Chapter 205 Magic Contract
Come to the largest magic shop.It is full of magic potions, materials, and some magic items.

Wu Zhi walked in, took a look, went directly to the person in charge, and asked about the magic contract.

"Magic contract, that thing is relatively seldom used. But there are still some stocks in the store. I don't know what level of magic contract do you need?"

Hearing Wu Zhi's request, the person in charge immediately became slightly serious.

Magic contracts need to be jointly produced by specialized magicians and alchemists, and are divided into different levels.But even the lowest-level magic contract requires a magister-level magician to participate in the production, and it is worth at least tens of thousands of gold coins.In the eyes of the person in charge, Wu Zhi is obviously a big client.Nature is extraordinarily attentive.

As for Wu Zhi, he pondered for a while.

Magic contracts are divided into different levels, which have binding effects on different professionals, but there is no doubt that the stronger the level of the magic contract, the stronger the binding force.And the lowest level of magic contract is level eleven, which is effective for all professionals below level eleven.

And even if the person who violated the contract exceeds the eleventh level, he will always be troubled by the backlash of the magic element, so once the magic contract is signed, almost no one dares to violate it.

Wu Zhi had previously signed a magic contract with Lin Ai. At that time, it was the lowest-level magic contract with the dark attribute. However, with the completion of the terms, the contract was no longer binding.

"What is the highest level of magic contract here?" Wu Zhi asked.

The person in charge's eyes lit up: "Master, you have come to the right place. Our store was once fortunate to have obtained a scroll of a fifteenth-level magic contract. The Demon Lord is only one step away, and he is known as No.1 under the Demon Lord!"

"Level [-]? What is the attribute of this magic contract?"

"Thunder attribute! Don't worry, the person who signed this magic contract, as long as he dares to violate the terms of the contract, he will be bombarded by nine days of thunder and lightning in an instant, plus the internal electric current in the body. As long as he is not a strong person above the demon king, he will not be able to resist this magic contract at all. power."

Wu Zhi nodded slightly: "What's the price of this thing?"

The person in charge stretched out a finger with a smile: "100 million gold coins."

"100 million?" Wu Zhi was slightly startled, he didn't expect a magic contract to be so expensive.But thinking of the effect of this magic contract, he was relieved.The price of a magic scroll that can restrain professionals below level [-] is not outrageous.

"What about ordinary magic contracts?" Wu Zhi asked.

"If you want to buy it together, then the eleventh-level magic contract will cost [-] gold coins."

Wu Zhi made some calculations, and then said, "This one is for level 28, and then I will take [-] cards for level [-]."

The fifteenth-level lightning magic contract is naturally for Esbell.Although she is only at the fifth level of strength.But at present, only she knows the secret of her identity, so she can't be too strict about it.

As for the other 28 magic contracts, they were for Esbell's 28 subordinates, to slightly enhance their sense of belonging, and to ensure that they would not gossip about what happened at sea.

That's enough.

"Dear guest, the total amount is 120 million gold coins. Because of your generosity, our store decided to give you an extra magic contract scroll. Please wait a moment, and I will send someone to pick it up for you."

Hearing that Wu Zhi had finalized a business of more than 100 million without saying a word, the name of the person in charge changed, and he served tea and water graciously.

A total of [-] rolled up magic scrolls covered with magic lines were placed in front of Wu Zhi. Wu Zhi looked at them and found that there was no problem. He paid the money readily and left the magic shop.

The 200 million left to Lux and some gold coins from Lin Ai were removed.Wu Zhi still has 300 million yuan left on him, and almost half of it has been gone this time.But with the treasures in the yellow sand ruins, the more than 100 million is just a drop in the bucket.

Back at the leased manor, Wu Zhi first called Esbell's men, twelve magicians and sixteen warriors.The terms of the magical contract were written in front of them.

One, everything that happened at sea must not be disclosed to anyone.

Second, follow Vijay Wu and Esbell faithfully and not betray them.

There are only two clauses, but they are enough.These professionals, whose strength generally does not exceed level six, absolutely cannot withstand the backlash of the magic contract. Once they violate any of them, they will be instantly backlashed to death by the ubiquitous magic elements!

After signing the contract, he waved these people away. Wu Zhi looked at Esbell with the last fifteenth-level lightning magic contract in his hand.

The latter trembled slightly, knowing that if this contract was signed, her life would be completely controlled by Wu Zhi from now on.It may not be possible to get rid of it for a lifetime.Although I had already prepared in my heart, but when it came to the critical moment, I still hesitated.

Seeing Esbell's expression, Wu Zhi sneered, and slowly said: "Esbell, the two options I gave you before, it doesn't matter if you choose again now. But I want to remind you, Without me, you would have been a dead person long ago, and you were still humiliated to death by that pirate leader. Although you saved my life, your motives were not pure. You should know that it is the greatest kindness for me to allow you to live gone."

His mouth attacked Esbell's heart with indifferent words.Wu Zhi also sighed slightly in his heart.Although he had used the charm spell on Esbell that day, it seemed that after the effect lasted, this skill only slightly reduced Esbell's resistance to him.

