Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 234 Brother Chapter 255 Stealing the Country (4)

Chapter 234 Brother Chapter 255 Stealing the Country ([-])

The guards surrounded the king's body three layers inside and three layers outside, anxious like ants on a hot pot.After finally unifying their opinions, it is to find the strong man of the town, Mr. Lai Yading.

More than a dozen guards ran out immediately, and the guards below them mourned silently in the field, looking mournful.

At this time, Wu Zhi came from a long way from the main hall. Seeing the scene, the corners of Wu Zhi's mouth slightly raised a slight angle, and then quickly retracted.

Behind Wu Zhi, Joelle, Esbell, and Bron came to join after finishing their respective affairs.With the leadership of Princess Ruolaire, there is naturally no problem in entering the palace.

Behind, Tai Long and Wei En, who circled around, also came out and stood behind Wu Zhi.

A guard leader stood in front of Wu Zhi coldly, his eyes were red: "Count Vijay, His Royal Highness Joelle! Your Majesty is in heaven! No one is allowed to approach before Lord Layardin arrives."

Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that King Cosput hadn't told the news that he was going to kill him before he died, so he was relieved, nodded, and stood aside.

Seeing the expressions of the guards over there, Wu Zhi turned his head and looked at Ruoleer: "How is the situation?"

Joelle nodded at him.

Wu Zhiyou looked at Tai Long, who shrugged indifferently.

At this moment, Wu Zhi exhaled a breath.

So far, everything is going according to plan.Then, this "stealing the country" plan can be said to have succeeded 80.00%!

The remaining 20.00% is also the most critical 20.00%.The result will not be known until Lay Yading arrives.

If this shocking gamble wins, then this painstaking layout and bold and arrogant plan will make him a lot of money.

But if he loses, then in the days to come, he will probably be hunted down by De Klein, and the [-]th-level sword soul powerhouse, Laiyadin, will be hunted down endlessly!

Wu Zhi let out a long breath, organized his words in his mind, opened his eyes, and his eyes were dull.

And at this time, there was a rumbling sound from the direction of the palace gate, and then I saw a guy with a brown fighting spirit all over his body, who saw the house demolished directly, hit a tree when he encountered a tree, and headed here in a straight line rushed over!

Leyden, here we come!

Under Wu Zhi's arrangement, Bulong "hijacked" his son Dan Qi and put him in the villa. Let it out, and gently remind him of the upheaval in the palace.

The timing must be carefully grasped, otherwise if Laiyadin came back early, with his support, Wu Zhi couldn't guarantee that he would be able to kill Kosput.

As soon as Laiyading came, all the guards gave way spontaneously. Seeing this scene, Wu Zhi smiled slightly, feeling more confident in his heart.And taking the opportunity of these guards to get out of the way, they saw Kosput's headless body inside.

Seeing the battered head, Wu Zhi couldn't help sighing in his heart.If it wasn't because he was lucky back then, I'm afraid it wasn't the king but him who made this miserable appearance.At the same time, Wu Zhi's fear and respect for that Mo Tu also increased to a higher level.

Laiyadin stood in front of Kosput's body for a few seconds. Although he didn't say a word, anyone could feel the fury in the heart of this strong man!
Lai Yading suddenly turned his head and walked in front of Wu Zhi with big strides, giving people the impression that a majestic mountain peak was rushing towards him.

Lai Yading paused in front of Wu Zhi, first glanced at Bron, and then looked at Wu Zhi: "You did it?"

Wu Zhi's face was flat, and he didn't show any expression so as not to irritate the strong man, but he was already extremely vigilant in his heart: "Yes, it's me."

The surrounding ground trembled slightly, and the misty vindictive luster on Lai Yading's body began to light up, as if a volcano was about to erupt!

"How do you want to die!"

Ruolaier wanted to stop Wu Zhi, but he held her back.Wu Zhi took a step, smiled, and said, "Master Lai Yading, before killing me, there are some things I want you to see."

