super big player system

Chapter 1 Hulk beats up corpses

Chapter 1 Hulk beats up corpses

[Congratulations on becoming the lucky one of the super big player, do you agree to activate the super big player system? 】


Zhang Fan didn't expect that one day he would be hit by such a good thing as the magical system from heaven, and he nodded without hesitation after worrying about having nowhere to vent after the college entrance examination.

[Congratulations to the host Zhang Fan for becoming the sole owner of a super player, who is about to enter Scar of Time and Space. 】

"Wait, why don't you introduce the system first?" Before Zhang Fan finished speaking, he found himself wearing big underpants on a road full of apocalyptic depression.

More than half of the road was buried by sand and dust, and the buses and various cars were turned into rusty iron shells. The scorching sun baked the desert in the distance like a flaming mountain, emitting bursts of heat.

Ho, ho.

Suddenly there seemed to be a strange voice behind him, Zhang Fan wondered where he had come, touched his head and looked back.

Immediately, the whole person was almost scared to pee, and a large group of people gathered a few meters away from him. These people's clothes were tattered and filthier than beggars.

Ho, ho...

Several "people" slowly turned their stiff necks to look at Zhang Fan. Everyone's faces were swollen as if they had been boiled in boiling water. The strange sound of a person's scalp tingling.


Zhang Fan trembled and turned around slowly, he felt that he must be dreaming.

However, the eerie roar from the corpse wave behind him told him that even if it was a dream, it was definitely a terrifying nightmare.


Zhang Fan let go of his feet and ran wildly. Looking back, he saw a large group of zombies chasing after him like a kidnapper. At a glance, there were hundreds of them.

[Is it exciting? 】

"Exciting, it's so exciting." Zhang Fan ran desperately, and suddenly realized that he came here because he was hit by a system, and said in a bad mood: "The system in other people is invincible. The system in the horse is here to feed zombies?"

[The purpose of the super big player system is to play the most exciting, the most fun, and have fun without limits. I am a player and I am the best!]

Zhang Fan glanced at the deadly chasing zombie and said, "It's exciting, why don't I find it fun? I don't see how tricky I am!"

[Give the host a gift pack for newcomers and a resurrection coin. 】


Zhang Fan suddenly felt something like a game interface appear in his mind. A gold coin with a fountain of life pattern appeared in the package box, and a small golden bag tied with a red string.

After concentrating on the small bag, a line of information appeared.

[A novice gift pack, you can get a random card for free. 】

"Open, open." Zhang Fan didn't care what it was for, so he opened it first.

There was a burst of golden light flashing, the mouth of the golden bag opened, and a card with a green background glowing with golden light flew out.

Open?Income inventory?

"Fuck it, open it." Zhang Fan didn't expect there to be an option, and felt that he was completely tricked by the system.

The zombies were chasing closer and closer. The zombies felt extremely hungry and made strange noises. Their withered and bloodstained hands grabbed Zhang Fan urgently again and again.

There was a burst of cyan light and shadow from the card, and it sounded like a layer of cyan glass shattered, and then a card with the Hulk painted on it appeared.

The visual effect is very carved.

[Congratulations to the host for getting a one-star Hulk hero card, do you want to use it? 】


Zhang Fan was busy confirming the use, he felt that the zombies almost grabbed his clothes several times.

With a whoosh, the card flew out, and then a portrait appeared in his mind, and it was he who was dressed in a floral shirt and pants, and the card slammed into the portrait.

He felt his body tremble, as if he had become countless times stronger in an instant, and the majestic power was accumulated in his body waiting to be released.

Then I felt that my feet became more and more powerful when stepping on the ground, and I suddenly grew a lot taller. I felt like a giant beast when I ran.

Looking back, the zombies that were chasing after were thrown tens of meters away. The scary corpses were now as small as a group of ants pounced on him.

Zhang Fan looked at his hands in amazement, and suddenly found that his hands were huge, and his body and legs were also thick, thick, and green.

"I turned into a Hulk?!"

Zhang Fan became excited. He thought he was summoning a Hulk or something, but he turned into a Hulk himself.

A surge of anger instinctively rose from his heart, and a loud roar sounded like thunder.

The wave of zombies that rushed to the front in an instant was thrown backwards by the roar.

"Fuck, are you chasing me, want to eat me?!"

When Zhang Fan saw the zombie man throwing himself on his back with a loud roar, it was exciting. He gritted his teeth, saw an old iron car beside him, and stretched out his hand to grab it. When he lifted it lightly, it was as if he was holding a brick. Grab it easily.

With a roar, he suddenly threw the abandoned car into the crowd of corpses.

Immediately, the abandoned car crashed into the group of corpses like a bowling ball. Dozens of zombies were instantly smashed into a mess by the abandoned car, and their limbs flew around like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

The scary thing about zombies is that they are not afraid of death. The remaining zombies don't care how many zombies have turned into corpses, and they roared and rushed towards Zhang Fan who had turned into a hulk. In the eyes of the zombies, Zhang Fan's sudden hugeness was just There is more flesh and blood for them to eat and drink.

"You're not afraid of death, are you?!"

Zhang Fan was also angry, I was the protagonist of the system, why is it your turn to chase me.

With a roar, he rushed towards the group of corpses. Because he was too powerful, he couldn't control it, and he rushed directly from the center of the group of corpses. He saw a group of zombies being hit by him flying around in disorder, with one kick. Going to step on it is a bloody mess.

If you look at it from a height, the Hulk in Zhang Fan's incarnation is exactly the same size as the Hulk itself, nearly three meters high, and a ferocious beast rushed into the frightening crowd of corpses, slapping its hands indiscriminately. To be hammered to death is to be beaten more than ten meters away.

"Eat Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is so delicious?!"

Zhang Ji grabbed a broken car and smashed it at the few remaining zombies, and the zombies were instantly turned into pools of mud.

After a long time, he felt a little tired, only to find that there was nothing on the ground except bloody corpses of zombies, and then he felt nauseated.

He snorted, strode away from this slaughter-like filthy place, and proceeded along the road.

[Congratulations to the host for getting ten points for the first kill achievement. 】

[Congratulations to the host for incarnating as the Hulk and killing the corpses for getting an A-level score and getting 110 five points. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting the achievement reward of opening the first avatar card ten points. 】

Zhang Fan grinned when he heard a series of pleasant notification sounds, but he fell headfirst to the ground, his eyes closed unstoppably.

(End of this chapter)

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