super big player system

Chapter 36 Tribute?have eaten!

Chapter 36 Tribute?have eaten!
Zhang Fan sat on the only chair covered with animal skins, and the monkey immediately brought up the water first.

After a while, Tie Tou brought in two thin teenagers with a pot and a bowl. Steam was bubbling from an iron pot, and some bread that looked slightly better than inferior bread was placed in the bowl.

"Boss, take your time." Tie Tou stood aside respectfully.

Zhang Fan picked up his chopsticks and took it out of the pot. The pot was mushy, and the meat was black and exuded a stench. He threw the chopsticks away and said, "What kind of garbage is this, can I eat it?"

Tietou hurriedly said: "Boss, don't be angry, this is our best ration, there is really nothing else good."

"It's all stinky, it's not for people to eat." Zhang Fan realized that the Ironhead tribe was really poor. Except that there were more people, it was not much different from the previous sand fox team.

"Boss, boss." Tie Helmet broke in with a pile of tinfoil instant food bags and said excitedly: "Boss can eat this, the dry food just picked up from the corpse of the alliance must be good."

Zhang Fan vomited when he saw the blood stains on those dry food bags, waved his hands and said, "You are too poor, you might as well use my own dry food."

Tie Tou squeezed his two hands in embarrassment and said: "We used to be single and weak, and we didn't get much when we went hunting, so we didn't have much good things."

The monkey's eyes lit up and said: "I just heard the sound of animals in the small wooden house next to it. I glanced at it and it seemed to be a very fat rabbit. Why don't you offer it?!"

Tie Helmet hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, that's the tribute we will pay to the Iron Spike tribe this month."

"Go catch it and let me have a look." Zhang Fan hadn't seen what animals in this world looked like before, so he immediately became interested.

The monkey immediately responded and ran out excitedly.

Tie Helmet and Tie Tou suddenly looked anxious, very afraid that Zhang Fan would eat the rabbit.

After a while, the monkey rushed in, holding an animal that looked like a big fat rabbit, but the rabbit's claws were as sharp as a mouse's, and its short ears were pulled, but its body twisted angrily. It was obviously much more ferocious than a rabbit. , the mouth is more pointed like a mouse, and the teeth are bared with a fierce look.

"Is this delicious?" Zhang Fan felt like a fat big rabbit with an appetite.

The monkey said excitedly: "I heard Bai Lao said that the meat is very tender, the fatter it is, the more fragrant it is, and it is more fragrant than wolf meat."

"Well, find someone who can cook it for me." Zhang Fan nodded.

"Grandpa." Tie Helmet panicked when he heard that, he knelt on the ground and said, "Grandpa can't eat, if we don't get tribute to the Iron Spike Tribe, we will be bullied, and it's very likely that we won't even have a source of water next month." gone."

Tietou had no choice but to intercede: "Boss, the Tiethorn tribe has more people than us, and they control the nearby water sources. This is really unbearable."

"Look at how cowardly you are." Zhang Fan leaned back on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed and said in a nonchalant manner, "Give it to me, I said no one dares to bully our super big player tribe."

"Okay." The monkey immediately took the rabbit and went out to Bai Lao, who was also the only one who knew how to cook.

"Grandpa." Iron Helmet sighed while sitting on the ground.

Zhang Fan shook his legs and said: "Tietou will be the leader of the second regiment and the deputy leader of the iron helmet. Today, the person who killed the alliance has strengthened the tribe, making the brothers happy, and letting everyone eat and drink. Brothers eat and drink enough."

"Tie Tou takes the order." Tie Tou embraced the order happily when he heard this.

"Grandpa, how will you live in the future if you don't plan carefully!" Iron Helmet patted his thigh and wailed.

Zhang Fan was really curious about the expression on this guy's iron helmet. Wearing an iron helmet and wearing an iron armor, this old woman's heart is really happy.

"Stop howling, go and take care of Sansha." Tie Tou went over and snatched the dry food from Tie Helm's arms and carried it outside.

