Chapter 211 Cang Yue!

I saw a dazzling golden light radiating from Wu Zhi's body. The bleeding blood vessels, cracked internal organs, and turbulent Qi and blood all recovered under the golden light. It looks like a vigorous heyday.

After that, the scars caused by the collision of the three forces were instantly healed. In the area illuminated by the Goddess' Blessing of the Holy Healing Technique, any scars would be healed as soon as they appeared.The body is in the most perfect and healthy state all the time.

However, it was in this state that abnormalities appeared.
Under the golden light, Wu Zhi is like a gilded statue, serene and mysterious.However, just a few seconds after the golden light shone, his body began to undergo obvious changes!
The skin began to dry and wrinkle, the back began to swell, and deep wrinkles began to appear on the face. Even the black hair, starting from the root of the hair, began to gray at a speed visible to the naked eye!
A young man in the prime of his youth has suddenly turned into a little old man who is getting old!

This is the price of using the Goddess Blessing Light Healing Technique!
At the same time as the extremely strong healing effect, what I have paid is probably decades of overdraft of vitality!Even a professional person with a strong body cannot withstand such a large amount of overdraft, so the body begins to show signs of aging!
But what is gratifying is that after this delay, the three forces in his body, Burning Heaven Dou Qi, Feng Tian Dou Qi, and Moon Power, after fusion, formed a wonderful new energy. The combination of the two is as harmonious as one.

At the same time, Wu Zhi could feel that after these several forces in his body were integrated into one, they had occupied and transformed his entire body!Started to completely reject the magical elements of other attributes—that is to say, it was impossible for Wu Zhi to cultivate other attributes of grudge.

Those two fighting qi seeds also formed a new fighting qi seed that shone like a silvery moon.Sufficient and strong fighting spirit is constantly circulating in this fighting spirit seed, and it seems that a powerful force can erupt at any time!
He opened his eyes, stretched out a hand, and above his fingertips first appeared a pale silvery flame. As soon as the flame came out, the whole room seemed to be blocked by ten blazing stoves, separated by a few meters. On the bed outside, the fluff on the bedding began to curl and turn yellow, as if it was about to be burned!
But at this time, Wu Zhi flipped his palm, and the pale silver flame changed color, and turned into a pale white like a ghostly will-o'-the-wisp, giving people a gloomy and chilling feeling.

As soon as the pale flames came out, the heat in the room just now was instantly dissipated, and turned into a bone-piercing cold like three or nine days!Even the tea in the teacup on the table next to it was quietly covered with a layer of frost!

This newly condensed vindictive seed can be freely switched between hot and cold attributes!Moreover, the effects of the two attributes are stronger than the simple Burning Heaven Dou Qi and Fengtian Dou Qi before!

"Combining Burning Heaven Dou Qi, Sealing Heaven Dou Qi, and the new birth of Dou Qi seeds from the power of the celestial body and the moon? Although there is no unique and precious spiritual object, it can't be regarded as a diamond level, but it is definitely infinitely close, right? If so, Then this new Dou Qi is called Cang Yue!"

Cangyue, according to the ancient Chinese sayings on the earth, is a bit of pure yin hidden at the beginning of Yuanyang, the anode becomes yin, and the cathode returns yang.Represents the perfect harmony and alternation of Yin and Yang.

No one in this world would know this, but there is no doubt that the word "Cangyue" perfectly interprets the situation of Wu Zhi's fighting spirit, ice and fire attributes blending in his body at the moment.

Although it's not diamond-level vindictiveness, it definitely surpasses all platinum!
Moreover, although this kind of vindictiveness is not at the diamond level, it is infinitely close to it.And like the diamond-level battle qi method, it is almost impossible to be copied!
Because, in order to obtain this Cang Yue battle qi, one must not only cultivate celestial body combat skills and platinum-level ice and fire battle qi, but the most important thing is to raise these two battle qi to a certain level!Otherwise, once the power of the celestial body is induced into the body, but there are only two or three levels of Ice and Fire Dou Qi, I am afraid that such a strange change will not happen at all!

Only something as miraculous as the system, by chance and coincidence, would have developed Cang Yue's miraculous fighting spirit.

