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Chapter 72 The Seed of Hatred

Chapter 72 The Seed of Hatred

At the same time, the same scene happened in the elven resident.

Irene stood in front of the commanding ancient tree with a solemn expression.

"Istanel's blood, as long as you drink it, you can gain endless power!"

The voice of the ancient tree of wisdom was full of temptation, and Irene subconsciously took a step back, and she couldn't restrain the fear of the bright red liquid in the bottle.

"Do you mean that as long as I drink the contents of this bottle, I can gain the power to destroy the orcs?"

"Of course, as long as you drink it, you can kill all the orcs without any effort, and avenge your brother and the Elf King!"

"Brother? Your Majesty the Elf King? These damn beasts!"

Thinking of the death of her brother and the Elven King, the hatred in her heart overwhelmed the fear, she stepped forward and took the crystal vial containing Istanbul's blood in her hand.

"My brother was killed, and His Majesty the Elf King also turned into a skeleton. Why? Why did I become like this when I woke up?"

Eileen's tears kept streaming down her face.

After she woke up at that time, heavy news came one after another. Her brother died after the duel, and His Majesty the Elven King also died with the orc chief!
Her mind was blank at the time, and she didn't know where the power came from. She picked up her bow and arrow and rushed down, killing the orcs one by one, and the corpses of the orcs piled up. How many people have been killed, she only has hatred in her heart, and she wants revenge!She wants to avenge her brother and the Elf King!
One person was killed in the dark, and Irene had been killing for so long, wave after wave of orc soldiers rushed up, Irene felt ashamed, and let the weapons greet her.

"Just die like this, if you die, it will be over!"

Irene closed her eyes, wanting to go with her brother and His Majesty the Elven King.

But the final result was not what people wanted. Irene opened her eyes and came back to life. For some reason, no matter how serious the injury was on her body, it would automatically heal after a while.

The ancient tree of wisdom told her that she was a person favored by the ancient tree of life, and that if the tree of life did not wither, her injuries would be healed.

Irene doesn't want to be favored by the tree of life, all the people she loves leave her, what's the point of her living in this world?
"Why are you still hesitating? As long as you drink it, you can avenge any revenge!"

The ancient tree of wisdom further lures Irene to drink Istanbul's blood.

Hearing what the ancient tree of wisdom said, Irene raised the crystal bottle in her hand.

The bright red liquid is so bewitching, shining an alluring color against the sunlight.

"Is this bottle of liquid really that powerful?"

"Of course, the ancient tree of wisdom will not deceive the elves."

Erin's face curled into an arc.

"I know there must be a conspiracy. The ancient tree of wisdom was cultivated by every elf elder. You left with Imma, and now you come back suddenly. The purpose of coming back is to let me drink this bottle of liquid. Hehe, it is Imma. Did the elder tell you to do this?"


The ancient tree of wisdom remained silent.

"Elder Yima is no longer the old Elder Yima. Although I don't know what he wants to do, I know that his ambition is no longer something the little elves can tolerate."

The cap of the crystal bottle in Irene's hand was opened.

"I know he won't come back again, but I hope you can tell him, please don't forget the oath you made under the elf tree."

Irene drank the liquid in the crystal bottle and wiped her mouth with her hand.

"I don't know what conspiracy you have, and I don't bother to care about it, but I do need power. In order to obtain the power of revenge, I am willing to do anything."

The empty bottle in her hand was thrown on the ground by Irene, and with the crisp sound, the fragments of the crystal bottle were scattered on the ground.

"From today onwards, the former Irene is dead, and now Irene is the queen of the elves, born for revenge!"

"Irene, drinking it is the wisest choice you've ever made."


"Captain Harg, drinking it is the wisest choice you've ever made."

Watching Hager drink up the liquid in the crystal bottle, Imma showed a successful smile.

"The elves have killed so many of our clansmen, this hatred is not so easy to settle, just wait, one day I will kill all the elves to commemorate our sacrificed warriors!"

Hager threw the crystal bottle aside, grabbed Imma by the collar and lifted him up.

"Shameless traitor, I just want to use you. Although you gave me this liquid, don't even think about getting anything from the orcs!"

"How could it be? I just want to help you, Chief Hag."

"Now that I've drank the liquid, I've gained power, you know, I can kill you useless guy right now!"

Imma kept a smile on her face, although she was being grabbed by Hag, there was no look of fear on her face at all.

"I know you won't. The orcs are now in the most dangerous moment. The human army is already gathering. Do you think the orcs can resist without me?"

"Oh, tell me, how can you help me?"

"As long as the other orcs fall into the arms of the god of death together, the entire orc clan will gain invincible power. Even conquering the entire continent is not impossible!"

"The arms of the god of death? You mean you want us to gain power from the god of death?"

"Yes, Lord Death is the fairest, as long as you sacrifice enough sacrifices to it, you can get everything you want!"


Hager threw Imma away from his hand, and Imma turned over in the air, and then landed firmly on the ground.

"Captain Hag, have you thought it through?"

"Ima, let me tell you, I don't kill you now, not because we orcs need to rely on you, we don't bother to do despicable methods, no matter how disobedient I was to Gail before, our werewolf clan desperately gained military exploits Prove yourself that no matter what time it is, orcs are always aboveboard!"

"The human race is already waiting outside, is it true that Chief Hag doesn't consider the beast race?"

"You underestimate us orcs. You have to pay a price for gaining power from the God of Death. What's the difference between this and being enslaved?"

"But you just drank the Istanbul blood I gave you without the slightest hesitation, Chief Hag, why are you doing this?"

"Ima, do you know? The orcs can gain a foothold on this continent because we have believed in three beliefs for generations."

Hage turned around and walked out step by step.

"Unyielding! Fearless! And sacrifice! Especially the last one! The current glory of the orcs is the accumulation of the lives of countless orcs! What I am doing now is the same as what Gail did back then!"

Hager picked up the long spear on the weapon rack and shot it into the air. A griffin hovering in the sky was pierced by the long spear, and then fell down with a mournful cry.

Hager picked up a long knife again and walked to the griffin that fell on the ground. The human knight on the griffin was not dead yet. Hager raised the long knife in his hand high and raised the knife under the frightened expression of the human being. Fall, cut off his head.

Hage raised the severed head high, and roared loudly!
"Orcs never give up! Orcs will never be slaves!"

(End of this chapter)

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