In contrast, when Wu Zhi used this skill on Jolaier, the latter's subsequent reaction was obviously much more intense than Esbell's.

Of course, the reason for this is very likely because Joelle had a secret love for him, and the enchantment magic just pushed it behind.It may also be because Joelle has never seen the outside world, so she is too weak to resist things like charm and magic.

And Esbell is a very strong and tenacious person, so she is much more resistant to the subsequent effects of the charm and magic.

But no matter what the result is, if she refuses to sign this contract today, Wu Zhi will definitely kill her, and will not feel any pity for her because she is a beautiful woman.

Having experienced so many lives and deaths, Wu Zhi's indecisiveness and some bad kindness cultivated in the environment on earth have long since changed.

Esbell's body trembled slightly, and Wu Zhi just stared at her lightly, without speaking to urge her.Instead, she waited for her own choice.

After a long time, it seemed that there was a fierce confrontation and decision in her heart. Esbell sighed a long time, and lowered her head slightly: "My lord, I am willing to sign the contract."


Wu Zhi opened the scroll and wrote the terms on it.

One, Wu Zhi (Vijay Wu) signed a master-servant contract with Esbell Moble.

Second, it is not allowed to disclose any information about Wu Zhi in any way.

Three, follow Wu Zhi loyally throughout his life and never betray him.

Fourth, you must not disobey any request from Wu Zhi.

After writing the clauses in Esbell's face, Wu Zhi was agitated slightly, squeezed out a drop of blood from between his fingers and dripped on the scroll, forming a small bloody handprint.

At this time, Esbell seemed to have let go of half of all the burdens. Without hesitation, she bit her finger and pressed a bloody fingerprint on the scroll.

Wu Zhi let go of the contract in his hand, and the scroll flew up automatically, with purple lightning flickering around it, and then the whole scroll suddenly turned into fly ash and slowly dissipated in the wind.

At the same time, a small scarlet thunder mark appeared on Wu Zhi's fingertips!

The contract takes effect.

This unilateral restrictive contract, as long as Esbell dares to violate any of it, she will be instantly turned into coke by lightning!Even if the above clauses are not violated, because of the conclusion of the master-servant contract, Wu Zhi only needs one thought to trigger the blood-colored lightning mark on his fingertips, and Esbell can be instantly backlashed by the violent thunder element!
Wu Zhi smiled slightly, "Okay, since the contract has been signed, then you are your own. At least I won't force you to do some messy things."

The contract has been signed, even if it is too late to regret it.What's more, Esbell had already looked away, and a smile appeared on her usual indifferent face: "Okay, my lord."

Seeing this smile, Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately.

Sign the contract and worry about it.Wu Zhi didn't need to send Wei En to watch her every day.It can be regarded as another reassuring and intelligent subordinate.However, the average person might not be able to afford such a subordinate in exchange for 100 million gold coins.

Moreover, although the magic contract has a binding effect that threatens death, it is worth noting that if a person is not afraid of death, then the terms of the magic contract are not as perfect as imagined. .

"Esbell, how did you find out about the things I told you earlier?"

At dinner, Wu Zhi sat on the main seat, Joelle and Tainuo ate happily beside him, Wei En sat beside him with a cold expression, and Esbell on the other side.

For the time being, these people are the core of Wu Zhi's team of hundreds of people.Jolaier and Tai Nuo are the transfers for him to control the tribal warriors, Esbell is the leader of the other 28 professionals, and Wei En is the hero summoned by Wu Zhi.

During the day, Wu Zhi had already asked Esbell to inquire about the method of fighting qi.

Esbell is practicing the silver-level ice-type fighting qi method, and her cultivation progress is simply appalling.Originally, she had a great fighting spirit talent, but at this age, she had only reached the fifth level, and she still couldn't pass the threshold of the sixth level.I have to say that this mediocre method of vindictiveness has been a big hindrance.

Tai Nuo practiced the Dou Qi method of the royal bodyguards of Aviles, and Jolaier practiced the secret method of the royal family of Aviles. After coming to the outside world, with the resources for cultivation, the speed of progress is not as fast as that of Wu Zhi. Worry can fly fast.

On the contrary, Esbell, since she has become his subordinate, she has to worry a little bit.

Wu Zhi's idea is to let Esbell become the patriarch of the Mobo family, as his eyeliner and strength in the Sealand Empire.For the leader of such a huge clan, this strength alone is absolutely not enough.

Therefore, Wu Zhi asked Esbell to look for gold-level and above fighting qi methods and magic items that condense fighting qi seeds in LYG, the economic center of Wanguolin.

In addition to looking for this thing to improve Esbell's strength, Wu Zhi also did it for himself.

Wu Zhi once thought about a question when he was bored at the bottom of the mountain.

That is, whether he can practice other fighting qi methods.

Under the influence of the system, the system will increase his mental power and grudge to a level consistent with his level.So under this rule, is there something that can be exploited?
When he was practicing fire-type battle qi, he was lifted up to the same level as spiritual power by the system at an extremely fast speed in the first day of junior high school.