Wu Zhi smiled slightly. He didn't expect that there would be such benefits after the adventure. This should be the so-called blessing after death.

At the same time, he frowned slightly, looking at his outstretched hand, the skin on it was as rough as bark, and the blue veins clearly emerged on the back of the hand, giving him an old look.

Walking up to the mirror, Wu Zhicai found that his face was also covered with wrinkles, and even had clear age spots.The skin is sagging, bags under the eyes are drooping, and half-long hair is as white as snow. He looks like an old man.

"Did you overdraw too much vitality?"

Wu Zhi smiled wryly, turned his head, took out the crystal bottle from the ring, and gulped down three gulps, the dead bark-like skin finally seemed to have some luster.

Immediately, Wu Zhi simply bought ten bottles of "Life Potion" directly from the system, squeezed his nose and poured them all down. Immediately, he felt that his limbs were weak and weak, and the wrinkles on his face became lighter.

Overdraft of vitality, if it is for other people, it may be a big deal.But for Wu Zhi.It's really not a serious matter.

Just because, be it his healing technique, the crystal bottle, or the life potion of the system, they are all things that can directly restore vitality!

Vitality is a mysterious and mysterious thing, and it is an indispensable thing for living things.It is not only related to the maximum life span, but also related to the state of the body.

Vitality is vitality, energy.If a person is injured, such as the heart is pierced, the throat is cut.Then no matter how strong the vitality is, there will be death.But at the same time, if there is no external damage, the more vigorous the creature, the longer it will live and the faster it will recover from its injuries.

But vitality has an upper limit, and it also depends on the physical condition of the creature itself.Therefore, even if Wu Zhi possesses something that restores vitality, he cannot defy the law of life and death. It is impossible to drink a bottle of life potion every day to live forever.

But at least, at this moment, with the help of the life potion, there is no problem in restoring these overdrawn vitality.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhi asked Bron who had been guarding the door, and found that only one day had passed.After instructing Bron not to let others in, he simply bought a hundred bottles of life potions directly from the system store.

The crystal bottle can only be used three times a day, and the healing technique can only be used once a day.Wu Zhi didn't have the time to wait, so he simply bought the life potion directly.

After buying 6240 bottles, Wu Zhi only had [-] game coins left.

three days later.

When Wu Zhi walked out of the room, he found that Ruolai, Tai Nuo and others were all guarding the door, but they were stopped by Bron, so they could only stay at the door.

At this time, Wu Zhi's physical condition has returned to normal, his vitality has been fully replenished, and he is full of energy.There are more than a dozen bottles of life potion left.

However, although the abnormality on his body recovered, the white hair like snow could not recover, so he was noticed by others as soon as he went out.

"Brother Wu Zhi, your hair"

Ruolai looked at Wu Zhi's white hair distressedly, with tears rolling in her eyes.Wu Zhi smiled slightly: "Why are you crying? It's just that the color of your hair has changed. It just saved me and I went back and dyed it on purpose."

Reaching out his hand to wipe away the tears on Ruolaer's face, Wu Zhi smiled and said, "Also, don't call me Wu Zhi in the future, call me Weijie. Don't forget it when you return to the mainland."

Turning his head to take a look at the field, he basically has the core of his subordinates, Vainblon, Joelle Taino, and Esbell.

"Esbell, I heard Wang Xiangfei talk about the monster in the sea before, how is the situation now?"

After bringing everyone into the room and sitting down, Wu Zhi asked.

"Yunhui's gradual crusade against the fleet was dispatched yesterday. The five commercial firms in Yunhui took the lead, and other commercial firms invested manpower and material resources in the form of shares. After killing the monster, the benefits obtained will be obtained by the All participants share equally. This is the general situation. If there are no accidents, we will get the news of the success of the crusade in a few days." Esbell said.

"That's right." Wu Zhi nodded slightly.

He was almost 100% sure that the monster that attacked the merchant ship at sea was definitely the giant deep-sea monster he had encountered before.

But even that kind of terrifying deep-sea behemoth, in front of those big companies in Yunhui, it should be inevitable to be crusaded.

