Peach flavored warm wedding

Chapter 62 New Year's Day 1

Chapter 62 The First Day of the New Year

The next day was New Year's Day, when Shu Yu woke up, the cleaning aunt had already cleaned up the mess from last night, and made breakfast for them by the way.

After washing up, she yawned and went to the study to take a look. Xu Zhan was wearing earphones and seemed to be having a video conference.

Shu Yu didn't bother, but secretly lamented that the president is not easy to do.

About half an hour later, Xu Zhan went downstairs, walked around to her side, and kissed her naturally.She just drank milk, and there was a faint taste of milk at the corner of her mouth.

"Mom said go back to the old house for dinner." Xu Zhan ran his hand through her hair and stroked it gently.

"Okay." Shu Yu didn't think much about it, just thought it was the first day of the new year, and they should get together, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Xu Zhan quickly lowered her head and took a bite of the toast she had just eaten, "I've eaten it now."

Shu Yu: ...
In the evening, the two drove back to the old house.

Ever since she accidentally overheard the conversation between Xu Zhan and his son last time, Shu Yu has been a little apprehensive about facing Xu Yuanfang.

After pressing the doorbell, she instinctively squeezed Xu Zhan's hand tightly.

Xu Zhan lowered his head and looked at her, seeing her looking like an enemy, he felt distressed.

"Shu Yu."


She instinctively raised her head, followed by his gentle kiss, Shu Yu didn't expect him to do this kind of behavior at this time and this place, so she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

This kiss was full of comfort, and she gradually felt at ease.

"Brother Zhan..."

The person who came to open the door froze.

Startled, Shu Yu instinctively pushed him away, blushed and lowered her head to wipe the corner of her mouth.

Xu Zhan was a little bit unsatisfied, and it took several seconds before he looked at the opposite person, and his expression sank after just one glance.

"Why are you here?"

After Lin Qing heard his son's words, he couldn't help but frowned and reprimanded: "Xu Zhan, why are you talking?!"

After speaking, he turned sideways and comforted him gently: "You don't mind one by one, you know his character."


Shu Yu clenched her fists and slightly raised her head to look at the girl in front of her. It turned out that she was what Xu Yuanfang said was more suitable for him...

She held the doorknob with a weak and slender hand. At first glance, she looked like a child who was used to being pampered. She had big black curly hair, which made her skin fairer, and her body exuded a faint fragrance, but she was probably unhappy with the scene she saw just now. , with a cold look in his eyes.

She pursed her lips and wanted to withdraw her left hand, but in the next second, he held it even harder.

When she looked up, she saw him staring at her quietly with displeased eyes.

Shu Yu understood that his low self-esteem and cowardice made him unhappy again.

She also knew that she should be braver, could the character she had developed over the past 20 years be changed overnight?

How much she wanted to stand beside him confidently, put her arms around his arm, and say to all the girls who looked at him covetously: Sorry, the famous girl has her own owner.

But self-confidence requires capital. Where does her capital come from?

"It's okay, auntie, I've endured his bad temper for more than 20 years. How could he still be angry? Instead, I'm happy that he would talk to me so directly. It means he and I don't see each other, right? ?”

Shu Yu didn't speak, but couldn't help laughing in her heart.

Although she was timid, she was not stupid, and she couldn't hear the hint in the girl's words.

"That's good, that's good." Lin Qing greeted everyone to enter the room with a smile.

Xu Zhan opened his mouth, but under Lin Qing's threatening eyes, he swallowed the words silently.

On the first day of the new year, it seems that it is not good to make the scene too ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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