Well, if you can practice one more battle qi.
On the mainland, there is actually no lack of fighting qi and magic dual cultivation, and there are even many people who practice multi-school fighting qi.

In addition to being born with magic talent, you can only get one kind of magic talent acquired the day after tomorrow.Although each department has some unique things that can allow people to acquire magical talent, such things as magical talent are indescribable and exist between the mind and the body, between illusion and reality. Adding the second would create serious conflicts.

Even the most authoritative old magician cannot answer this situation.

The magic talent of the light system can be obtained through the holy water of light.But the source of this holy water is only known by the Holy Cult of Light, and it monopolizes it.

The talent of the dark system is only known by the dark church.

Each other element has its own method.However, it is generally through the combination of some natural elemental essences and the human body that magical talents will naturally be born.However, these elemental essences are priceless. If Wu Zhi hadn't been lucky, he probably wouldn't have obtained the talent of the light department.

Among all the departments, the magic talent of the undead department is the most evil and weird.Because in order to obtain the magic talent of the undead system, not only the precious elemental essence is needed, but also the flesh and blood of living people. The stronger the magic talent you want to obtain, the more living people you need.

This evil method is one of the reasons why Necromancers are criticized.It was also the reason why the Holy Cult of Light knew that Wu Zhi was practicing undead combat skills, and immediately sent the Son of Light to hunt him down.

However, this "incompatibility" with magic is different for grudges.

The principle of vindictiveness is to store magic elements in the body and explode at critical moments.Although the power is not as powerful as that of magicians of the same level who directly mobilize the magic elements between heaven and earth, it is more flexible.

However, the reason why few people cultivate multiple types of fighting qi is that it is very difficult for even one type of fighting qi to reach the peak, and it takes a long time to accumulate.But if you practice multiple fighting qi, you have to start training again for the newly cultivated fighting qi.All combat skills also take time to learn.

Therefore, the real strong usually keep studying with a strong fighting spirit.There are only some people who know that they have no further opportunities in their lives and feel that their qualifications have been exhausted.
Only then will he practice other fighting qi methods, and increase some combat power on the basis of the limit.

And generally those who do this are people with good financial strength.After all, if you want to cultivate a fighting spirit, you need a lot of gold coins.Many people go bankrupt in order to cultivate a good fighting qi, let alone two.

"I have inquired about all the stores on the island. There are quite a few fighting qi methods above the gold level. Even if you can afford the price, you can also buy platinum level fighting qi methods. However, it is difficult to buy spirits that condense the seeds of fighting qi. Solve it. Generally, when this kind of thing appears on the market, it will be bought by major family businesses to train their juniors and subordinates. It may be difficult to get a good spiritual thing in a short time."

Esbell told the result of her busy day, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "However, I found a place during the day, maybe I can get a good spiritual thing."

"Oh? Where?"

Esbell said: "That is a sea area not far from Lianyun Island. It is said that every certain time, in a sea area next to Lianyun Island, there will be a strange island floating from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the water. .

This island is called Ice Spirit Island. Although I don't know how this strange island was formed, but this island is rich in water-type and ice-type spirits, all of which can be used to condense fighting energy seeds.Every time Bingyun Island appears, many people will go to the island to try their luck, and it is said that every time someone gets a platinum-level spirit. "

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Wu Zhi's eyes lit up slightly.

For example, there are quite a few islands under the sea floating above the surface of the sea, but most of them are due to changes in the earth's crust, causing some islands in the deep sea to separate from the ground and float to the surface of the water.

But this is the first time I've heard of an island like this Bingling Island that regularly floats and sinks every once in a while.

"There is a spiritual thing on the island that can condense the seeds of battle energy. Is the news reliable?" Wu Zhi was already a little interested.

"This news is absolutely true. This Bingling Island floats to the surface of the sea every five years. It seems that it is because of the special nature of the island. There are strange 'ice flowers' and 'water trees' on the island. Among the ice flowers The ice seeds bred and the fruit trees of the water tree are all excellent spirits. Last time, someone brought back a platinum-level water spirit from Iceland, and it was auctioned at the port for a high price of nearly ten million!" Ai Sibeier seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and she inquired clearly about the situation on Bingling Island. When Wu Zhi asked her, she explained it in detail.

"Ice flower and water tree? Interesting. Then, the appearance of this ice spirit island should be a grand event for LYG, right? Then I can just go and join in the fun!"

If it's just that illusory platinum spiritual thing, that's all.However, there are still a large number of ordinary spiritual creatures on the island, which made Wu Zhi a little tempted.

You know, although most of the tribal warriors he brought out were ordinary people, that was because they lived at the bottom of the Dishang Stream and had no resources to cultivate at all!

What kind of power would it be if a large number of spiritual objects could be obtained so that all the tribal fighters could cultivate fighting spirit?


PS: There are two chapters these days, but they are both [-]-word chapters, and they are still [-] words!

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(End of this chapter)

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