Lai Yading looked indifferent, and looked at Wu Zhi with emotionless eyes, "What is it?"

Wu Zhi turned to Ruo Laier, who waved her hand, and she threw a bloody head out of the space ring and fell to the ground.

This head has charming golden curly hair and a handsome face, but in those eyes, it is full of resentment and unwillingness.

The guard next to him saw the head and screamed, "Your Highness!"

Combining what Lai Yading said before, the commander of the guards glared at Wu Zhi: "It's you! You killed His Majesty, and you also killed the prince!"

Wu Zhi didn't look at the guard, but just stared at Lai Yading in front of him.

The latter finally couldn't hide his rage anymore, and the muscles on his face twisted: "Okay! Okay! Okay! How else do you want to provoke me? Originally, I planned to kill you, but now I have changed my mind. I want to let you You would rather die than live!"

As he said that, Lai Yading's hand was already glaring with light, and he was about to make a move, but Wu Zhi said lightly: "Do you want to cut off the blood of the royal family?"

Layardin's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"Kosput is dead, Prius is dead, and Maria is naturally dead too." Wu Zhi smiled softly: "Lord Layardin, your ancestors were royal guards who were given surnames and have been loyal to the royal family for generations. But don't forget, besides Cosput, Joelle is also a descendant of the royal family."

"And if you count it, she is the orthodox of the royal family! A thousand years ago, the descendant of the first prince who should have inherited the rule!"

"The blood in her body is as pure as it was a thousand years ago."

"I remember that the royal guards thousands of years ago, that is, your ancestors, my lord, swore to be loyal to the royal family for generations, right? Indeed, you have indeed done so."

"However, now that you have the purest bloodline and the true orthodoxy of the royal family, only Joelle is left. My lord, I want to know if you will continue to abide by the oath. Allegiance to the only descendant of the royal family. Or because of Kosput His death, want to kill me to vent my hatred?"

Lai Yading's body was full of light, looked at Wu Zhi, and said after a long time: "This has nothing to do with me killing you."

Wu Zhi smiled, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground instantly.Hearing Laiyading's words, he knew that the plan to steal the country had come to fruition!
Wu Zhi hadn't spoken yet, but Ruoleer who was beside him had already taken a step and stopped Wu Zhi: "Lai Yading, if you kill Brother Weijie, I will kill myself immediately. I will do what I say!"

After finishing speaking, Joelle took out a dagger and pressed it against her own neck, and even traces of blood ooze out because of too much force!
Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, but was immediately moved in his heart.

He was going to lie to Lai Yading, saying that he and Jolaier would get married in the future, so that he could be regarded as a "royal relative". If Lai Yading wanted to kill him, it would be a violation of the oath.

But I didn't expect that little girl like Ruolai could do this, how could he not be moved.

"What are you talking about?"

Wu Zhi took down the dagger in Ruo Lai'er's hand, and stroked the palm of Ruo Lai'er's neck, the bright green light lit up, and the healing technique was used to heal the tiny broken skin.

Pulling Joolai behind him, Wu Zhi said with a smile: "Master Lai Yading, to tell you the truth, I already have a marriage contract with Joolael, so if you kill me, you are breaking your oath. After all, this should only be regarded as a marriage contract of the royal family." I know that my lord wants to tear me apart, but I also know that my lord is definitely a person who keeps his oath. Besides, the friendship between your lord and His Majesty is not very deep, right?"

Laiyading fell into a long silence, looked at Wu Zhi, then at Ruo Laier, and finally let out a helpless sigh: "You bastard, you are really vicious and sinister!"

Wu Zhi sneered coldly: "Master, what you said is wrong. The so-called rabbits eat back in a hurry, birds peck at poverty, birds sleep and overturn cars, these animals without IQ will also explode in a hurry. Besides, I just want to Self-preservation was forced to be helpless. Since I came to De Klein, His Majesty the King has been very kind to me on the surface, but in fact he has sent assassins to assassinate me time and time again. The purpose is to get rid of me so as to control Jolaier. And the eighty elite fighters under my command!"

