Chapter 18

"You can talk big." Ling snorted coldly: "Just you people and guns, a hundred zombies might not be able to deal with it, but I alarmed the zombies ten miles away in advance, and there will be no more than a thousand zombies." Five hundred zombies come here."

"You vicious woman!" The bearded man was so angry when he heard that there were so many zombies, he wanted to take out his gun and kill Aya.

Zhang Fan waved his hand to stop it, and said with a smile: "Then you really underestimated our strength, I still think that there are not many zombies here, thank you for bringing the zombies here, we can sit here and get a lot of money .”

Ling angrily said: "You don't kill me, and you are not afraid of the corpses attacking, why don't you let me go?!"

"Tsk tsk." Zhang Fan put his legs on the bed and sat on his back, playing with the throwing knife and said with a smile, "It's my job to handle it. If you bring us trouble, how can you leave easily?"

"Do you want money? I have hundreds of crystal coins, and I'll give them all to you." Ling hurriedly negotiated terms.

"What kind of money do you want? You are all mine. You have seen how rare women we are. I seem to be short of a Mrs. Yazhai." Zhang Fan looked at Ling with interest, and in terms of temperament and appearance, he really met the requirements, although Not the goddess-like appearance in my mind.

Ling Yi cursed angrily: "You scumbag, if I knew you were a robber, I should have exploded the corpse bag!"

"Don't be angry, you've already exploded the body bag, think about being my Mrs. Yazhai." Zhang Fan beckoned the bearded man to bring Ling's weapon over.

"Bastard, robber, shameless, big villain!"

"It's the first time I've met a woman who scolds people so gently." Zhang Fan sighed. Those girls used to hang their mouths and shut their mouths, but they didn't expect to be so savage and cute in this apocalyptic world.

Ling saw that Zhang Fan actually said that she was scolding tenderly, she was really angry, but she was already considered the wildest and most disobedient one in the clan. to more sinister words.

Zhang Fan looked curiously at Ling's magic gun. It wasn't too heavy to hold in his hand, and the overall shape didn't look very cool, even a bit dull. Only the glowing sphere seemed unusual.

"Hey, is this weapon the magic gun?" Zhang Fan asked Ling who was gnashing her teeth and glaring at him.

Where would Aya answer, she just stared and ignored it.

Zhang Fan looked over and over. Although there was a trigger, it seemed that he couldn't press it. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you don't tell me, then I'll break it open with a hammer and have a look."

The bearded man ran in an instant and brought over the big hammer he had picked up from the thug.

"Don't!" Aya stopped urgently: "You bastard, that's a magic energy gun, don't say I didn't tell you, if you smash it, the magic energy will explode."

Zhang Fan said lightly, "Tell me how to use it."

"The magic gun can only be used by me. There is a fingerprint sensor on the trigger, so no one else can use it." Ling anxiously feared that Zhang Fan would smash her gun and dissect it.

"Oh, then should I cut off your finger, or smash the gun?" Zhang Fan didn't need to look disappointed when he heard that, but in fact, he felt more kindness towards Ling in his heart, because the bearded man was holding the gun at that time. The one who escorted Ling with Ling's gun had a chance to resist with Ling's skill. Apart from being afraid of her own throwing knife, she chose to surrender because she really didn't intend to attack the player tribe.

"Bastard, shameless bastard, if you dare to break my little black, I will definitely kill you!" Ling struggled angrily, like a wild beast trying to break free from the bondage and rushed up to bite Zhang Fan.

Elder Bai looked ashamed, obviously he wanted to talk about how to deal with the tide of corpses, but he felt like the patriarch was training Mrs. Yazhai.

"Patriarch." Du Hai rushed in and said in a panic, "There are a lot of zombies coming to us."

"How many?" Zhang Fan asked.

"There are scattered everywhere, probably dozens of them." Du Hai said and added: "I haven't found any elite-level zombies yet."

"Then panic, you just lead the team to kill, let everyone take this opportunity to practice marksmanship, if you can't beat them, call me again." Zhang Fan waved his hand.

Du Hai looked at the bearded man, who nodded and said, "Yes, I will defend with Du Hai."

Elder Bai also retreated, leaving only Zhang Fan and Ling in the tent.

Zhang Fan lay on the bed to rest, with a smirk, he kept looking at Aya who was tied to the pillar like a wild kitten.

Ling opened her mouth to scold, but knowing that the scolding was useless, she rubbed against the pillar and turned her body away from Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan smiled and lay down to rest. Hearing the fierce gunshots outside, it seemed that the zombies were far away, and the gunshots were all bursts of fire. This is also the basic way of survival for every survivor in the last days, that is, to save ammunition .

Li Xunhuan's throwing knives are many times more powerful than these people's guns. Judging from the energy consumption, a little energy can use the throwing knives three times, and it will consume a little energy in about 10 minutes in the combat state, that is, This [-] energy can kill about [-] zombies without using skills, and it only consumes a little energy for an hour in a non-combat situation.

"That is to say, in the case of being unable to replenish and discard energy, an incarnation lasts at most three to five days, and the battle is fierce for only one day. If you face a tyrant, a battle must be performed perfectly to ensure that only Consume a card."

Zhang Fan rested his hands and thought about the energy consumption of the avatar card. Judging from the avatar cards he has obtained so far, the maximum attack power is the same, but the effects of different cards are also completely different. Hulk has high defense and strong strength, and can clear danger faster , Altman's comprehensive ability is strong, but it can be far or near. If the chicken card can supplement the ammunition, it is the most energy-saving choice in some less dangerous situations.

"Xiaofan, Xiaofan." The monkey ran in in a panic and said, "Here comes an armored corpse soldier like an iron barrel, with a machine gun in his hand, we can't beat it."

Sure enough, there was a rapid roar of machine guns outside, and Zhang Fan knew what the gun was and what zombie it was.


Seeing that Zhang Fan said the gun in the gunshot, Ling looked surprised, but said unconvinced: "The zombie is a demon warrior from the dark. Your guns can't kill you at all. Let me go, and I can help you solve it."

"No need, you have about 1 minute to consider whether you want to be my wife in the village." Zhang Fan looked pale, and immediately flung his robe out of the tent.

There was a lot of gunfire outside, and everyone stood around the camp and attacked the zombies that were slowly walking around. A burly SS zombie in a heavy armor and iron helmet was walking towards the camp in front of him, holding a gun from time to time. The sweeping sweep made waves of sand, and the bearded man and the old A-head didn't dare to lift it.

"Patriarch, this thing is invulnerable, it feels impossible to kill, and the firepower is too strong!" The bearded man panicked, and the guns held by the zombies were stronger than them.

Zhang Fan smiled slightly, and leaped into the air with his feet. An invisible mass of energy accumulated in his right hand, and within the energy was a throwing knife swinging lightly in the water like a floating leaf.

"Feihua asks for love!"

Everyone looked up at Zhang Fan floating in the air with a look of surprise, but saw a silver light flashing out of Zhang Fan's hand.

When their eyes followed, the iron helmet of the heavily armored zombie with machine guns had already flown into the air, and a silver light penetrated the huge head like scorched stone, leaving only a huge blood hole in the center of the forehead.

"So fast!"

"A powerful hidden weapon!"

No one could see clearly how Zhang Fan used the throwing knife, so fast that his eyes couldn't catch up with the silver light, they could only see the heavily armored zombies flying in iron helmets shooting into the sky and crashing to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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