Chapter 11 The Heat Dou Qi
Wu Zhi took a deep breath, stretched out one hand and pressed it on the crystal ball, then obeyed Anthony's words, and slowly let go of his state of mind.

Anthony silently chanted the mantra of channeling talent, however, 1 minute passed, 2 minutes passed, 3 minutes passed
Five minutes passed, and the crystal ball was still empty and transparent, without any change.

Anthony finally gave up, took back his staff, and said with a sigh, "Little friend Wu Zhi, your situation is very special."

Wu Zhi's heart sank.After seeing the crystal ball and not responding for a long time, he already had a premonition in his heart.But after Anthony said this, he was still a little disappointed.

Anthony said: "If the crystal ball does not respond, it means that you have no magic talent. But if you have used magic, it means that you have magic talent, which is self-contradictory. So there is only one possibility, and that is you His talent is the long-lost 'no line' talent!"

"No talent?"

Anthony sighed: "No talent, that is, it does not contain any attributes, the purest magic element. Magic elements have their own characteristics: fire is hot, wind is light, earth is thick, and water is soft. However , the unconnected element does not have any special characteristics."

"Originally, hundreds of years ago, there were still a lot of magicians without lines. But with the passage of time, due to the fact that magic without lines is generally not very lethal, and there are too few people with talent for elements without lines , so the non-elemental magic is gradually extinct. If you are really talented in the non-elemental element, it is no different from having no talent. Because it is impossible for you to learn the non-elemental magic. The two magics passed down in your family , should be the only two remaining non-element magics."

After hearing this, Wu Zhi was stunned.Immediately he smiled wryly.

Anthony didn't know his situation, so after the crystal ball didn't respond, he guessed that he was "no talent".But Wu Zhi himself knew, what kind of talent is it?He simply has no talent!

Thinking about it, even in the Magic Continent where the magic elements are rich, there are only a few people with magic talent.How could he, who was born on earth, have any magical talent?

The use of the Clarity Technique is entirely due to the system, and has nothing to do with him.Therefore, Wu Zhi is almost certain that he has no magic element at all.The dream of becoming a magician is cut off!

"That, Wu Zhi. You don't have to be particularly sad. Now that the non-systematic magic is extinct, you are just born at the wrong time."

According to Wu Zhi's origin, Ye Lanyu and Anthony couldn't help but gradually sketched out an identity outline for him based on their own guesses and imaginations.

A town resident whose ancestor should be a magician with no lineage.But in this generation, Wu Zhi has awakened the talent of no system, and happened to learn two kinds of magic of no system.Came out to see the world, and hoped to become a magician.

In this way, it seems to be able to explain fluently why even senior magicians like Anthony can't recognize Wu Zhi's clarity magic.This must be a long-lost non-system magic!

"Wu Zhi, you don't have to be too discouraged. Although you can't become a magician, since you are a person with magical talent, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort if you practice fighting qi. My Ye Laixiang Trading Company has a silver-level "Hot Fighting Qi"—that is, The kind cultivated by Gan Peng's guards. It can be used for your cultivation, what do you think?"

Wu Zhi thought for a while, then nodded.

Since one cannot become a mysterious and noble magician, it is always possible to become a fierce and powerful swordsman or fighter.

To become a swordsman, as long as you are not weak or have any disease, you can practice.It's just based on the speed of talent cultivation.

Hmm, silver-level fighting qigong?It's not bad.

Wu Zhi knew that in this world, no matter it was magic, fighting qi methods, or combat skills.All are graded.

Magic is those fireballs and big fireballs that Anthony casts.

Dou Qi Method is the method of practicing Dou Qi.

Combat skills are combat skills aimed at professionals who practice fighting qi, and use their fighting qi to exert stronger strength.

In addition, there are sword skills, gun skills and the like.Just the name is slightly different.

Whether it is magic, grudge or combat skills.They are all divided by precious precious metals.

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamonds!
For example: Bronze Magic, Silver Dou Qi, Gold Combat Skills, Platinum Spear Skills, Diamond Combat Skills!

The higher the level, the higher the requirements for the use of magic, the higher the efficiency of the practice of fighting qi, and the stronger the power of combat skills!

In addition, there are higher levels above diamonds, but there are different names for different categories.

Wu Zhi was unable to complain about this division at this time.No matter how vulgar this division is, and how strikingly similar it is to the League of Legends game, it can't reduce the surprise in Wu Zhi's heart.

Is silver vindictive?After practicing, wouldn't he be able to fight like Gan Peng back then, fighting with flames on his sword?

Thinking about it this way, it seems pretty good.

then.The next day, Wu Zhi stayed at the Ye Lai Xiang Firm, and Gan Peng, who was familiar with him, personally taught him how to learn Dou Qi.

Because Ye Lanyu miscalculated Wu Zhi's background, she also had the intention of soliciting friends.So Wu Zhi's stay in Ye Laixiang was a matter of course.

Wu Zhi's background is clean, and he has a talent for magic, and he can also use two magics that are not effective in combat, but have very good effects.Such a person, no matter how you say it, is considered a talent.

Although Ye Lanyu was not as charismatic as the old president, he had recruited a large number of professionals to work for him during his lifetime.But he also knew that it was always right to make friends with a talent like Wu Zhi.What's more, Wu Zhi still has the kindness to save Ye Laixiang, who is almost at a critical moment of life and death, here?
As for Wu Zhi, since he had nowhere to go when he first arrived in Silver Moon City, it would be good to stay in Ye Laixiang.The people here are considered kind and polite to themselves.What's more, you can also learn fighting spirit, so why not do it.

After practicing martial arts, go to those bandits to settle accounts!

The so-called bronze and silver, gold and platinum.Although it was just a divisional title, after Wu Zhi cultivated his battle qi, he clearly felt the weight contained in these titles.

For magic, the higher the level of a magic, the higher the demand, the harder it is to cast, and the greater the power.

Take the fire system as an example, bronze-level magic, such as small fireball, fire wave and other magic.Apprentice-level magicians can start learning.

However, silver-level magic like the big fireball can only be learned by at least an intermediate magician.

Not to mention the gold-level explosive fireball.Only senior magicians of Anthony's level can try to practice.

The strength of magic is reflected in the areas of action, lethality, and difficulty.

The strengths and weaknesses of the Dou Qi method are reflected in the efficiency of cultivation and the speed of absorbing external elements.

Legend has it that the top diamond-level vindictiveness.As long as beginners are not too stupid, they can condense the seeds of grudge in one day, and achieve small achievements in one month.

As for the bronze level battle qi, it takes several months to practice just the first level.

Silver level grudge, although much better than bronze.But it's just more than enough than the top and more than the bottom.

A third-level swordsman like Gan Peng only has such strength after seven or eight years of cultivation.After knowing this, Wu Zhi immediately felt disheartened.

(Seven or eight years, your sister! The day lily is cold! Do I have to wait for those bandits to die of old age and whip their corpses?)
Sighing in my heart, but there is no better way now.There is no talent in magic, and only fighting spirit is the most practical.So although Wu Zhi was not particularly satisfied, he could only bite the bullet and practice.

(In the future, I must get a Platinum Diamond Dou Qi method to practice. At that time, I will directly abolish the Heat Dou Qi and practice again! With the cultivation efficiency of the advanced method, it will not take long to retrain.)
(End of this chapter)

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