Thinking of that terrifying giant beast, Wu Zhi's heart suddenly moved, he walked to the middle of the room, waved his hand, and then a large piece of huge black scales and other messy things piled up in the room, occupying half of the room .

"These are the scales, tendons, eyes, horns, and claws of an adult black dragon." Wu Zhi pointed to the pile of hills. Use materials such as dragon tendons to make a handy weapon. Esbell, I will leave this matter to you. It happens that the sea route is impassable these few days, so let’s take advantage of these few days.”

Esbell looked at the hideous-looking scales in the room, and widened her eyes: "Dragon? God, my lord, where did you get these things, you didn't kill a dragon, did you?"

"You don't have to worry about that." Of course, Wu Zhi would not explain the origin of these things to Esbell, so he waved his hand to stop her question.

Esbell wisely did not continue to ask, and looked at other people without any trace. Joel and Tai Nuo looked calm when they saw Wu Zhi take out these things, as if they had known it for a long time.And Wei En and Bron have a trace of nostalgia in their eyes?
After Wu Zhi and the others ordered a few words, he stayed in the room alone, and he still needed to practice the newly acquired Cang Yue Dou Qi.Test whether the previous combat skills can be used with this newly obtained grudge.

Bron is still standing in front of Wu Zhi's room.Wei En went to choose the materials for making bows and crossbows. After Esbell and Jolaier walked a certain distance, the former blinked slightly, turned his head and asked, "Sister Jolaier, when did you meet your lord? It doesn’t seem to be more than half a year, right?”

Esbell was naturally very curious about the origins of Jolaier and those tribal fighters.It's just that she is a smart person and knows which questions to ask and which ones not to ask, so she has been pretending not to know.

But today, after seeing the parts on those giant dragons, she finally couldn't suppress her curiosity.

That's a dragon!And judging by the size of those scales, it should be an adult dragon!

God!What is the strength of an adult dragon?Today, when the dragon race is almost extinct, almost every giant dragon on the continent is famous.A few are the mounts of certain powerful knights, and many are in places off the beaten track.

Although Esbell is a smart person, the curiosity of smart people is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

Originally, what she knew of Wu Zhi was just the audacious murderer who killed Hardy.It was only later that I found out that the latter was actually the son of light who betrayed the holy religion!

After being captured by Wu Zhi and becoming his slave girl, Esbell discovered that there were countless mysteries in Wu Zhi's body!
Those warriors with mysterious origins, strange martial arts, strange magic, and rare equipment.

These mysteries have been scratching the girl's heart like a kitten.

After seeing those dragon parts today, this curiosity was finally irrepressible.He opened his mouth and tried.

This is also the first time Esbell asks Joelle about her origins.

And although Joelle has been out for a few months, she still looks like she has no intentions, not to mention getting along well with Esbell during this time, so she replied without thinking: "Sister Esbell, what are you doing?" knew?"

Esbell confirmed her guess, and smiled slightly: "Sister, don't worry about how I know. I, an outsider, can see what my sister means to the adults. But the adults don't seem to accept my sister's intentions?"

Hearing what Esbell said, Joelle showed a look of disappointment on her face: "Brother Wu Zhi Vijay said that I am too young to distinguish the difference between love and affection. Before, someone confessed to him , he also said that it was my impulsiveness. That's why he refused to accept me. At the time when grandpa asked elder brother to greet me, he just said that he regarded me as his own sister."

Esbell's eyes flickered slightly: "Sister Ruoleer, as the old saying goes, men chase women's layered mountain, and women chase male layered gauze. Sister, you are so beautiful and cute, and your skin is so good. The conditions are so unique that even I see I'm envious of you. Either the adults don't like your type, or your method is wrong. If it's convenient, my sister can tell me how you met the adults, and I can give you advice. Maybe you can There are good suggestions."

Jolaier didn't realize at all that it was Esbell who was trying to trick her, and after hearing it, she happily took Esbell's hand: "Okay, sister Esbell, come to my room, and I will have a good talk with you." Say."

