Doomsday female supporting characters

Chapter 124 The Roar of Primordial Power

Chapter 124 The Roar of Primordial Power

The soldier ants will not let go until they bite the enemy to death, and they will keep attacking the enemy. There are fewer soldier ants, and they all disperse and pile up individually if they are not enough to surround them one by one.

Bai Xing could only keep waving his arms, feeling that if his arms were not his own, it would cost a lot to use his abilities on the ice tower, and he had to keep his abilities, so he couldn't use the light system on himself, otherwise he didn't know if he could maintain it ice tower.

After killing the last hundred or so soldier ants, Bai Xing relaxed a lot.

Heidan flew back from nowhere, and flew away when a group of soldier ants attacked Bai Xing.

The purpose of flying back is to check whether the two legs are dead or not. If it is dead, it will go out to surf, and if it is not dead, it will follow the two legs.

It is more leisurely to follow two legs, and you can also drink delicious stream water.

Besides, the ice on its mouth is still there, and when it went to forage for worker ants, its two legs didn't remove the ice cover at all, so it forgot, and almost got used to covering its mouth.

It's a terrible habit, don't let it get used to it.

Bai Xing was very tired, very tired, and urgently needed to rest. Before he could pick up the corpses of the soldier ants, he brought the black eggs into the Ziming Ring.

Anyway, if she doesn't pick it up, worker ants will naturally pick it up. Ants with their heads separated from their bodies will take at least a week to die, so don't worry.

The duties of worker ants are to build and expand and defend the nest, collect food, feed young ants and queens, etc. That's why Bai Xing can enter the purple ring.

After entering Ziming Ring, she just lay down on the grass and closed her eyes without moving. She was so tired that she couldn't lift her arms anymore, as if they weighed a thousand catties.

Heidan regretted entering the Ziming Ring, did he waste a good time to leave?

The worker ants outside methodically moved the two segments of the soldier ant's body back into the ant nest. In the end, some worker ants felt that it was too hot to grind the ice tower.

The worker ants brought the ice cubes to the queen, and the queen appreciated the coolness, and another large wave of worker ants began to grind the ice tower.

The queen ants were very happy to eat the iced food, and quickly produced soldier ants, and those who went out were taken outside.

Bai Xing wakes up in a daze, feeling weak in body, is it overdrawn, kidney deficiency?

The ability was restored, and a few light systems were directed at him.

Moments later, Bai Xing felt that he had gained strength all at once, as if he had eaten a Snickers bar.

Jump up and look around, hey, where is this?She remembered that she entered the Ziming Ring in the end.

Except for the animals and the ground protected by the membrane, everything is messy, and her vegetable field is also messy.

Very messy vegetable plot, some vegetables were stepped on?The fish were so thin that she made the river ditch not many big fish.

There are still some small fish and shrimps, and there are only bare commanders left in the mutated rice. What's wrong?Robbed by robbers?

Mom, this is a dream.

Bai Xing pinched himself, it hurt.

It's not a dream, her Ziming ring has really turned into this terrible bug swarm.

Look at three dogs, a chicken and a crow.

She saw the chicken flying around chasing the crow.


What's going on?

Unfriendliness and mutual assistance are chasing and fighting, watching three dogs and a chicken chasing and flapping black eggs one by one, stepping on her vegetable field over and over again.

The veins are jumping, and the face is turning blue.

"What are you doing?" Bai Xing yelled with all his might.

The bursts of sound waves from the internal force directly caused the three dogs and one chicken who were chasing to fall to the ground.

Heidan also fell to the ground with a plop.

The entire Ziming Ring was quiet, and the animals were silent.

...quiet...passing by.

After a while, the three dogs, one chicken and one crow turned their heads to look at Bai Xing.

Shirahoshi stood up slowly and walked towards the five animals.

"How many days have I slept?" Bai Xing asked calmly.

"Cuckoo?" Two days?
Zi Lingqi moved his claws out from under his body and drew two lines on the ground.

"Two days?" Bai Xing asked with a smile.

All the animals nodded in unison.

"The Ziming ring has been made like this in two days. Do you want to go to heaven? Shall I help you? Help you right away, don't be polite." Bai Xing said in a very gentle tone.

But listening to the ears of the animals, it seems that special effects and dubbing have been directly added, which is eerie.

All the animals shook their heads in unison, no need to go to the sky, no need to go to the sky, no need to go to the sky...

Bai Xing gently lifted the five animals off the ground with his thoughts, and then moved them up, down, left, right, diagonally... back and forth super fast.

All the animals made an extremely fast flying animal, flying around, feeling that every part of the body is not their own.

After wandering around for a few minutes, Bai Xing gently put her on the grass, she couldn't die, and had to grow vegetables for her.

I went to the bamboo building first, and I was out of anger, but I just didn't want to see them for the time being.

Several animals were staggering on the grass, as if they were still doing extreme sports.

Xiao Hei wanted to raise his left paw to scratch his head, but the left paw hit his stomach.

Xiaobai wanted to stand up, so he lay on the ground and stretched his legs. He felt that he had stood up, so hurry up, why is he still not moving?
Jing Ze squinted his eyes and shook his head lying on the ground, hoping to have a clearer sense of direction in his head. The shaking was terrible, and until now, everything in front of him was running around.

Zi Lingqi squatted very unsteadily, and swayed in other directions after shaking from side to side. He was fixed by two paws tightly grasping the grass, and the chicken head knocked on the grass, becoming a living animal tumbler.

Heidan was lying on the grass and passed out.

Jingze was the first to wake up, and it felt as if it had heard Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai talk about a fake master.

After staying in the bamboo building for a while, Bai Xing took out the seeds from the warehouse and put them on the ground, pinching his waist, and said, "You guys plant them for me, and plant whatever should grow in the right place, don't plant in the wrong place."

The vegetable field has been cleared by Bai Xing, and it is bare.

Xiao Hei tremblingly walked to Bai Xing's side and bit off the seed bag.

The five animals chattered together for a while, wondering if they could understand each other.

Shirahoshi saw that they had finished discussing and began to divide the work.

Heidan digs a hole with his beak, Xiao Hei bites the bag of seeds, Zi Ling Qi plants seeds, Jing Ze buries the hole, and Xiao Bai waters it.

Bai Xing: →_→ Could it be that they share a common language?

Seeing that the vegetable fields were all planted, Bai Xing took Xiao Hei out to kill worker ants.

There are so many ants in a horse ant nest, if you want to continue killing, you must get the ants into the Ziming ring.

I still owe Zi Lingqi 250.

When I got out of Zimingjie Baixing, I found ants under my feet, and the entire ice tower was covered with ants.

Immediately freeze the ants under your feet into ice sculptures.

The entire ice tower is full of worker ants, so let's freeze them all, save some abilities, and then use them all.

Many frozen ants appear on the ice tower.

Making Ice Cube Shirahoshi can make a lot.

The weather was hot, and the surface of the big ice tower sublimated and vaporized, and Bai Xing stood on top of it.

The ice system does not feel cold, nor can it feel hot, so that the body maintains a constant temperature.

 Thanks for the reward of "'listen' to your heart", (people) are more heart-to-heart

  Yo, it's not on the shelves today~~~
  Here are 5 hurtful words.

  1. Don’t lose weight, you are not ugly because you are fat

  2. Why didn’t the country use your face to study body armor
  3. If you can't tolerate me, it means either your mind is too narrow, or my personality is too great
  4. You are actually in good shape, fat but not greasy

  5. Others smile with peach blossoms on their faces, but you laugh hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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