super big player system

Chapter 86 You win and I eat shit

Chapter 86 You win and I eat shit
The mayor was speechless. He knew all about Zhang Fan's deeds. He went all the way into the wasteland to seize the territory, and then went all the way to the wasteland town. Once he was seated, troubles started. What a disaster.

Everyone here feels the same way as him. There are not many new tribes that have grown up in the wasteland in the past few decades. He also fought fiercely with two of the five major tribes, which was really unprecedented.

They still have a tribal spirit and a warrior spirit in their bones, but when they become high-ranking and powerful, interests become the first, so they are not happy about it, but feel threatened because someone in the territory suddenly becomes stronger like an alliance. They won the first place, so they are all hostile to Zhang Fan.

The arena was full of seats, and a huge phantom screen was projected in the air. A host wearing animal skins but with a thin face was excitedly arousing the emotions of the audience. This was a challenger event that lasted from morning to night, from All warriors of the Badlands can participate, with great prizes for the victor, and viewers can bet on their favorite warriors.

Zhang Fan looked curiously at the phantom giant screen full of sci-fi flavors, and at the surrounding people and things that are full of ancient and modern styles. Everything here makes people feel that time and space are intertwined. From the ancient Colosseum, Clothes from the feudal era, modern electronic equipment, buildings with apocalyptic atmosphere, everything is weird, but they blend together completely and there is nothing inappropriate.

He picked up a fruit that looked like an apple on the table and gave it to Linghua. He took a bite, and the surface was a bit like a peach, but the juice inside was like an orange. It tasted sweet and sour and very refreshing. He took a few bites and praised with satisfaction: "What kind of fruit is this, it tastes really good."

"Country bumpkin." Elder Gao sneered, and the others also cast contemptuous glances.

Zhang Fan completely ignored the crowd, and stretched out his hands to taste the various fruits in the fruit plate one by one. Some were grapes and bananas that he had eaten before, and some had never been seen before. The tastes were also different, which really opened his eyes.

Seeing that Zhang Fan made a mess by grabbing and biting the fruit on the table, everyone frowned. He was obviously a savage, and it would be embarrassing to sit with him.

The first round of challenges also started when the golden bell rang. A warrior with a shield and a sword stood in the center of the arena, and what he had to face were thirty crazy zombies.

Zhang Fan glanced, although he said he was crazy, he just ran faster, he was a warrior who could kill everyone with a knife.

If not, the challenger killed all thirty zombies in a short while, and the audience was accustomed to only screaming three or two times.

Soon the second round started, and this time there were fifty zombies, including three anti-riot zombies. The challenger obviously felt a bit strenuous. The anti-riot zombies can't be killed with one or two knives. The whole person was surrounded by zombies and drenched in blood. Tore up.

"Hey, don't you want to make a bet when you come to the arena?!" The envoy of the Bihai tribe who was sitting at the same table couldn't understand Zhang Fan's scratching and eating like a monkey.

"Call me?" Zhang Fan glanced at the challenger who had almost killed the second wave of zombies and shrugged: "It's too rubbish, I'm not interested."

"Hey, how awesome is your Excellency, how capable you are to kill so many zombies in a limited area without using a gun and using a knife to rubbish." The people of the Jushi tribe mocked.

Zhang Fan got up and took the fruit plate back from the elder Gao of the Greedy Wolf Tribe, and said, "I don't even bother to do anything if I lose a hundred."

"You're so awesome, then go challenge, if you can challenge to the last level without a gun, I will eat shit!" Elder Gao said angrily.

"Really?" Zhang Fan looked at Elder Gao who was so angry that he stood up.

Elder Gao was stunned instantly. Zhang Fanneng was the one who killed the mad cow and the ghost king. It must be no difficulty to kill a hundred zombies.

Zhang Fan knew the purpose of inviting him to the arena. These people just wanted to find opportunities for him to challenge. They said it depends on his strength, and they even wanted him to die in the challenge.

Standing up and stepping on the chair, he said, "Don't be cowardly, I can kill all the zombies below if I sit here, don't you believe me, come and bet with me!"

I'm stupid, this is awesome enough.

The people from the Jushi tribe snorted: "If you can really do it without a gun, I will lose you [-] crystal coins, and if you lose, give me [-]!"

"If you make me eat shit, I'll give you 20 yuan!" Elder Gao gritted his teeth and followed when he saw someone insulting Zhang Fan. If he didn't believe it, even if he lost, someone would dare to let him eat shit.

"I bet one hundred thousand!"

"I bet [-] too!"

"I bet 50 that you won't be able to challenge to the fifth round!" The mayor also said.

The Jagged Tribe even threw a badge-like crystal coin energy storage container on the table and said: "There are also 50 in it. If you become the winner, it will be yours. If you lose, you will keep it."

"50 want to buy my life?" Zhang Fan looked gloomyly at the elders of the Iron-Blooded Tribe, and laughed for a moment, "But I'm making a steady profit. You don't know how powerful I am, so I won't care about you this time."

"Then get ready to start." The mayor gave the order gloomyly.

Soon the host on the giant screen announced that Zhang Fan was going to sit in the observation deck to challenge the five rounds of the competition. Everyone in the arena exclaimed. After hearing the host's repeated emphasis on not using guns, everyone went crazy, one by one. Most of the bets were made by Zhang Fan who lost!
"Let's get started, let's see how awesome you are." The people from the Giant Stone Tribe said contemptuously.

"The first three rounds are all zombies, 130 in total, right? Let's go out together, don't waste time, and it's interesting to watch." Zhang Fan probably heard the rules from the host.

"as you wish."

Soon the arena below opened several doors, and more than 100 ordinary zombies and ten anti-riot zombies and one iron corpse rushed into the arena violently. limit.

"Let's start, let's see your miraculous abilities." Seeing that Zhang Fan was still absent-minded, Elder Gao said coldly.

Suddenly, he saw that Zhang Fan's brocade cloak had become a white robe with a green crown, and his face looked much older. At first glance, he looked like a different person.

Zhang Fan sat on the chair with one foot still on it, biting the fruit with one hand, and squeezed a card in the air with the other hand, and then threw it towards the field.

【Thousands of Arrows Shooting】

Before everyone recovered from the astonishment of Zhang Fan's sudden transformation, they saw the cards thrown by Zhang Fan flying towards the sky above the arena, and suddenly turned into countless arrows, forming a gust of arrows and hitting the zombies in the field.

The audience in the arena screamed even more. They knew that Zhang Fan was sitting on the highest viewing platform and kept staring at his ability to kill zombies from hundreds of meters away. Although they couldn't see Zhang Fan's transformation, they did. When a card flew out and turned into countless feathered arrows to kill the corpses below, the astonishment was a bit like the shock of discovering zombies eating people for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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