Tie Helmet hurriedly got up and chased after him, "It's just for fun, just divide it up for each person, we have to save it for a long-term plan..."

"Let's draw a prize. Idle is idle." Zhang Fan stretched.

[Hero universe is being formed...]

"The exciting time is coming again!"

Zhang Fan rubbed his hands excitedly, looking at the bright nebula, wondering which magical figure would appear in front of him again.

[Congratulations to the host for being lucky enough to get a one-star hero card: Barbarian King Tryndamere]

Hero: Tryndamere, Lord of the Barbarians

Sex: Male
From: League of Legends

Defense: Medium
Traits: Battle Fury My big sword is already hungry and thirsty

Ability: Swift Whirlwind Slash Endless Rage
"I see through!"

Zhang Fan looked at the strong and muscular Barbarians jumping up under the iron armor. He was able to get a role in the League of Legends, but some of his younger sisters were drawn. No wonder the universe of heroes can't accommodate all heroes every time. Counting unknown variables such as the different skills of each hero, a single hero may have at least three types of cards to draw.

The common saying in the LOL world is very easy to believe: the three big craters, the king of stealing towers, the cancer in the game, and the belief of novices. However, Zhang Fan rarely plays with these brothers, including Cao Conglun.

Three seconds is a real man!
Lao Tzu's big knife is already hungry and thirsty!
You have no chance of defeating me!
There are not many people who like to play the barbarian king, but everyone who plays LOL must be familiar with this barbarian who looks fierce, either one-on-five or dead, because he is really scary, and when he appears on our side The camp is afraid that it will become a ghost, and if it appears on the opposite side, it will kill him and become a god.

"Interesting, interesting."

Zhang Fan has already incarnated Hulk Hulk, Chicken Eater, Ultraman, Li Xunhuan, Soul Fighting Bill, Tu Shan Yaya, Nezha. The subjective conjecture to deny the practicability of an avatar card, because until now he is in an absolute advantage in combat, and this barbarian king will definitely not be disappointed.

But the second senior brother really doesn't want to use it, it's not aimed at the second senior brother, it's really ugly, it doesn't match his handsome temperament at all.

"Draw another one."

Zhang Fan thinks that he is only three cards away from being promoted to two stars, so he draws one more card to upgrade, which can also be used in case of emergency.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a one-star hero card duanyu. 】

Hero: Duan Yu

From: Tianlongbabu

Sex: Male
Defense: Strong
Features: The romantic and beautiful boy is invulnerable to all poisons

Ability: Lingbo Microstep Six Meridian Excalibur

"Oh, isn't this the handsome Mr. Duan?"

Zhang Fan immediately showed a satisfied smile, a handsome man with good martial arts like this is right.

"Boss, here comes your stewed rabbit and mouse." Bai Lao personally brought it over, still a little unaccustomed to the title of boss, feeling like a bandit.

Zhang Fan sniffed it, although it wasn't very fragrant, but it was still appetizing, and the broth was white, so it wasn't a pot of garbage stewed with stinky meat.

He picked up a piece that looked almost the same as a rabbit. When he bit into it, he found that the meat was tighter than a rabbit, but when he bit into it, it was softer and tasted better than a rabbit. No wonder it was a tribute.

"Come on, you two have a taste too." Zhang Fan was actually generous by nature, seeing that Bailao and Houzi were slobbering tightly, he generously asked them to eat together.

Bai Lao pushed his hands and said: "No need, I just have something to ask the boss."

"Well, tell me." Zhang Fan buried his head in his mouth.

"I heard from the monkey that this is a tribute from the Iron Head Tribe to the Iron Thorn Tribe. Now that we have eaten it, does the boss want to take the tribe directly to the Devil's Mountain?" Bai Lao worried about his next move.

"No." Zhang Fan chewed the meat and waved his hand: "Bring such a group of people and go to the Devil's Mountain now so that you won't starve to death. Let's spend some time in the wasteland. We can't go on the road poorly. Even if we want to escape from the alliance, we must have something to eat and drink." Walk happily and swagger.”

(End of this chapter)

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