super big player system

Chapter 71 The Wrath of the Barbarian King

Chapter 71 The Wrath of the Barbarian King
"I drive this mountain, and I drive this road. If you want to drive over, save money for roads!" The stone giant ran in and roared angrily.

Zhang Fan saw that the stone giant could only shout this sentence even though he was covered in stone skin, so he raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it a fool?"

A member of the hair-plucking gang looked at the roaring stone giant in fear and replied: "My lord, the stone giant is a fool, and he can shout this sentence, but it is really terrifying. That stone skin is invulnerable, only afraid of water, but Where does the water come from here?"

"The stone has become a spirit?" Zhang Fan asked in amazement, because judging from the appearance, the whole body is covered with a rag around the waist, and the exposed skin looks like a gray stone. Could there really be a stone man?
The hair-plucking gang shook their heads and said, "It's human, but why Cheng is so unclear."

Old A said: "Didn't you say this is your territory? Why doesn't that guy look very friendly?"

The members of the hair-plucking gang said in embarrassment: "There are actually a lot of robbers here, big and small, and everyone does not invade each other. In this mountain, they take turns to trap. It's just bad luck today. The stone giant who forages for food only once in half a month suddenly came here. gone."

"I drive this mountain, and I drive this road. If you want to drive over, you can save money to buy roads!" The stone giant roared again.

The people who cleaned up the battlefield withdrew one by one, the head of the person who roared was sore, and the person who plucked the hair was even more afraid, with cold sweat on his face.

"Stone Man, this convoy belongs to our great king. Now you are another robber!" Gillian stood in front of the giant and yelled loudly. Her strong figure was not a giant except for her size, she was just full of fat against her Stoneskin is also clearly at a disadvantage.

"I drive this mountain, and I drive this road. If you want to drive over, you can save some money!" The stone giant roared angrily at Ah Yao.

"It's a horse, obviously you can't communicate, fuck it!" Gu Feng's face became angry and he wanted to order to shoot.

Pulling Hair helped the crowd stop him and said: "This kind of gun can't hurt the giant, but it will irritate him. He can destroy the world by throwing stones!"

"Golem, you really can't rob today!" Gillian yelled angrily, then rushed towards the Golem, hugged the Golem directly, and led the Golem back.

The rocks on the ground that the stone man was stepping on creaked, and suddenly he stood firmly on his feet, with an angry look on his face, he grabbed Gillian's shoulders with both hands and lifted them up vigorously, and then threw them out angrily.

Everyone watched in astonishment as A-Jiao was thrown into a car like a mountain of meat with a buzzing sound. The hit car almost turned over with a bang, and she fell under the car without moving.

Someone accidentally fired a shot in nervousness, and in an instant, the merchant guards and the hair-plucking gang began to shoot at the stone giant under the cover of cars and stones.

All the bullets hit the stone giant with crackling flames, and it looked no different from hitting a stone.

The stone giant let out a roar, bent over and lightly picked up the boulder that A-Jiao was about to carry on the ground, and suddenly rushed towards the person who fired the gun and threw it over.

Seeing this, the shooter hurriedly dodged and hid behind the stone, but heard a bang, and the flying stone hit the boulder where he was hiding. He spat out blood and splashed it on the ground.

The stone giant was carrying stones and smashing them like a trebuchet. When it hit the car, it was a big hole. The simple defense board was smashed and sunk into the car. All the soldiers fled in a hurry. Those stones and the car did not provide any No safe cover.

A fleeing hair-plucking warrior was hit directly on the back by a flying stone. Everyone could hear the sound of bones breaking. The man also vomited blood and died on the spot.

"Boss, let me cover you and withdraw first, I will do my best to protect the car and cargo." Gu Feng finally understood why the plucking gang stopped shooting at this moment. Attacks are already invulnerable, and they are thrown around like trebuchets, who can stand it.

Zhang Fan hid behind a huge boulder and observed the giant. He was a little frightened when he saw Gillian who didn't know whether he was alive or not. I feel a bit overkill to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer.

"You will die if you stay."

Gu Feng looked at death as if he was at home and said with a smile: "It is my duty to protect the goods. I have slept with Xiaoyue from Zuixianglou after following the boss. I am satisfied. I will defend my honor. Even if I die, I cannot leave the goods behind."

"Yeah, who let you meet a boss like me, tell me to hide at home, watch me!"


As he spoke, Zhang Fan's eyes flickered coldly, he activated the Wind Walk to speed up, and he leaped out of the boulder with a whoosh, and then rushed up while holding the knife while the giant was moving the stone.

The giant was not stupid at all, he threw stones only where the firepower was strong, and seeing Zhang Fan rushing towards him, he directly threw a huge stone the size of a millstone and threw it at it.


When Zhang Fan saw the boulder coming, he quickly turned to the side with Whirlwind Slash to avoid it, and then continued to run towards the giant.

Seeing that Zhang Fan was still far away, the giant bent over to pick up stones, and picked up a stubborn stone that could kill an elephant.

"I chop!"

Zhang Fan rushed forward while the giant was standing up, and slashed at the giant's thigh with a knife, with a sound, the blade made a sound like cutting on a stone, and drew a flame.


The giant made a slightly painful sound, and the movement of picking up the stone was also slow, and then he gritted his teeth and straightened up.

Zhang Fan hurried around to the back and slashed at the giant's back again.


The giant groaned in pain from being hit on the back, and suddenly turned around with the stone in his hands and swung it over.

Zhang Fan retreated quickly but was hit in the chest by a boulder, his chest hurt and his blood rushed upwards violently, and he was also thrown flying.

The giant's attack was not heavy at all. Seeing that Zhang Fan was knocked into the air, he raised the boulder and smashed it down to Zhang Fan who fell to the ground.


"Your Majesty!"

Zhang Fan fell to the ground feeling uncomfortable for a while. He lost [-] energy to offset the damage, but he was not immune. His whole body just felt like he was hit by a huge force, and he felt a little dizzy.

Seeing the huge boulder coming towards him like a planet, he hastily activated his endless anger. There was no chance for him to dodge such a big boulder.

With a buzzing sound, the boulder directly hit Zhang Fan's body, compressing his entire chest.


Hearing Gillian's eager roar, Gillian, who just woke up, got up regardless of the pain and rushed towards the giant, crashing into the giant's back like a dreadnought chariot.

With a buzzing sound, the giant was caught off guard and fell forward, and crawled on the ground with a bang, splashing stones on the ground.

Ah Jiao was also exhausted and fell to the ground and couldn't get up again. Everyone was terrified and at a loss. Zhang Fan was crushed by a rock, and everyone felt that Zhang Fan was dead.

"I drive this mountain, and I drive this road. If you want to drive over, save money to buy roads!" The stone giant roared with his hands on the ground, and slowly got ready.

Just when everyone was about to despair, the boulder that was pressing on Zhang Fan suddenly rolled out, and Zhang Fan stood up holding the knife as if reborn.

"You have no chance of defeating me!"

"as you wish!"

Zhang Fan carried the knife on his back, took off the pan from behind his waist, and walked towards the slowly climbing giant step by step, his eyes bursting with fierce anger.

There was a loud sound of iron and stone hitting, and Zhang Fan slammed the pot on the giant's head.

The half-climbed stone giant jumped back to the ground the moment it was photographed, crawling upright on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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