Chapter 44 Implications

"Several people were sent to stay here due to the fighting outside, and the others packed up and prepared to return."

"Yes, National Teacher!"

After all, you still have to keep an eye out here, just in case.


Wuhun Temple.

Yan and Xie Yue had agreed with Hu Liena on the meeting place of the three long before the plan started.

After all the members arrived, they went back to the Spirit Hall to report to Bibi Dong.

Hu Liena left earlier than the two, so naturally she was one step ahead of them.

"How about it, did Emperor Xue Beng have any suspicions?"

"No, don't you worry about our acting skills?"

Xie Yue was finally able to take off the hood covering her face and let out a long breath.

It was already tiring to resist the pressure, and it was even more uncomfortable to wear a stuffy hood.

Yan also took off the hood impatiently.

"This hood almost made me breathless. That Tang San is really ruthless. Fortunately, my determination is not inferior to him."

"I'm not much better. Fortunately, I have been trained to resist pressure before. However, his Blue Silver Domain seems to be getting stronger and stronger."

Xie Yue said with deep understanding, and Yan nodded empathetically.

On the contrary, only Hu Liena didn't feel it, so she couldn't resonate with them.

"Okay, anyway, no matter how much you complain, this plan has been successfully completed."

"We should be able to count as overcoming our efforts."

After the plan was completed, Hu Liena spoke in a much lighter tone.

Finally, I don't need to be reminded to be nervous when I go back.

However, Yan and Xie Yue looked at each other, and then spoke slowly.

"Don't be too happy, what happened to you in the killing capital, the Pope also knew about it in the few days without your communication."

"It can be seen that His Majesty is very angry that your communication has disappeared."

Yan spread his hands to ask for blessings.

Speaking of this, the relaxed expression on Hu Liena's face disappeared instantly.

After a long silence, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I met the Saintess in the Capital of Slaughter, and went with her to seek revenge on Tang San."

"As a result, I didn't beat him even when I teamed up with the saint. I was shocked by his spirit and fell into a coma for several days."

"Later, the saint told me about today's date, so I was able to catch up just in time. Now, my soul power and spiritual sea have not recovered yet."

Hearing this, Yan and Xie Yue were stunned.

"No wonder I said why the saint suddenly appeared. It turns out that she has been in the killing capital."

"But doesn't the City of Slaughter have to be cleared to come out? The saint..."

Xie Yue's words made Hu Liena react instantly.

Yes, how did the saint come out?
Recalling those few days together, Hu Liena felt suspicious.

"I... didn't hear the saint say that she had cleared the killing city, and she didn't feel any aura of the killing city."

Didn't the saint drink Huangquan dew?How could he survive in the capital of killing if he didn't drink Huangquan dew.

Furthermore, even if you really don't drink, you will be affected more or less, but the saint doesn't seem to be affected at all, which is very normal.

"Perhaps it was the angel Wuhun that the saint carried that was purified."

"After all, angels and killing are two extremes, aren't they?"

Yan and Xie Yue also felt strange.

"Forget it, all in all, it's not something to pay attention to now."

"I didn't tell the saint about the plan. It should be purely a coincidence that she came to help."

"Let's go back and report to the Pope first."

The group of three returned to the Hall of Spirits in a mighty manner.

Because of the success of this plan, Bibi Dong seemed to be in a good mood.


"That person from the Killing Capital, still unwilling to come back?"

The three of them exchanged glances below, and they could all hear what Bibi Dong meant behind her words.

The disagreement between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue was something they only recently learned about.

Maybe it was because of Qian Renxue's attack this time that Bibi Dong could greet her.

"The saint said that she will practice in the killing capital for a while."

"Cultivation... heh."

A mocking sneer made Hu Liena dare not say anything more.

The success of this plan is absolutely inseparable from Qian Renxue's timely rescue.

Hu Liena originally wanted to say something nice in front of Bibi Dong to ease the relationship between the two of them.

But judging by the current appearance, Hu Liena still wisely chose to shut up.

"Since she loves staying in the Killing City so much, let her stay there."

"You three, continue to pay attention to the movement of the list in the past few days, as well as the movement between the two countries, and keep an eye on it."

"Yan and Xie Yue can leave, Hu Liena stays."

Hearing these words, both Yan and Xie Yue gave Hu Liena an extra look.

Then he left the hall.

Hu Liena was already mentally prepared, after all Bibi Dong kept her here for a few things.

To be honest, maybe we can be lenient.

"What happened to you in the capital of killing those few days?"

"I thought it was to search for news about Ye Han, and follow Tang San to see what he wanted to do."

"I met a saint on the way, the two of us and Tang San fought me, and then I accidentally received his mental shock, and fell into a coma for a few days."

Although Hu Liena didn't want to tell the truth, she dared not hide anything in front of Bibi Dong.

"You and Qian Renxue fought Tang San? Why?"

Bibidong felt that Hu Liena was not the kind of person who would be blinded by hatred, she should know what to do when the task was in hand.

Speaking of this, Hu Liena also felt a little strange.

"At that time, the Holy Maiden and I were looking for Tang San's trace, and then we saw him and proposed to have a showdown."

"So, because you were seriously injured in the fight with Tang San, you fell into a coma, which delayed the progress of the mission for several days?"

Bibi Dong's voice gradually became sharper, and Hu Liena couldn't help becoming nervous.


Although she didn't want to, Hu Liena could only grit her teeth and admit it.

After all, this time she really didn't expect that her mission progress would be delayed because of this fight, including Ye Han, and she didn't investigate at all.

It was an act of losing his wife and losing his army.

"Hu Liena, I've always thought you're a smart person who won't get carried away with emotion, that's why I'm entrusting important things to you."

"But this time, you really let me down too much."

"Let Yan and Xie Yue do the tasks for the past few days, and you can stay in the Spirit Hall and reflect. Without my permission, you can't leave the Hall of Spirits for half a step!"


After walking out of the hall, Hu Liena took a deep breath.

Although on the surface Bibi Dong seemed to restrict her movements, in fact it still gave her a chance to recuperate from her injuries.

All in all, this matter can finally come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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