"Have you ever heard the news of the death of Romeo, the son of the Minister of Finance? In fact, the assassin came after me. Romeo just suffered an innocent disaster!"

"With good intentions, I did not hesitate to take risks to save Princess Barbara and return to China, but this is how I got treated!" Wu Zhi put gold on his face as usual, "And Her Highness Barbara is deeply involved in Yizhao Kingdom. Your lord must know the news, right? The king won’t know, why is he silent? For his own sake? That’s her own daughter!”

Wu Zhi sneered and said: "This kind of inhumaneness is actually worthy of being a monarch? Since he is not a monarch, don't blame me for not being a minister. If I don't kill him, I am afraid that I will be the one who will be killed after a while, right?"

Facing Wu Zhi's well-prepared words, Laiyading was speechless for a while.After a moment of silence, he asked, "Then I want to ask you something, Your Highness Barbara, how are you doing now?"

Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "His Royal Highness is still in the villa." Then he sneered disdainfully: "Your Highness, she is not used to the food in this palace, and she is afraid that one day she will be stunned and thrown into some barren mountains , on the contrary, I live comfortably in my humble villa."

Lai Yading looked at Wu Zhi complicatedly, and finally heaved a long sigh, passed Wu Zhi, and half-kneeled in front of Ruo Laier: "Lai Yading, Your Highness, please be crowned!"

The so-called plan to steal a country, of course, literally means to steal a country!
After discovering King Cosput's malice, Wu Zhi was planning to leave, but then he thought, where will the forest of all nations go after leaving De Klein?

He killed the king of Yizhao Country, and his arrest warrants may have already spread all over Yizhao Country.Even if the arrest warrant is not binding, would the rulers of other countries accept a regicide like him?How does he obtain the fief and complete the task?
If it wasn't for completing the mission, just find a remote corner to live in, and slowly find a way to leave Wan Guolin and return to the inland.

Later, after learning a lot of information about the royal family of De Klein, Wu Zhi decided to formulate this plan of "stealing the country".

One of the most critical points of this plan is Lay Aden!
The reason why De Klein can be ranked among the powerful countries is not because of the existence of Layardin, a powerful township?

Even if he doesn't need to go to the battlefield, just existing is a deterrent!
It's as if on earth, countries with nuclear weapons and countries without nuclear weapons are two concepts.

If Layardin was a strong man cultivated by Kosput, then Wu Zhi's plan would die if he couldn't make it out.But what's interesting is that De Klein originally had two powerhouses, and one of them was the water magician on the Frozen Cloud.

In order to crusade against Presfin, each of the five major powers sent out a strong national guard.In the end, it was completely wiped out. This is the trigger for the current turmoil in Wan Guolin, and it is also the core condition of Wu Zhi's plan.

Because, what Lai Yading is loyal to is the royal family.Not His Majesty the King personally!
That is, if the king died, he would be loyal to Prius, and if Prius was dead, he would be loyal to Prius' son.

As long as he has the blood of the royal family, Laiyading will be loyal to it.This is the oath made by his ancestors.

There was no problem here.For millennia, loyalty to the royal family has been almost equated with de Klein.

But here comes Jolaire!

Jolaier is also a descendant of the royal family, and has a purer royal blood than them!
The story 300 years ago brought by Tai Long inspired Wu Zhi.

Since Laiyading is loyal to the royal family, then when the only person with royal blood is Jolaier.
If Layardin is still faithful to the oath, then he should be loyal to Jolaier.

Wu Zhi killed Cosput, Joelle, and Maria, but he didn't kill Barbara.

One is because the royal blood in Barbara's body is thin, far less pure than that of Joelle.Even if there is no external supplement, the royal blood will disappear in a few generations at most.

The second is that Barbara has a history of being captured and humiliated by the Lord of Izhao Kingdom for a year.If such a person is allowed to rule the royal family
Therefore, Wu Zhi had no thought of being unfavorable to Barbara from the beginning to the end.

