete with him.One is because Ao Yan is originally from a small country, so he is naturally a head shorter; the other is because as a magician, Ao Yan obviously needs melee professionals like them to protect him in a dangerous place like the Colossus Mountains.

Therefore, the only one who has the qualifications and strength to compete with him for the leadership of this team is Sai Luo from Jing Hongguo.

The so-called prestige is actually a kind of momentum that rises one after another.

From Snake's point of view, Wu Zhi is only an eighth-level professional, and De Klein's ranking is lower than his in Sunset Country, so Wu Zhi naturally dare not do anything if he speaks out to beat him a little.In this way, his momentum will naturally increase a little in the team.

It was just a small thought.But Snake miscalculated Wu Zhi's character.

A tenth-level professional?I don't know how many tenth-level professionals died in front of Wu Zhi.Now he is only a tenth-level fighter, how dare he give him a slap in the face?

Snake was just planning to use Wu Zhi to establish a little bit of power, but he started to feel a little bit hard to get off when he was such a top.His complexion changed for a moment, and then he sneered and said, "Vijay Wu, you are just an eighth-level swordsman, you don't care if you let us wait for you for so long?"

Wu Zhi looked at him coldly: "The others didn't speak, but you have been farting here all the time. Dogs meddle in their own business!"


Snake gave a low snort, and a faint black light began to shine on his body: "It seems that I need to teach you how to respect your seniors!"

Wu Zhi also didn't say anything, the silvery white flames on his hands burned, and the heat wave spread round and round: "Really? I'll wait and see."

Just when the two disagreed and were about to fight, Sai Luo next to him took a step and stood in front of the two of them: "You two, just talk about what you have to say, why bother. During the journey, we still need you to support each other."

Leya and Ao Yan who was next to her also came over to persuade them. Wu Zhi and Nasnek took advantage of this slope to go down after seeing it, but the little conflict between them before was settled.

The reason why the Colossus Mountain Range is difficult to pass through is because the Colossus Mountain Range is dangerous and poor, and the second is because there are countless ferocious beasts hidden in this mountain range.Its scale is even more dangerous than Vokard of the Sealand Empire.

De Klein was backed by the Colossus Mountains, but he was often ravaged by monsters in the Colossus Mountains, so he even built a ten thousand fortress at the foot of the mountain, its function was to stop these monsters.

A team of more than [-] people slowly entered the Colossus Mountains in silence, and among them, Sai Luo and Snake walked in the front. It seems that the former has a faint sense of the leadership of this team. some meaning.

Walking in the middle are Ao Yan and Leya of the offensive and defensive alliance.As for Wu Zhi, he was at the end of the team with ten soldiers and Mo Tu.

Wu Zhi squinted his eyes and walked behind, but his eyes were roving on Sai Luo, Snake, Leia and Ao Yan in front.

The team has just been formed, but some contradictions have already emerged.

In fact, it is mainly Sai Luo and Snake who want to compete for the command of the entire team.The second is the conflict between Wu Zhi and Snake before.This matter is trivial, but in fact it is a very serious hidden danger.

If there is no leader in a crisis situation, then this team of more than fifty people is almost the same as fighting separately.

Choosing a leader is imperative!
But Wu Zhi himself knew that if he wanted to be the leader, his chances were slim.After all, his own level is a flaw.Although he was confident that he could defeat a level ten professional one-on-one, it would take a lot of hole cards, which he didn't want to reveal.

Then, Wu Zhi first set his sights on Snake.

This guy had conflicts with himself before, and he looked like he was going to take revenge, so he must not be allowed to be the leader.Otherwise, it would be next to accept some small shoes to wear. If this guy has some bad intentions during the subsequent journey and assigns him some tasks, that would be the real trouble.

Then, Wu Zhi looked at Ao Yan again.

Naturally, it is impossible for this magician to become a leader.One is its origin.The second reason is that during real battles, magicians need to chant spells to release magic, so how can they have the time to speak and give orders?
Finally, Wu Zhi looked at Sai Luo.

