Peach flavored warm wedding

Chapter 96 An Yue's Closeness

Chapter 96 An Yue's Closeness

Within a few days, the director team notified Shu Yu that Shen Li had already agreed to the show invitation.

Shu Yu deliberately asked, "Does she know that the host is me?"

"Yes, we all have introductions." After the other party finished answering, he couldn't help asking back in doubt, "Shen Li said that she would be happy to participate in restoring her image. Did you know each other before?"

When Shu Yu heard the words, his uneasy heart finally eased.

She smiled and replied to the director team: "It doesn't count as acquaintance."

Although the first meeting was not pleasant, Shu Yu had a good impression of Shen Li. She didn't know what happened between Shen Li and Wei Han, but she was sure that she wanted to get to know Shen Li for real.

After the guests were confirmed, Shu Yu began to familiarize herself with the program process. The interviews were all scripted, so she didn't need to worry too much. What she needed to think about was the live content.

Do you cook food with Shen Li?It seems a bit bland.

But she also only has this one skill.

Fortunately, she was recording the third episode, and An Yue's beauty special was not recorded before, so she still had nearly a week to think about it.

As for An Yue, she hasn't contacted An Yue since that day, but just two days before the recording of the beauty special, An Yue called her and asked her to go shopping together.

Said it was to buy clothes for recording.

Shu Yu was shocked. She always thought that these were all prepared by the program crew, but she didn't expect to spend the money herself?

Although she felt that it would be a little awkward to go shopping with people she didn't know well, but she agreed because she really didn't have any new clothes, and Xu Yan seemed to be very busy recently.

Xu Yan's bookstore has recently become an online celebrity bookstore because of a popular star's check-in. There is an endless stream of fans, and everyone wants to take a photo of the same style at the seat where his brother sat. Xu Yan, who was passing the time, was so angry that he almost turned black on the celebrity.

But Xu Yan's temper is really the same as Xu Zhan's. If she knew that she left her to go shopping with others, she might be jealous again.

Thinking of this, Shu Yu tentatively sent her a message: [Yanyan, my former classmate asked me to go shopping, do you want to come together? 】

Sure enough, the voice that Xu Yan sent was full of haste: [There are at least fifty people lined up at the door, I really want to close the door and go out of business]

But Shu Yu knew that Xu Yan was just trying to have fun, maybe because she was also a star-chasing girl herself, she could better understand the feelings of fans, so it was even less likely to disappoint them.

【Otherwise I will accompany you tomorrow? 】

[Okay, okay, I want to complain to you for three days and three nights! 】

Shu Yu didn't say anything else, she checked the time, and made an appointment with An Yue at one o'clock in the afternoon.

She took the subway to the central shopping mall station, and as soon as she got out of the station, she saw An Yue in a forest-style long dress. In the faint cold wind, she looked even weaker with her long hair fluttering and thin clothes.

Shu Yu glanced at the weather and only had one thought in her mind...

"Isn't it cold?" She couldn't help asking curiously.

"I'm used to it." An Yue replied lightly, and couldn't help asking after a while, "You're married to Xu Zhan, and you still take the subway to go out?"

Shu Yu smiled nonchalantly: "I'm used to it too."

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds, and An Yue said again: "Sorry, I dragged you out to go shopping, didn't I disturb the world of the two of you?"

Shu Yu shook her head: "No, he's working overtime, and I'm bored at home alone."

"Then can I go to your house to chat with you in the future?" An Yue looked a little pitiful, "I work alone in K City, and I don't have many friends. I only sleep every day except live broadcasting. It's super boring."

Shu Yu actually thinks that Xu Zhan probably doesn't like outsiders going to the house, and it's very strange that An Yue is very friendly to her, but she still seems to feel that the two of them are not that familiar, so she said apologetically: " If you are bored, you can ask me out for coffee and shopping."

An Yue was a little surprised. She vaguely remembered that Shu Yu didn't have the character of rejecting people before. In high school, the two of them were arranged to be on duty together for a while. She felt dirty and didn't want to do it, so she asked Shu Yu to do it. Shu Yu Never said no.

However, she hasn't seen her for many years, and the little white rabbit who was bullied by others seems to have grown up a lot, but she also feels that Shu Yu is not that sensitive, so she won't be able to discover her own thoughts, maybe it's just her personality.

So she hugged Shu Yu's arm intimately, and said with a smile, "That's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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