super big player system

Chapter 23 Zhang Fan is dead

Chapter 23 Zhang Fan is dead
Everyone watched Zhang Fan's performance in dumbfounded. It was indeed a one-man show, and one person's firepower against hundreds of zombies was completely stress-free.

What level is this?
This can only be done by a super soldier who can be famous all over the world in the last days.

A seemingly tense and one-sided massacre ended in a short time. Zhang Fan strode back to the camp with his gun in his hand. Behind him was a battlefield that seemed to have been strangled by a pulverizer. Blood soaked all the sand.

Zhang Fan flicked his hand and bit a cigar in his mouth.

He took two puffs before he was stunned. He took down the cigar and looked at it. It was indeed a cigar. He couldn't help feeling as surprised as seeing a ghost.

[The host should not be surprised, smoking cigars is one of the basic characteristics of card characters. 】

"Then is this me smoking or Bill smoking?!" Zhang Fan pursed his mouth, he could feel the strong smell of cigars, but this was the first time in his life that he smoked a cigarette, or a cigar, and he didn't cough.

[Heroes who are both the host and the avatar, the more the host uses the avatar, the more real the avatar appears on the host, and the more real it provides the host with more abilities and feelings. 】

Zhang Fan understood that smoking cigars was not his idea, but he did it subconsciously. It was Bill's habit that affected him, just as the Hulk would be so angry that he lost control, and Li Xunhuan had inexplicable emotional pain. some of his behavior.

But it’s not bad to think about it. I’m still myself, but it’s also a good thing that I can more truly feel those heroes I admire or like.

He strode into the camp biting his cigar and said with a grin, "Well, isn't I very mighty?"

"The patriarch is awesome!" the bearded man shouted immediately, shaking his fist.

The crowd also shouted and worshiped excitedly.

Although I have heard these words countless times in the past few days, Zhang Fan never tires of hearing them, just like how can a person think too much money, as long as it is flattering, someone will enjoy it if someone shoots it.

[In this battle, a total of 110 seven zombies were killed, and a grade A score was awarded, and 110 seven points were awarded. 】

[A total of 340 three points. 】

Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows. The energy consumption was only half, and this was only his first life. Thinking about the points he could get with the energy of thirty lives, he couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"Don't be complacent, this is just the first wave, and the next wave is coming soon." Ling secretly wondered if this guy had an abnormal brain or a bit of a split personality.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and a blood hole appeared in Zhang Fan's chest.

With the cigar still in his hand, he stared blankly at the wound protruding from the back of his chest, and then fell to the ground.

Everyone froze for a moment, but Bai Lao was the first to react, and shouted in shock: "There is an attack!"

Obviously this was a shot from a distance, and the gun was extremely powerful. The bullet passed through Zhang Fan's back and through his chest, leaving a hole the size of an egg.

Lingfei hid behind a car, looked at Zhang Fan who was lying on the ground, looked at the blood hole in his chest, and nervously looked into the distance, and couldn't help showing a little regret for Zhang Fan's sudden death.

"Xiao Fan." The monkey found that Zhang Fan was attacked and fell to the ground, and wanted to run over excitedly, but Ling grabbed him and pushed him behind the car.

"Let go of me, I'm going to save Xiaofan." The monkey struggled excitedly, Zhang Fan forgot that they grew up together in the slums and were sent to sand fox together, but he remembered.

Ling pressed the monkey firmly, looked at Zhang Fan and said, "He's dead, you're looking for death in the past!"

"Xiao Fan will not die, he is a magician." The monkey was unwilling to accept the fact that Zhang Fan was shot through the chest, and struggled desperately.

Suddenly there was a burst of rattling gunshots.

On the sand dunes in the distance, a strong man raised his gun and fired into the sky to demonstrate, while two jeeps drove up behind him, followed by several heavily armed soldiers.

"Don't resist, you trash, surrender obediently, or you will die!" the person who fired the gun roared.

Du Hai probed his eyes and asked, "Are you from the alliance?"

The bearded man glanced quietly and said, "No, it's impossible for people from the alliance to directly attack us."

Bai Lao said sadly: "It's a hunter, he must have discovered that we were besieged by zombies, so he came here to pick up bargains."

"You bastard, you fought against them, and you dared to attack and kill the patriarch!" the bearded man said angrily.

Ling said solemnly: "The other party has snipers, and their weapons are several times better than yours. Desperate is sending you to death."

"Then let Xiao Fan die in vain?!" The bearded man looked angry. Apart from Zhang Fan's death, they lost their support, and they also had feelings for Zhang Fan. It was really unacceptable to be attacked and killed suddenly.

"You know the rules of the hunters, don't kill the surrender, if you want to survive, raise your hands and stand up, otherwise we will flatten your camp!" The shouter fired into the sky again, and his men had already started to attack The camp is approaching.

Seeing the resistance of the crowd, Ling persuaded again: "If I'm not mistaken, you are Black Star's people, this is still Black Star's territory, as long as you surrender to the hunters who dare not kill you, now the only way to die is to fight .”

"I want to avenge Xiaofan!" Monkey grabbed the gun and angrily broke away from Ling's suppression.

Ling knocked the monkey unconscious with an elbow, raised her gun and stood up first, and said loudly to the people outside: "I am from the Rose Tribe, this is not a bandit camp, you are attacking the wrong person."

A green light spot appeared on Aya's chest in an instant, and a person on the sand dunes in the distance was aiming at her with a car in front of a cover.

The head of the hunter was stunned when he heard it, and said loudly: "This is a bandit camp, why did you, a member of the Rose tribe, appear here?!"

"The robbers have been cleared out, but unfortunately they were caught in the fog of corpses and trapped here. The people here are members of the alliance." Ling continued to reply loudly, and she glanced at Zhang Fan on the ground, feeling as if she was dazzled. Although the chest was covered with blood, there was no obvious blood hole.

The bearded man said to Bai Lao: "We can't make a move, we can't let Xiaofan die like this."

Bai Lao turned his head and glanced at the crowd, unable to make up his mind, and said: "If we do it, everyone's life will be decided here, and no one can decide except you."

"Fuck it, fuck it, wait until they come over!" the bearded man gritted his teeth.

Everyone also nodded. Although the hunters were not as cruel as the robbers, they were called vampires for a reason. Once they surrendered, everything here would be cleaned up.

The leader of the hunters fired another shot into the sky and strode over: "No matter who you are, as long as you surrender, you can survive. We have legal hunting licenses on the border!"

"Legal Nimabi, a group of dog R vampires, what's the difference with robbers." The bearded man stood up with his gun raised, and then whispered to the old A: "You just focus on that sniper, we are all dead I have to kill that bastard who killed Xiaofan."

Old A nodded, trying to hide himself as much as possible, and most of the people stood up with their guns in both hands, otherwise the hunters would not relax their vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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