Grandpa's great writer

Chapter 52 Start

Chapter 52 Start

"Dad, how much is my dress?"

The next morning, on the way to school, Peng Peng suddenly raised his head and asked Zhang Zhong.

Zhang Zhong was a little surprised, "Why are you asking this?"

My daughter's concept of money is still a little fuzzy, and she rarely asks how much something is worth.

"Ms. Jiang asked me how much I bought the clothes yesterday. I don't know. I'm afraid she will ask me again today, but I still can't answer."

There was a gloomy look on Zhang Zhong's face, this Teacher Jiang really didn't know what a teacher's morality was at all.

It seems to be a very normal thing to ask someone how much their clothes cost, but when the subject is a child over four years old, it is somewhat abnormal.

When most people see a child wearing a beautiful dress, they will usually boast a few words. At most, they will ask who bought it for her. Basically, no one will directly ask the child how much it is.

Jiang Yufang was definitely not unintentional. Based on her previous deeds, Zhang Zhong probably knew that she was touching the bottom of his family.

Two days ago, he was still thinking about how to change Pengpeng's teacher with the least impactful method. Now it seems that things have to be put on the agenda.

"If she asks you how much the dress is again, just tell her you don't know, and let her ask me, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. Why did Mr. Jiang ask me how much the dress is?"

Zhang Zhong laughed, "Because Teacher Jiang saw that you look good in a skirt, and she also wanted to buy one, that's why she asked."

"Oh, but my skirts are so small, Teacher Jiang can't fit them, she is so big."


After Zhang Zhong sent off Pengpeng, he went to Zhang Xingjun's shop first, and asked him to drag him into the parent group of Pengpeng's class.

"Then if you go in, I'll back out."

Zhang Zhong noticed that his father's expression seemed to be relieved.

"Why did you leave?"

"This group is boring. These parents are all vain. The news they sent is too big. Your mother is also in it. It doesn't matter if the two of you are here."

"Alright then." Zhang nodded emphatically.

Zhang Xingjun pulled the group, Zhang Zhong entered the group, and Zhang Xingjun withdrew from the group, and it took only two to three minutes.

Seeing Zhang Zhong go in, some parents jumped out to say hello, Zhang Zhong glanced at it, changed his note to "Zhang Pengpeng's father", and then cut it out.

He joined the group not to socialize with these parents, but mainly to collect information about Jiang Yufang, otherwise it would be difficult for him to do it himself. Taking a step back, if he really wants to write a letter to report, he must have evidence to support it, otherwise They took down a kindergarten teacher with just one letter?

It would be better for Jiang Yufang to take the initiative to come to him, so that the matter would be much simpler. He was considering whether to go fishing to enforce the law.

After thinking about it, it is better to wait for a while to discuss fishing law enforcement.


Fang Xingkai came over in the afternoon, and the two signed the contract face to face.

"Mr. Zhang, I have an unfeeling request." After signing the contract, Fang Xingkai relaxed and said to Zhang Zhong with a smile.

"what's up?"

Fang Xingkai said, "Can you give me the full draft of "Ten Little Indians" now? Let me have a sneak peek?"

"Yes." Zhang Chong smiled. This is not an unfeeling request. In fact, it is reasonable to say that the electronic manuscript of the whole book should be delivered to them before signing the contract.

But they didn't ask for it before, and they didn't say it.

"Let me send you an email, and pay attention to check it later."

Fang Xingkai smiled happily, "Okay."

In fact, it was a bit risky for them to sign this book. After all, they only read a third of it, but it was also because Zhang Zhong's "The Grocery Store" was first, and this "Ten Little Indian Boys" was really good, so although Without seeing the full manuscript, Li Nan still chose to believe it.

Taking a step back, even if the last two-thirds lose a lot of color, the first one-third is already worth the fare.

Same as last time, Fang Xingkai came and left in a hurry, the tea he ordered in the store was not cold yet, and he was already on his way back to Shanghai.

Zhang Zhong wandered around the city, bought a new computer, equipped with a better keyboard, and went home.

The new computer and the new keyboard are naturally very different, and the eyes and fingers are instantly relaxed.

Open the Surging Literature website, and first find the homepage of "Jieyou Grocery Store".

Because it's over, a lot of book friends below are spreading flowers.

[Finishing Sahua, I finally don't have to suffer from updates. 】

[It means that there is no pressure at all. When I first saw this book, I resisted not reading it. I finally waited until today to read it together. It was so cool. 】

[Is there a devil upstairs?Simply terrible! 】

[The person upstairs can be so cruel to himself, I admire him, he is a person who does great things. 】

【Expressing that seeing the end of the book, I laughed so hard that my mouth was crooked, and it’s still not healed. 】

[Am I the only one who feels a little lost? 】

[It's not you, but we don't say anything, haha. 】

Zhang Zhong felt that these book friends were quite funny, so he nodded secretly and did not reply to them. He entered his writer background with a smile, clicked "New Work", filled in the title of the book "Ten Little Indian Boys", and published Chapter 1 .

After 3 minutes, a message came out from the background.

"Your work "It's a Little Indian Boy" has passed the review."

See, that's efficiency.

At this time, the book friends who were carnival in the comment area, and the book friends who set Zhang Zhong as special attention, saw a message at the same time.

"Writer 'Fifth Grade Vegetative' Has New Developments"

Of course, in addition to these book friends, there are also a group of readers who have seen the news of the new book.

On the homepage of Surging Literature, there is a small speaker, which is updated in real time after the new book has just been reviewed.

"The fifth grade vegetative work "Ten Little Indian Boys" is coming!"

In just a few minutes, the book review area for new books was filled.

[What did I find?new book? 】

[This is too sudden, isn't there any warning? 】

[What are the vegetative people doing? I just said not to be troubled by his updates. Now that a new book is out, what’s the fuss? 】

【You can choose not to watch...】

【You think I'm that ruthless person? 】

[I just want to know one thing, is this book updated stably? 】

[Boss, don’t imitate other people’s online novels, I know you must have finished the manuscript, so let’s post it together. 】

[Boss, don't mess with us. 】

Zhang Chong looked at these comments and laughed. The book had just been released, and these guys were not in a hurry to read the book, but went to the comment area to pour out their bitterness.

He didn't intend to reply to them. The reason why he read the comments was mainly to look at his heart, and it was impossible to reply. There were so many comments, it was too time-consuming.

In this way, the fact that the author of "Jieyou Grocery Store" published a new book was like a stone hitting the surface of a lake, causing moderate splashes.

As for the word-of-mouth of this book, it will take some time to see.

 Thank you [Wang Zidian] for your reward. Also, the last chapter sprinkled flowers too much.
(End of this chapter)

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