There was a smile on Esbell's face, "Okay, but sister Jolaier, if I give you an idea, you have to keep it secret, otherwise it will be known by adults, and it's not a big deal to punish me. If the idea doesn't work, it's your sister." Lost."

Jolaier nodded her head like a pounding garlic, and she responded immediately, pulling Esbell towards her room.

Wu Zhi was in the room, unaware that Esbell couldn't hold back her curiosity and began to explore some secrets around him.Instead, he concentrated on studying his Cang Yue battle qi.

Cang Yue's grudge can switch between ice and fire attributes at will, this has already been tested.

When converted into fire, the nature of battle qi bursts into fiery heat, and its color is silvery white, like a bright moon.

When transformed into ice, the Dou Qi is icy and cold in nature, pale in color, like will-o'-the-wisp.

And what Wu Zhi needs to explore is whether the combat skills he has practiced before can be displayed after using this kind of Cang Yue Dou Qi with the same body of ice and fire.

First of all, it is the most basic fire and flame cut, these are not difficult at all.After transforming the nature of battle qi into fire, it can be easily displayed.And it is more powerful than the simple Fen Tian Dou Qi before.

Secondly, Wu Zhi tried to convert fighting energy into ice, and used the ice-attributed fire and flame cut by analogy.No, it should be called "Ice Attachment" and "Ice Cutting".

In other words, ordinary combat skills can be used freely, without being affected in the slightest, but more powerful.

Afterwards, Wu Zhi took a light breath, and then began to prepare to communicate with the power of the celestial body.

"The next step is to test the celestial combat skills. If the celestial combat skills can be used successfully, then it will really make a lot of money."

The tip of the sword pointed high, and began to communicate with the power of the stars.

On the tip of the sword, dots of starlight combined with Wu Zhi's Cang Yue Dou Qi, turning into a huge cluster of sparks.

Celestial combat skills, sparks of fire.Can be cast!
Slowly dissipating the sparks, Wu Zhi took another deep breath and began to communicate with Yue Li.

This time, there was finally something different!
As soon as he communicated with Yueli, Wu Zhi felt that a large amount of mighty power was transmitted from the void to his body, and, instead of converging on the weapon, it poured directly into his body!
These incomparably tyrannical celestial powers flowed on his body but did not cause him any harm, on the contrary, they greatly strengthened the power of Cang Yue's fighting spirit!

The Cang Yue Dou Qi in his body also spontaneously transformed into ice attribute. With the infusion of a large amount of Moon Power, Wu Zhi's whole body was filled with a cold feeling, and even his pupils faintly emitted a glimmer of light!
At the same time, behind Wu Zhi, a faint shadow of a crescent moon with the height of a person emerged, and above the shadow of the crescent moon was a desolate and mighty cold moonlight, and then a beam of light shot out from the crescent moon, directly enveloping Wu Zhi's body, It turned into a beam of moonlight and shot forward!
The door of the room was smashed directly, and where the beam of moonlight passed, the walls and trees were instantly frozen into slag, and then shattered inch by inch into ice dust.

The beam of light swept across a distance of [-] meters, and rushed directly from the back room of the manor to the door, leaving behind a field of cold ice that continuously dissipated the cold air.

Wu Zhi's figure emerged at the end, looking back at the straight trace, murmured admiration.

"This is the real. Bright moon in the sky!"

Out of respect for the Marquis of Rhine, Wu Zhi still called this mutated version of Haoyue Dangkong as Haoyue Dangkong.But the power has been increased by more than several times?
Wu Zhi even felt that as his strength improved, the strength of this move, Haoyue Dangkong, would become stronger and stronger.

Now, he finally has a powerful combat technique that can be used without arousing the suspicion of others!

The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and Wu Zhi is in a good mood.Call Tai Nuo to let him clean up the mess made by the experiment just now, and then change the room and fall asleep soundly.

He spent a lot of energy because of the riot of ice and fire fighting spirit before. Although the overdrawn vitality has been replenished, he is still very tired psychologically.

Therefore, this sleep is three days and three nights.

When I woke up, I heard Esbell brought bad news.

 The climax is coming~ It’s still [-] words, please recommend and help~

(End of this chapter)

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