Chapter 54 Plan
The purpose of calling Hu Liena is very simple, it is precisely because she can freely enter and exit the killing capital and contact Qian Renxue.

Although on the surface Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue don't get along, but in the final analysis, she is also a member of the Spirit Hall.

Now that Wuhundian is employing people, she should come back to help her plan come true!


After hearing Bibi Dong's instruction, Hu Liena didn't say much.

She is not stupid, she can more or less guess something.

Bibi Dong didn't intend to say more, after nodding, Hu Liena left the Spirit Hall.


Killing capital.

If one were to say where the busiest place in the Douluo Continent is now, it should be the capital of killing.

Not only was there restlessness on the outside, but even the inside of the killing capital was bustling.

Because of the conflict between the two countries, the periphery of the killing capital has completely attracted many soul masters from the two countries.

Some wandering soul masters also came to the outskirts of the killing capital because of their patriotism.

The goals were similar, and neither side would accept the other, and they fought like this for a whole day.

Because there are no soul masters from various sects and forces, everyone's attack is not serious.

Without the constraints of power, the small group battles from the beginning gradually became more and more intense.

It seems that some rules were agreed between them, so that the fights went back and forth.

And inside the Slaughter City, it was also because of the movement outside.caused a commotion.

After all, the City of Slaughter is sparsely populated all the year round, making it extremely deserted.

But they couldn't ignore the continuous fighting, so they became curious.

Ye Han himself was also enjoying it.

I moved the table and chairs on the window sill, and looked at it happily for a long time.

Ye Leng Leng also quietly stayed aside.

"Hey, tell me, if they continue to fight like this, they will not get results for three days and three nights."

Ye Leng heard this and silently glanced at the surrounding soul masters below.

Due to the large number, most soul masters basically retreat a few steps after throwing a soul skill.

The only ones who are easy to get hurt are the soul masters in the front row and in the center.

But the soul masters who dare to be in the center of the battle are generally more resistant to beatings, so that the two sides did not have a victory.

The reason is still because most of the soul masters of the attacking system dare not deal ruthlessly.

And there are many auxiliary soul masters behind them to ensure everyone's state, which is why they can continue to fight for so long.

"I don't think there should be a result."

"Why? I think the situation is more on the side of the Star Luo Empire. Although they have fewer people, their fighting strength is as high as three."

The fighting methods of the two sides simply brought out the personalities of the two countries to the fullest.

The people of the Star Luo Empire were so brave and daring to attack that their back row could hardly be hurt.

The people in the Heaven Dou Empire fought more steadily, and the soul masters in the back row would occasionally suffer some minor injuries.

But looking at it as a whole, the current situation of the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire, because the opponent hardly gave them any chance to break through, so they have never fought.

While the soul masters of the Heaven Dou Empire seem to be relaxed, but their physical strength is constantly being consumed, but they are still flexible enough to change their defensive lineup in the face of the Star Luo Empire's attack.

"If there is no backbone on both sides, this battle will never stop."

It's back to play, but in fact, after so long, the two sides still haven't selected a person who can lead the team.

There is no one to direct, and everyone fights according to their own ideas. Of course, there is no winner or loser.

Ye Han thinks about it too. After all, passers-by are temporarily involved in the battle, and it's normal that there is no cooperation between them.

"Let me guess, given the personality of most soul masters in the Star Luo Empire, if there is one in the team who dares to point fingers, they will start fighting among themselves."

"It's not impossible."

Most of the soul masters in the Star Luo Empire have bad personalities, and they can even be said to be arrogant.

They are even more disobedient to each other, and now they can stand on the same front only because the other party is an enemy country.

Ye Han couldn't see any results after watching for a long time, and Ye Han gradually felt a little bored.

Just as he was walking back to the dormitory with slow steps, Ye Leng Leng beside him suddenly changed his face.

"What's the matter? Something happened."

"I just received the news that Hu Liena is here again."

"Hu Liena?"

Ye Han immediately searched for the name in his mind.

"Oh? She's back again?"

"Well, I just entered the killing capital."

What is Hu Liena from Wuhundian coming back for?
Could it be that he wanted to take Qian Renxue away?

Ye Han thought about the current situation in Douluo Continent, and from Bibi Dong's point of view, it was indeed not very favorable.

But it's not to the point where the saint should be returned immediately.

"How's the news on the list recently?"

"It's already fifteen, and there is a situation where soul masters are tied, and the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters has greatly increased. At the same time, the Spirit Hall also has two titled Douluo to increase their strength."

If this was the case, then Bibi Dong shouldn't be in such a hurry.

So what exactly is she trying to do?

Ye Han felt that there were many doubts. He had always had a good intuition, and he always felt that this matter was not that simple.

"Go and observe Hu Liena secretly, and report back quickly if she finds Qian Renxue."



Just when everyone didn't understand, the list continued to update the rankings.

However, this time, as before, the rewards for the list update continue to be confusing.

[Soul power level list, No. 14, Xiao Wu, soul power level 95, rewards increase 2 levels of soul power. 】

[Soul power level list, No. 13, Tang Xiao and Chen Xin are tied, soul power level is 96, and the reward is to increase the soul power by 2 levels. 】

"Is today's list malfunctioning? Why can't I see the pattern, what is this and what, why is there no exclusive reward for No. 14 Xiao Wu alone?"

"Come on, come on, who told me just now that there is an exclusive reward for not being tied, can you slap me in the face?"

"I can see it clearly. This means that as long as the soul masters are tied together, they will be rewarded with level 2 soul power, right?"

"Otherwise, what do you want to reward, this is Title Douluo's level 2! Do you know how high the gold content is!"

"I'm already imagining what kind of reward is the top ten, this level won't break the hundred."


In the long history of the Douluo Continent, it is rumored that only the Chosen One of Heaven can break through a hundred levels and enter the God Realm.

But whether this is true or not, no one has the means to stand up and explain.

After all, in this Douluo Continent, no one has ever seen someone whose level can break through a hundred.

This made everyone unsuspecting whether the matter of breaking through the [-]th level and entering the God Realm was a rumor or a false history.

But since the appearance of the list, everyone's thoughts immediately changed.

In the past, it was as difficult as ascending the title Douluo to a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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