super big player system

Chapter 45 Conquering the Iron Spike Tribe

Chapter 45 Conquering the Iron Spike Tribe
"Sisters, Gray Eagle is dead. This is our new leader." Red Slave opened the door of Gray Eagle's main room, and brought out a group of women.

Among them, four women with shackles were walking in the front. These four women also held different weapons in their hands, including guns, crossbows, and even a rocket launcher.

There was also a strong woman in the crowd who looked nearly two meters tall. This woman was wearing chains and shackles on her hands and feet.

Zhang Fan gasped, these four women might be the killers hiding behind the wall, it's easy to hide with open guns, but it's hard to defend against them, if it wasn't for the red slaves to stop drinking, he might really lose his life.

The female guards outside the door also came in at this time, there were eight in total, and there were nineteen women in the room in an instant, thirteen of them were raised by Gray Eagle as soldiers.

The women looked at the dead bodies on the ground with blank expressions, only one girl was shivering with her bent body.

Hong Nu stepped forward and knelt in front of Zhang Fan and said, "Boss, the girls are innocent, please spare everyone's life, and we hope that the boss will obey everything."

Zhang Fan stretched out his hand to help Hong Nu up, he really didn't know what to do with these women, the weak ones looked miserable, while the strong ones were scary.

In terms of talent and sex, it's not that Zhang Fan has high eyesight. Except for Hong Nu, other women are really not worth looking at.

"Cough." Zhang Fan pondered for a while and said, "I won't kill anyone indiscriminately, so you don't have to worry."

"Thank you for the grace of not killing the leader." Hong Nu hurriedly bowed his knees again.

There was some movement outside at this time, because the murder of the Six Meridians Excalibur was almost silent, and it was not known what happened outside, Zhang Fan was worried about the safety of Tie Tou and Old A, so he immediately walked to the balcony.

The people gathered outside were noisy, many people wanted to take the opportunity to fight against Gray Eagle, but Iron Head and Old A were captured by the captain of the guard and prepared to take them away.

"Listen up, all the people of the Iron Spike Tribe, Gray Eagle is dead, we are your new leader and new boss!" Zhang Fan shouted to the outside of the stone castle.

"Grey Eagle is dead?!"

There was a burst of noise in the gathered crowd, and everyone became emotional. Zhang Fan didn't know whether these people were happy or angry and flustered.

At this time, the sound of heavy footsteps and iron chains sounded, and when he turned his head, he saw the giantess carrying Gray Eagle's body into the balcony, and then threw it off the balcony like a bag of flour.

A thud.

Gray Eagle's body fell in front of the crowd, and everyone immediately surrounded it.

Immediately afterwards, something unexpected happened to Zhang Fan. Seeing the body of Gray Eagle, the members of Gray Eagle rushed forward angrily, shouting and shouting, Stamped and cursed.

The whole scene seemed a bit controlled, only the captain of the guard and his men stood alone behind the crowd holding Iron Head and Old A.

Seeing Zhang Fan staring at him, the captain of the guard hurriedly gave a soldier's salute, and hurriedly waved his hands to his subordinates to release Old A and Tie Tou.

"Boss is awesome!" Tie Tou shouted excitedly, jumping up and punching his fists. Although he didn't know how Zhang Fan did it, he must be a super awesome person who could kill Gray Eagle and win the leader position.

Old A couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Boss 666!"

"Listen, people of the Iron Thorn Tribe, now you can obey me, be loyal to me, or challenge me, or choose to leave, and make your own decision!" Gray Eagle has long been trampled into a puddle of mud.

Hearing Zhang Fan's voice, the Crazy Iron Spike tribe slowly backed away.

The battle roar sounded again, and soon unified into a powerful rhythm.

Zhang Fan smiled. He could hear the deafening battle roar. It was powerful, unyielding, honorable and loyal. These people were swearing allegiance to him with the battle cry!

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel his blood boil, this is the kind of blood boiling full of honor that can't be experienced in the game or in the chaos of society. Every drop of blood seems to ignite the fire of battle. The battlefield is waiting for him, and honor is waiting. Let him pick it, and he is already the leader of the tribe worshiped by everyone!

"From now on, you are a member of my super big player tribe. I will let everyone who is loyal to me, whether it is a soldier or an ordinary member, receive the highest honor and enjoy endless happiness!" Zhang Fan raised his arms and shouted Then, if people choose to follow him, he will give promises to follow, and then fulfill these promises.

hoo hoo hoo!
All the tribe members responded with excited battle roars. Just because Zhang Fan was able to successfully challenge and kill Gray Eagle in the end, everyone adored Zhang Fan. In the last days, this was the most brave and elite move, and he was a tribal leader. due spirit.

Zhang Fan glanced at Gray Eagle whose armor was crushed and flattened into a pool of rotten meat on the ground, and said loudly to the crowd: "It's not early today, so everything will go on as before. Food is the biggest today when Gray Eagle is here. Let me set up dinner ten times as much as when I was on the party, and let everyone have a good time."

"Okay, long live the leader!" This time there was no battle cry, but excited cheers from all the crowd.

Zhang Fan beckoned to the captain of the guard and asked him, Tietou, and old A to come up, after all, there were still corpses in the room.

Tie Tou was the first to rush forward, looking at the corpses on the ground, and Zhang Fan who was not drunk at all, nothing but shock.

"Greetings...greetings to the leader." The captain of the guard came up with a few soldiers, saw that Gray Eagle's henchmen were all dead on the ground, and hurriedly knelt down to salute in fright.

"Just know who the boss is, and clean up all these corpses." Zhang Fan ordered.

"Yes." The captain of the guard hurriedly led his men to move the corpse.

Old A came up with Monkey and a few other soldiers. Monkey was locked up in the house for a day and didn't know anything. He was pointed at by a gun two or three times and almost collapsed. Only when Old A came did he realize that Zhang Fan had died. Become the boss here.

After the corpses were moved away, Zhang Fan didn't let any people from the Iron Spike tribe come up again. Those people waited for the food and drink to be so good that they didn't care about the changes after changing the boss.

"Sister Hongnu, give me a brief introduction to this place." Zhang Fan lost his hostility at this time, and knew that Hongnu had a kind heart, so Duan Yu's character was completely dominant.

When Hong Nu heard this, he knelt down and said: "Hong Nu is humble, how dare the leader call him that."

Zhang Fan helped him up and said with a smile: "My sister tried to stop me from drinking poisoned wine several times, how can I not know, besides, my sister is also a few years older than me, and I call her very kindly."

There was a burst of excitement in Hong Nu's heart. At this time, Zhang Fan was so handsome and sweet, and he gave her the respect and care that no one had ever given her. .”

Zhang Zhen sat back on the chair.

Hong Nu came over and stood aside and said: "Grey Eagle is usually vicious and treacherous, and he rarely trusts others. The only ones who trust him are a confidant and a team of guards. Now they all died with Gray Eagle, and the rest were only forced by Gray Eagle's means. Submitting to him, the women are also Gray Eagle's private property. He is afraid that someone will assassinate her, so he puts shackles on the sisters and murders visitors for him in the dark room. Everyone suffers.

The stone fort is Gray Eagle's exclusive domain. The first floor is guarded by cronies, and some weapons are stored. The second floor is the more valuable materials in the tribe, and the food is mainly there. Five sisters help him look after it. It is also the most important place of Gray Eagle, all the good things are here, and all kinds of secret passages in the stone castle are connected up and down, no one else can get in, and getting in is also within the palm of Gray Eagle. "

(End of this chapter)

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