If this guy becomes a leader, there will be no harm to Wu Zhi, but there is no benefit either.Although he has a good relationship with King Jinghong Wang Xiangfei, but after a few circles to Sai Luo, this relationship may become very weak.

Immediately, Wu Zhi's gaze shifted to Leia's body again.

This always cold and arrogant woman is now sitting in a wheelchair, struggling forward in the mountains.Although her complexion was as plain and indifferent as before, Wu Zhi saw something else under her indifferent appearance.

For a swordsman, especially a swordsman like Leia who relies on speed and explosive combat, although the disability of his legs does not affect his fighting spirit, it is a huge drag on his combat effectiveness.

According to Wu Zhi's own estimate, the injuries to Leia's legs have at least reduced his combat effectiveness by more than half!
Wu Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Leiya's legs for a while, and then made some decisions in his mind.

Let's see how she treats herself first.No matter what I say, I saved her life, so the little things in the ice cave before can almost be offset, right?As for the matter of seeing her whole body, Wu Zhi thought that Leia was unconscious at the time and didn't know, so he subconsciously ignored it.
That night.

a day time.Except for some poisonous insects and poisonous snakes, the team was not attacked by monsters.

Of course, this is a very normal thing.

After all, as a monster, it is slightly smarter than ordinary beasts.So facing Wu Zhi's team of fifty or so people, unless he is very confident in his own strength, or is really hungry, he will not attack the team.

Beasts are better at weighing pros and cons than humans, and beasts will not do things that are disadvantageous.

So that is to say, although it looks very quiet and peaceful now, it is not troubled by Warcraft.But if you encounter a monster, then it must be very powerful, definitely not an ordinary monster.

The team was stationed at the foot of a leeward mountain, and they set up more than a dozen large tents, but they were scattered and did not have a scale.

From this point, we can see the harm of not having a unified plan.If we can organize a little bit, everyone's tents should be stationed tightly. At most, we only need to send four or five people to keep watch at night. But now everyone's tents are very loose, and even each small team has to send three people. Four people came out to watch the night, which was a great waste of manpower and a drag on the next day's march.

But there is still no leader who can convince everyone.The competition between Zero and Snake is in full swing, so it can only remain this way for the time being.

After Wu Zhi ate the big pot of broth and heated meat pie cooked by the soldiers, he thought for a while, and came to Leia's tent and shouted.

A woman came out of the tent, glanced at Wu Zhi, and then raised the curtain: "Your Excellency Weijie, please come in."

Wu Zhi nodded to her.

Leia's legs are inconvenient, so she naturally needs other people to take care of her on the way.So in everyone's team, only Leia brought two female fighters.

Wu Zhi walked into the tent, and then saw Leia sitting in the middle, with a blanket wrapped around her body, it seemed that she was going to sleep like this at night.Indeed, in this mountain range, everyone else slept with their clothes on.The purpose is to enter the combat state as quickly as possible.And Leia's legs are inconvenient. If she wants to lie down and sleep, it will be very troublesome in an emergency.

"Hehe, that, Leia, hello."

Wu Zhi found that as soon as he walked out of the tent, Leia looked at him with a very strange look.It made him feel uncomfortable all over, so he had to laugh dryly, looking for something to say.

At this time, Leia waved at the woman, who understood, nodded and left the tent.At this moment, Leia sneered and said, "Vijay Wu, do you still dare to come to see me alone? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Wu Zhi smiled bitterly: "You are too kind to avenge yourself, right? I saved your life anyway, and the previous incident in the Bingling Cave can be written off, right? It was just an accident after all. Besides, Now you, if you do it, you may not necessarily be my opponent."

When Leiya heard it, her eyes immediately widened: "Okay! What happened in the Bingling Cave before is canceled! And if you save my life, I will save yours again later! But that day on the coast, you saw all your body and there is nothing wrong with it!" How to count!"

Leia's cheeks blushed as she spoke: "You are the first man to see my body, so I will save you once, and after repaying your life-saving grace, I will kill you again!"

"As for whether you can beat it or not, you can try it!"

 Thanks to the book friend "Zhen. Man Jianghong" for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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