As for the others, the ambitious king, the wicked prince, and the vicious and adulterous princess.Kill it, kill it, Wu Zhi won't feel guilty at all.

Going back to before, the most critical part of this stealing plan is Layardin.

Only by obtaining the allegiance of this strong man of the town can we "suppress the country"!
Originally, what we need to do to usurp the throne is not just to kill the emperor and the king. Otherwise, whoever is stronger can be the king?

What also needs to be considered is the views and opinions of other nobles in the country.

However, with the support of Lai Yading, as long as the fundamental interests of the nobles in the country are not touched, at least they can sit in this position first.

otherwise.Hehe, if Laier took Lai Yading away, then, Yi Zhaoguo's status quo is De Klein's future!
As for some other troubles, such as criticism of the Queen's accession to the throne, opinions of the common people, and doubts by the army.

As long as there is Lai Yading's support, these are not problems!
This is the domineering power of the town!

The most difficult part of this plan to steal the country is to kill the king, because after all, he is a descendant of the Aviles royal family thousands of years ago, and may have many mysterious cards.For example, the wooden slave, such as the emerald jade ring, or the transformation of his own body.

These need to be very careful and arranged multiple times.

However, since Wu Zhi also has the move of Douglas, who is also a descendant of the royal family and is also an orthodox royal family, Wu Zhi is almost sure of winning when he knows the opponent's rough cards.

But even so, he made multiple arrangements.

In the main hall, summoning heroes to assassinate is the first step.

If the king flees, then there will be Mo Tu's long-range sniper, which is the second level.

If it still fails, then Tyrone and Wayne who came after killing Maria will make another move to complete the third lore!

But fortunately, things went relatively smoothly, and Wu Zhi's second arrangement directly took effect, killing Kosput!

In fact, Wu Zhi originally formulated this plan, and it would take at least a few months to actually implement it.However, the large amount of game coins obtained in the battle of Jiajie Kingdom earlier allowed this plan to be implemented in advance.

Adding the [-] game coins that Jiajieguo got, Wu Zhi has enough game coins to summon heroes.Even if it is one, two, three, the triple arrangement is all invalid.The big deal is to spend all the game coins for summoning. At that time, with the support of those heroes' phantoms, at least it shouldn't be a problem to fight a bloody way to escape.

Secondly, the simplest and most important plan of stealing the country is to persuade Layardin.

It seemed like a few simple conversations, but the success of Wu Zhi's plan still depended on Lai Yading's reaction.

As I said before, this is a shocking gamble, the bet is whether Laiyadin will keep his oath!

If you win the bet, you will earn a lot of money.

But if he loses, then in the days to come, he will probably be hunted down by De Klein, and the [-]th-level sword soul powerhouse, Laiyadin, will be hunted down endlessly!

And in the end, he won the bet!
Of course, although the plan is successful, it is also a very troublesome thing to accept De Klein's huge victory.

In the palace, first of all, a large number of Pscott's confidant guards, court ladies and the like must be replaced.Of course, the eighty loyal warriors who came from the shortage had their duty to become the backbone of the palace guards.

The aristocrats in the main city need Jolaire to appease, probably because of the instinct in the blood. Although Jolaire is very unfamiliar with this, but with Douglas behind her back and Esbell on the side assisting Next, they quickly became familiar with each other.Well done.

Among those nobles, Xu Zhiyi was the one who communicated well.But those who are stubborn, even those who are full of hostility towards Ruolaier and Wu Zhi, need Tai Long to come forward to solve them.

If you are acquainted, just follow.Those who don't know each other will be put on Tai Long's blacklist—you know, Tai Long's job is to be a killer.

As for the army, it is natural to trouble Lai Yading to make a trip in person to suppress the armies everywhere.With the full support of this strong man in the country, the reception of troops from all over the country went smoothly without any major turmoil.

(End of this chapter)

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