102 Shame
He knew that Bibi Dong wanted to slip away, but Ye Han didn't want to.

shame?That's not his shame.

Seeing Bibi Dong staring at him angrily, Ye Han somehow felt a little funny.

The words that swirl in the mouth, the speed of speaking is also much slower.

"It's rare for His Majesty the Pope to come to the Capital of Slaughter and he gave me such a big surprise."

"Look at my city gate, shouldn't it be repaired?"

Ye Hanyi glanced at his own city walls and gates pointingly.

Already crumbling by their soul skills.

If he didn't ask for compensation, wouldn't he be at a loss.

Ye Leng Leng, who was following behind, broke into a cold sweat when he heard this.

If he dared to open his mouth to ask for compensation from Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace, he probably couldn't find anyone in the entire Douluo Continent except Ye Han.

If it was someone else, Bibi Dong had already beaten her to the point where all her limbs were damaged.

But she had nothing to do with Ye Han.

"what do you want?"

Bibi Dong's face was gloomy, and the words she spoke were much colder.

The soul master beside him was even more trembling, but Ye Han was fearless.

"Let me think about it."

Ye Han pretended to be thinking and stalled for time.

In fact, what he really thought in his heart was very evil.

The battle in the Slaughter City just now has attracted the attention of many soul masters from the outside.

At this time, several bold soul masters even came up to check on the movement.

Seeing that Bibi Dong didn't dare to do anything to Ye Han, they all widened their eyes.

"I'll go, am I right? Is that Bibi Dong herself?"

"You read that right, that is Bibi Dong, but speaking of which, why is she here, and who is that person in front of him?"

"Didn't you hear just now, the person standing in front of Bibi Dong is Ye Han! The soul master sent by Bibi Dong has never beaten him, and Ye Han is now asking him for an explanation."

"Oh my god, Ye Han is so strong. Could it be that even Bibi Dong can't do anything about him?"

"Are you kidding? Ye Han is recognized by the scroll as the number one in the Douluo Continent's strength list. Can the ranking issued by the scroll be false?"

"It's too powerful, it seems that Bibi Dong is not doing well in front of Ye Han..."

Most of the soul masters have relatively good hearing, let alone Bibi Dong who stepped half-step into the temple.

No matter how quiet the voices of the people beside him were, Bibi Dong could still hear every word clearly.

Seeing that Bibi Dong's already extremely gloomy face turned gloomy, Ye Han was a little curious about what she would do next.

Bibi Dong has always been arrogant, how could she bear others' comments like this.

"Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, I leave it to you."


The soul power of both of them had recovered, and with Bibi Dong's order, they accurately found the soul masters who were talking about it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the discussions around him disappeared completely.

As for where the person went, Ye Han didn't know.

But after watching the play, he still didn't want the bloody disaster to happen around his killing capital.

"Well, I've already made up my mind, let's use a ten-thousand-year spirit bone as compensation."

"Of course, I forgot to remind His Majesty the Pope that the periphery of the Killing City is also within my jurisdiction, so please don't deal with this person indiscriminately."

The implication is that the blatant threat made Bibi Dong not to act rashly towards those people.

To Bibi Dong, a ten thousand year spirit bone is neither expensive nor cheap.

But in order to leave here as soon as possible, Bibi Dong can only admit defeat.

"Give you."

A ten-thousand-year soul bone emerged from his palm and was thrown directly at Ye Han.

Ye Han reached out to catch it, and looked at the spirit bone.

Before he could say anything, everyone in Wuhun Hall disappeared in an instant.

As if he is some kind of scourge.

"Master, the city walls and gates have been repaired."

Ye Leng said silently.

In fact, the repair materials for the gates and walls have always been redundant in the Slaughter Capital.

She didn't know why her family wanted this soul bone to do, but she believed that Ye Han would not do meaningless things.

"Well, let's go back."

Ye Han weighed the soul bone, and strode back to his bedroom.

Judging from his relaxed pace, Ye Han was in a good mood.

"It's not in vain for me to get up early if I can get a soul bone."

Ye Han said to himself, and then felt a little soul power permeating from the soul bone.

After some investigation, I was a little happy.

"It seems that Bibi Dong really didn't trick me."

"It's actually a soul bone that improves mental power."

"I don't know if she took it wrong."

You must know that among ordinary spirit bones, skulls are rare.

To obtain a [-]-year-old skull would take an untold amount of time and effort.

And Bibi Dong can give him such a high-quality ten-thousand-year skull, it seems that it is quite good for him.

"It doesn't matter, don't care if she took it by mistake, if you want to come back and look for it, the young master will deny it."

Ye Han absorbed the skull while talking.

He believed that absolutely no one in Douluo Continent would know that he actually didn't have a soul bone.

His strength all comes from his martial soul, soul bone and soul ring, etc. Actually, Ye Han didn't pay much attention to it.

However, the current situation in Douluo Continent is not right. As the current neutral party, he naturally wants to quickly improve his strength.

Not to mention that he just offended Bibi Dong to the fullest, maybe the next target of his attack is his killing capital.

Judging from Bibi Dong's expression just now, she was quite hostile towards him.

Although he could sit on the throne of strength with his martial soul, Ye Han didn't care that he was stronger.

After absorbing the skull, Ye Han obviously felt much refreshed.

Including the speed of thinking about problems is also much faster.

Could this be the benefit of absorbing the soul bone?
No wonder the Ten Thousand Years Soul Bone on Douluo Continent will be robbed, this increase in strength is obviously unusual.


Ye Leng Leng knocked on the door, and then walked in.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything you ordered has been prepared, when shall we go?"

As early as just now, Ye Han had ordered Ye Leng Leng to pack up.

With Bibi Dong's affairs settled, it's impossible for Spirit Hall to visit her in a short time.

In other words, he could completely let go of the trivial matters of the Slaughter City and go out to watch the theater.

Counting the days, it's about the same time, I'm afraid that after Bibi Dong returns to the Wuhun Palace, she will start her actions in a short time.

After all, when she is really frustrated now, she must do something to vent her anger.

Bibidong had no choice but to take the Heaven Dou Empire and the Shangsanzong with Ye Han.

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt a little embarrassed. After all, they were not the ones who provoked the anger, so he could only bless them here and ask for their own blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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