Chapter 31
"There is a situation!"

Du Hai had been keeping watch on the broken wall, and now he shouted urgently.

The bearded and resting people quickly got up one by one, and Zhang Fan hurried over.

"Is it a zombie?"

Du Hai shook his head nervously and said, "It's the convoy, rushing towards us."

Before Zhang Fan was about to climb up the wall, several lights had swept towards the camp, and the sound of cars humming appeared, obviously the visitor had already approached.

The bearded man climbed up the broken wall and looked over, "Maybe they are from Dafeng Town. There are four cars full of people."

Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows, and lazily went up to the wall. If he was from Dafeng Town, then he was here to arrest him. I don't know if that pervert Feng Wang is dead or not.

"Patriarch, we have replenished the ammunition. If we want to fight quickly, otherwise it will easily attract zombies to siege, and more people from Dafeng Town will come to support us." Bai Lao said nervously.

During the conversation, the entire camp had been illuminated white by several blazing headlights, and everyone hurriedly hid behind the broken walls and prepared to fight back.

"Listen, people inside, you have angered the King of Wind, and now you have a chance to survive if you surrender, or you will die!" Four cars lined up in front of the ruins, their lights illuminating every corner.

Bai Lao said nervously: "Dafeng Town is still in the territory of the alliance. If we are captured, we will only die. Any crime of betraying the alliance or killing a safari is enough to kill us."

"I'll give you ten seconds to give up resistance and surrender!" the people in Dafeng Town roared.

"That pervert Feng Wang isn't dead yet?" Zhang Fan swished into the air and asked while drinking from an endless jug.

"Demon... demon girl!" The people in Dafeng Town suddenly exclaimed.

The leader's complexion changed even more, and he held the gun tightly in his hand and said: "Demon girl, my Wind King treats you warmly as a guest, but you actually hurt him. If you obediently go back with us and apologize to Feng King, you may still have a live."

"Clan... Patriarch, the opponent's firepower is strong, and there are heavy machine guns on the car, so it's so dangerous." The bearded man was terrified when he found that Zhang Fan had actually flown over his head to face the armed convoy in Dafeng Town.

"The patriarch is so beautiful..."

"This witch is so cute..."

The soldiers on both sides were stupefied for a moment. In the dark night, Zhang Fan seemed to be stepping on a piece of golden light like an elf descending. Many people even forgot that they were in the middle of the battlefield and were drooling.

"It seems that the pervert is not dead yet, go back and tell the pervert, I will definitely kill him if I meet him again!" Zhang Fan remembered that Feng Wang was disgusting, and felt uncomfortable being looked at by a gay guy, So it's extremely disgusting.

"Demon girl, court death!" Seeing that Zhang Fan was so strong and ruthless, the leader of the other party was also furious, and ordered: "No one will survive except the demon girl, kill!"

The sound of the revolving machine gun sounded, and all the guns on the four armed vehicles in Dafeng Town fired together, and the muzzles of the guns flickered.

The first reaction of the bearded people was to retreat behind the broken wall immediately. If Zhang Fan wasn't there, they would have more thoughts of slipping away!

"Ice Demonic Qi!"

The deafening gunshots stopped abruptly, and it might have been pitch-dark, but suddenly it was terrifyingly quiet.

The bearded people hid behind the wall and shivered. After waiting, they found that it was so quiet that time seemed to stand still. They slowly poked their heads out to see what happened, but there was not a single bullet coming.

"Ice... iceberg!"

Everyone was stunned when they poked their heads out. The four cars in Dafeng Town were frozen into an iceberg. The flames from the muzzles and the lights of the vehicles were all frozen strangely, as if everything in the ice was frozen. stopped.

"The patriarch is awesome!" After a brief moment of confusion, the bearded man was the first to shout again.

Although I don't know what happened, it's right to call "the patriarch is awesome", and this is the only way they can express their loyalty.

Zhang Fan sat on the broken wall and drank wine leisurely. Yaya's ice spell was a heaven-defying existence. It could freeze the tears of the void. There was nothing to be afraid of, just a few cars and dozens of guns.

"My God, are they still alive?"

Everyone found that even the car and people had been frozen into an iceberg, and they all moved over excitedly and curiously to have a look.

"The lights are still on."

"Look, the fired bullets are also frozen into a line."

The bullets whizzing out of the revolving machine gun were frozen into a string, no matter how fast it was, it was still not faster than the ice magic.

"Look, I can see that guy's eyebrows clearly."

"There are so many guns. We dug them out and wonder if they can be used?"

"Try it."

While talking, someone chopped it with a knife, but it was blown away as soon as it flew hard, but there was not even a mark on it.

"The patriarch is awesome!" Everyone yelled again when they saw that they couldn't move.

"Stop playing, tidy up the car, we have to hurry." Zhang Fan yelled with a full belch, and these guys would also yell this sentence.

The bearded man looked at the iceberg regretfully. Those cars and guns seemed to be placed in a cupboard but they could only be looked at and could not be picked up. He shouted to the crowd, "Get out of camp quickly!"

Bai Lao had arranged for everyone to be ready to go on the road at any time, so the convoy was on the road in the brightening sky after ten minutes.

Zhang Fan unknowingly drank a pot of wine and went in, so drunk that he dozed off in the car. Except for Old A driving, there was no one else in the car sitting in front of Monkey, so Monkey and Old A could not squint at Zhang Fan.

Near noon, the convoy stopped, and the bearded man distributed blood strips to the crowd and the inferior bread traded by Ling, while Zhang Fan was given pure water and instant food like military rations. Although it was not as good as Ling's, it was still good Vegetables are rich in nutrition and meat, and the taste is good.

"Bai Lao said that we can reach a camping point on the map today, so we will rest for 15 minutes." Big Beard reported to Zhang Fanhui.

Zhang Fan shook the jug, there was no more wine in it, and he couldn't serve food without wine, and said, "Full up the endless jug." In an instant, the jug was full of good wine.

Seeing the bearded man and old A drooling, he poured almost a cup for each of them.

While everyone was drinking and eating, suddenly several cars from behind swooped in, raising waves of sand.

"Damn it, I've come after you so quickly." The bearded man drank his wine in one gulp and got up to alert everyone.

Old A looked around and said, "It's not like the one in Dafeng Town. The flag on the car is different. Judging from the animal bone-like defensive fence on the car, it may be a safari."

Vehicles start slowly in the desert, and the opponent's vehicle obviously needs a lot of cattle. At this time, there is no chance to run directly. Bai Lao said: "Don't use a safari gun, maybe you can get past it."

"Listen to the convoy in front, stay put and don't move. We are the safari patrol team. You are suspected of attacking safari, accept the investigation obediently!"

Before the car arrived, the fierce voice from the loudspeaker arrived first.

"Patriarch, what should we do?!" When the bearded man heard this, he knew that the other party basically confirmed that they had killed the safari, so he was nervous and wanted to shoot first.

"Why panic, just call 666 with peace of mind." Zhang Fan raised his head and drank his wine leisurely.

"Call 666?" The bearded man looked confused, "Is this some kind of magic spell?"

(End of this chapter)

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