Chapter 13

"One...kicked the zombie dog to death?!" Old A exclaimed for a while.

The bearded man also stared wide-eyed. The zombie dog left a large pool of blood on the stone, which shows how strong the kick was.

"Quick, look, the patriarch killed the other one with one punch!" Du Hai exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes were on Zhang Fan. At this time, Zhang Fan didn't look like a magician.

Zhang Fan punched a flying zombie dog, and the zombie dog's head was instantly shattered into a pile like paper. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Ultraman is an alien superman, even if his power is balanced to one star. Very strong.

At this time, the nearby zombies had surrounded them violently, and they didn't need any energy to attack at this moment. They began to punch and kick the zombies. Even the zombie dogs couldn't take a punch. Naturally, these ordinary zombies would die with one blow.

Zhang Fan had already become the king of melee combat. He punched a small zombie with a height of three meters. When he kicked the zombie, the zombie flew far away in the air. It was more like whack-a-mole when he punched it in the air.

A riot zombie squeezed over, and Zhang Fan instinctively punched it. The heavy riot helmet was instantly dented, and the heavy body of the riot zombie also fell down.

At this moment, gunshots rang out, and the bearded man on the mountain saw that although Zhang Fan was killing a lot, there were too many zombies, which prevented Zhang Fan from killing the tyrant, so he immediately ordered to shoot to help kill the small zombies from a long distance.

The group of corpses was attracted by the gunshots, and the surrounding zombies began to turn their heads to look for the hillside, and the number of zombies surrounding Zhang Fan began to gradually decrease.

Zhang Fan planned to quickly kill the tyrant, but found that the riot zombies who had been knocked down before slowly got up, and as the ordinary zombies went to find the bearded man, more riot zombies began to gather slowly.

Counting them carefully, there are as many as seven riot-proof zombies, each of them is walking towards here like a big iron bucket, with riot-proof sticks in their hands.

Zhang Fan glanced at the energy, and using ordinary punches and kicks would still reduce it, but it would obviously consume much less than using energy attacks, and the overall energy would still be about three-quarters.

"Try electric punch!"

With a thought, Zhang Fan's arms stretched out instinctively and then converged to the top of his head. When the arms formed a long fist, a majestic energy gathered from the body, and the right fist burst into bursts of red light.

"Taste my punch!"

Zhang Fan let out a roar, and punched the riot zombie who was staggering towards him.

With a bang.

The riot helmet that was punched out of the hole exploded instantly this time, and the remaining wound on the neck was still glowing with fire.

Lifting his foot and kicking at the other one, the heavy anti-riot suit collapsed directly, and the anti-riot zombies even flew out to bump into several ordinary zombies, which hit the stone next to them heavily, and blood was splattered everywhere.

Zhang Fan went up and stomped on the still struggling riot zombies, turned around and punched the zombies around him more sharply, with bursts of fire between his fists and feet, and the wounds of the killed zombies were glowing with flames Like fireworks, flesh and blood flew all over the place.

With a punch, the riot helmet of a riot zombie was blown away, even the sturdy riot suit looked vulnerable.

On the hillside, the bearded people took advantage of the zombie's weakness of going uphill slowly and shot down the zombies one by one. They had to hit the head with a gun. In addition to this being an effective way to kill, the limited ammunition could only let them That's the way to go.

Zhang Fan used the electric punch to kill heartily, and Ultraman actually gave him the feeling of a melee mage, and for a while he was a little selfless and slaughtered the zombies around him.

Suddenly, a zombie dog leaped onto a rock and jumped at him in the air.

Zhang Fan hurriedly blocked and grasped it with his hands, and realized that there were no living zombies around him, only the last zombie dog left.

And the energy of the electric punch on his body was also exhausted, and the remaining energy of the card was only enough to activate the electric punch one more time. It seemed that the overall energy of the one-star card was only enough to activate the electric punch three times.

Glancing at the tyrant who finally started to move in the middle of the quarry, Zhang Fan gritted his teeth, grabbed the zombie dog's mouth, tore it in half and threw it out.

[Congratulations to the host for getting the achievement of tearing zombie dogs by hand, ten points will be rewarded. 】

"How nice to reward energy."

Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows and walked out facing the tyrant.

The tyrant who was originally taller and mightier than most humans turned into a dwarf in front of Zhang Fan.

The tyrant roared, and raised the bone blade with his right arm as if in demonstration.

The wound on its shoulder from Zhang Fan had already healed a lot. This is the scary thing about this monster. Apart from its strong body shape and strength, its body also has a strong healing ability.

"Electric punch!"

Zhang Fan plays the game very seriously, he knows how to make waves, but he will never give it away. He knows that at this time only the electric shock punch has the chance to kill the tyrant, so he activated the electric shock fist again without hesitation.

As if provoked, the tyrant rushed forward a few steps with a roar, and then the bone blade on his left arm swept towards Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan hurriedly jumped back to avoid it, but saw the tip of the tyrant's bone blade sweeping against the big stone nearby, and with a bang, it actually shattered a piece of stone wall.

"Quick, look, Xiaofan is fighting the tyrant one-on-one!" Old A looked distractedly at the quarry and exclaimed.

I saw that Zhang Fan had no choice but to avoid the tyrant's hard and sharp bone blade repeatedly. When the tyrant's bone blade hit a stone, it shattered a pile of rubble. One can imagine the consequences if it hit a person.

"Draw the sword, we have to kill these zombies and help the patriarch!" The bearded man roared passionately, and everyone put away their guns, drew their swords and rushed towards the group of corpses down the slope.

The patriarch went in alone to fight the tyrant alone, so they had nothing to fear.

Zhang Fan found that his tall stature had no advantage at all after avoiding it a few times, because he was not sure what would happen if he hit the bone spur, and the bone spur was too domineering, so there was no chance for him to get close.

Gritting his teeth, when the tyrant swung the bone spur again, he quickly grabbed it with his left hand, grabbing the bone spur that swept across him firmly.

The power of the tyrant is indeed very strong, even Ultraman still feels some pressure.

Zhang Fan took the opportunity to swing his right fist at the tyrant's fist.


The tyrant's head collapsed in an instant, and at the same time, the tyrant's right claw suddenly caught Zhang Fan's right rib, and the sharp fingertips felt pierced into the body, causing a sharp pain.

[Energy is urgent! 】

At this time, the energy on the card suddenly disappeared, leaving only about one-tenth of the energy remaining, and the energy light began to flicker.

Zhang Fan knew that he didn't have much energy and opportunities, so he gritted his teeth, grabbed the sharp claw on his right rib, and swung his right fist to slam the tyrant's exposed mutated heart.


A large mass of blood and rotten flesh exploded like a stinky watermelon, and Zhang Fan's arm plunged directly into the tyrant's body, grabbing the tyrant's mutated heart core.

He squeezed it tightly and pulled it out forcefully, and the mutated heart was ripped out by the roots in an instant.

The tyrant roared in pain, and swung his right hand to grab Zhang Fan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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