super big player system

Chapter 94 A Peach

Chapter 94 A Peach
Zhang Feng smiled and said: "It only costs 2 crystal coins to upgrade to VIP99 level, and you can enjoy a 99% discount on purchases and craftsman-level products for you to choose for only [-]."

Zhang Fan scolded his mother and browsed the things he could buy, upgrading a fart, in order to save 100 and pay 30 million idiot talents, not to mention that a craftsman-level chopping knife costs [-], what a scam.

Level 1 stores have food, weapons, and vehicles in three categories, as well as various sub-categories, but the cheapest defensive armor costs [-] crystal coins, and it is only for a car window.

I wanted to buy a lot, but the guns looked like the ones captured from the hunters, but they cost [-] crystal coins. It’s okay to buy some guns with good performance without a powerful chariot as the basis. Birds use it, and a bag of potatoes costs [-] crystal coins. It’s a dick, and the price is even more expensive than in reality in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

More than 80 yuan in hand seems a lot, but it is really not enough here.

In the end, he set his sights on the car, an A-class armored car like a caravan without any additional armor and weapons worth 50.

The store considerately provides a wealth of upgrade options, such as attaching armor to reach S-level, and then equipping it with an anti-jamming long-distance communicator, and even a radar map to choose from, and the car tire glass and even the toilet inside can be upgraded , the high-end toilet provides the effect of warm PP, and has a stronger deodorizing function...

Zhang Fan deployed it for a long time, and found that the final S-level defense and yacht-like configuration cost 120 million yuan!

He had no choice but to give up the toilet and other products that improve the living environment, so that the price of the vehicle was controlled at 81 after reaching the S-level defense and providing housing!
After casually equipped with some food and drink, the price reached 85 crystal coins.

Zhang Fan looked at the optical brain that was available as an option, and he was so greedy. This optical brain stores a lot of movies and games, but it is worth [-] crystal coins. If you have extra money, you must buy it. You don’t have to be bored with it. in a daze.

"Old A pays."

Old A looked at the resentment on his face that he spent nearly 200 million yuan in his hand without warming it up.

"Your Excellency, please wait patiently, the goods can be picked up in an hour." Zhang Feng said with a smile after receiving the money.

"Hmph, the same surname is Zhang. I feel like we were not a family 1000 years ago. You must not be the Zhang family!" Zhang Fan left the chamber of commerce angrily. too much.

"Welcome to come next time." Zhang Feng sent Zhang Fan away with a smile, and then quickly went upstairs with the contract.

Upstairs, Chairman Long and Yu Jianshan were waiting anxiously.

Bai Ji was also there, and Bai Ji took the contract to scan and analyze Zhang Fan's bloodstain on an instrument.

Yu Jianshan said with a smile: "President Long is so clever, he actually thought of using this trick to obtain Zhang Fan's blood sample."

Chairman Long said with a smug smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just a businessman."

Bai Ji, however, looked at the analysis report with a puzzled expression and said, "No mutating factors were detected in his genes."

"What? Did you read it wrong?!" Chairman Long said in surprise.

Bai Ji took the analysis report and handed it to Yu Jianshan and said, "It's definitely true after several tests, and this person's blood is unimaginably clean. He has not been affected by any post-apocalyptic infection at all, and is a pure human being."

Yu Jianshan frowned and handed the report to Chairman Long, looking at the non-exceptional but exceptionally clean report.

Chairman Long looked at the report and was even more disbelieving: "This is impossible, he is definitely not an ordinary person, Zhang Feng, did you make a mistake?!"

Zhang Feng hurriedly said: "I watched him press it with my own eyes, and even cursed him because I didn't know the blood mark."

Yu Jianshan said: "That's right, it's impossible for other people's blood samples to be pure without any trace of the end of the world. This person's identity is becoming more and more mysterious."

Bai Ji pondered: "Could it be that he has a powerful awakening ability, and can even hide or change his physique and genes?"

Yu Jianshan nodded and said: "This possibility is not ruled out. Now the most powerful awakened person we know is a magician, but there are only a handful of magicians who have truly become magicians. Magicians have more powerful power than ordinary awakened people. But they themselves are too fragile, and this person has shown a real power that most magicians don't have, which is unusual."

President Long said: "Then he can't be returned to the alliance. If the alliance cultivates him, it will become a huge threat to us."

Yu Jianshan rubbed his forehead and said worryingly: "It is difficult to change the decision of the council. If Tanlang and the alliance reach a consensus, this is the most difficult thing for us to do. Those who support his expulsion will definitely support Tanlang .”

President Long sighed: "With this person's temper, it is absolutely impossible for him to accompany Tanlang, let alone pay tribute to Tanlang. How could Tanlang suffer such a big loss and not act?"

"Let him make a fuss, now we only have the chance to make his fuss bigger and more difficult." Yu Jianshan looked out the window, Zhang Fan was entangled with a beggar.

"One thousand crystal coins, sell me the other half of the treasure map." Zhang Fan finally found the beggar who was huddled in the corner.

The beggar stood there motionless with his arms folded, his eyes open but he seemed unable to see the person in front of him, and he didn't respond to Zhang Fan's price increase from one hundred to one thousand.

"Two thousand and five, no more." Zhang Fan really felt that money was tight, and it would cost several thousand crystal coins to send a beggar. Thinking about desperately fighting for a few hundred crystal coins at the beginning, it really hurts.

"Hey, are you deaf, dumb or blind?" Old A shouted angrily when he saw that the beggar ignored Zhang Fan.

"Stop yelling at him. I haven't moved for seven days. I'm afraid he's dead." A guard of the Chamber of Commerce couldn't stand it and let out a cry.

"What, dead?" Old A rushed up and pushed.

The beggar uttered a humming sound, then fell to the ground without moving.

"Well, you actually touched it, so prepare five thousand crystal coins to arrange his funeral." Seeing this, the guard came over.

Old A hugged the purse on his waist in a panic and said, "If I die, I don't care."

"He still has breath. If he dies, you will be the last one to touch him. You have to be responsible!" the guard said sternly.

" are blackmailing!" Old A said excitedly.

In an instant, another guard came over and said, "This is the law of Huangyuan Town. If you don't pay, you may be arrested for murder!"

"Boss...boss..." Old A was frightened when he heard this, and asked Zhang Fan for help.

Zhang Fan thought to himself that the peach card in his hand was of some use, which meant that it was the same as in the game, eating back to life when dying was equivalent to bringing the dead back to life.

He decided to give it a try, and immediately a card appeared on his fingertips, and he threw it at the beggar who fell on the ground.

With a swoosh, a peach flashed in front of the beggar's face and slipped into his mouth.

When the two guards were about to force old A to pay, they suddenly found that the beggar suddenly coughed twice, then got up, the juice overflowed from chewing something in his mouth, and his withered face was instantly flushed, a dying man The man suddenly sat up with a radiant face.

(End of this chapter)

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