Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 10 Exploding the Crystal Ball

Chapter 10 Exploding the Crystal Ball

Su Yuntao's tone was full of regret, in fact Tang San also finally understood that the reason why his Xuantian Kung has not been broken through should be related to the martial spirit of this world.

The soul power in this world is the same as the true energy in his body, and his Xuantian Kung Fu has been stuck at the peak of the first stage, so he has obtained the innate full soul power.

In other words, as long as he can obtain the soul ring, he can break through the bottleneck of Xuantian Kungfu, enter the next stage, and continue to practice.

But what is a soul ring?

What else did Tang San want to ask, but Tang Jiu patted him on the shoulder, "Little San, don't worry, since you already have soul power, you can continue to practice when you're cold, and I'll talk about it later if you have any questions."

"Well, brother!"

Tang San still trusted his brother more, so he walked out of the six-pointed star formation, if his brother hadn't helped him win this opportunity, he didn't even know that his soul power was innately full of soul power.

"Okay, now it's my turn again!"

Tang Jiu walked confidently into the hexagram formation.

Without Su Yuntao saying hello, he directly raised his hand, and then held the blue crystal ball.

Soon the crystal ball lit up, and Su Yuntao's eyes shone brightly again.

Because many people with very good martial spirits have no soul power when testing their soul power, so no matter what kind of martial soul, only after the soul power test can it be determined whether it is a useful martial soul or a useless martial soul.

And the blue crystal ball glowed, which meant that this martial spirit still had soul power.

In this blue crystal ball, liquid began to sway. It belonged to the golden ball, which was condensed by absorbing the vitality of the cells and blood in Tang Jiu's body.

After a warrior quenches his body, a kind of elemental force will be condensed in the cells and blood, thereby strengthening his physique.

At this time, the energy in Tang Jiu's body was continuously pouring into the crystal ball, and he saw that the plane that had been seeking liquid was rapidly improving, much faster than Tang San's ascension speed. Reached the position where the scale is ten!
"Again, innately full of soul power?"

Su Yuntao exclaimed directly, he really saw hell today, it was the first time he met a child above the level 1 of the congenital wedding in so many years when the martial soul was awakened.

But today, not only did he meet a new child with level 5 soul power, but he also met two children who were born with full soul power.

However, the light of the crystal ball did not stop, and it became brighter and brighter. The liquid in the crystal ball continued to increase, and it was squeezed crazily, with no intention of stopping at all. Tang Jiu had a terrifying breath instantly burst out...

"not good!"

Su Yuntao let out a strange cry, and quickly pulled the other children back several steps.

Click click!

I saw spider web-like cracks appearing on the crystal ball.

The light emitted from the crystal ball makes people blind.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the crystal ball burst open.

This was a situation that had never happened before. Su Yuntao leaned against the wall in fright, and looked at Tang Jiu in horror. His eyes were not just looking at the monster, it was as if he saw the end of the world.

"How could this be?"

Su Yuntao had never seen such a strange thing before, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

Tang Jiu put down his hand, and then looked at Su Yuntao, "Master, I'm sorry, I tried too hard just now, and I didn't control it well, so I accidentally burst the crystal ball, so I shouldn't ask for compensation? "

"Didn't control it well?"

After a long while, Su Yuntao finally came back to his senses. He waved his hands again and again, "No need to pay, no need to pay, it should be that the crystal ball has been too long, and there has been a quality problem. Okay, the awakening of the martial soul is over! Boy, would you like to give up?" Willing to join our Spirit Hall?"

Su Yuntao also quickly invited Tang Jiu. If Tang Jiu could join the Wuhun Palace, then his promotion and fortune would be just around the corner.

Tang Jiu was also a little moved by Su Yuntao's invitation. The source and conditions of Wuhun Hall's cultivation were much better than ordinary Wuhun Academy.

But thinking of the boy who awakened the sickle spirit, Tang Jiu began to worry about Tang San's safety, so he replied: "I'll think about it!"

Su Yuntao was not in a hurry, he had already made money today anyway, so he smiled at Tang Jiu and said, "Well, okay, then you should think about it carefully, and when you figure it out, come directly to the Wuhun Hall of Notting City to find me Bar!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yuntao quickly picked up his bag and walked outside the Hall of Spirits.

"Old Jack!"

The door of Wuhun Hall opened, and when Old Jack heard Su Yuntao calling him, he hurried up to meet him.

"Master, how's it going? Is there anyone in our holy soul village who can cultivate a martial soul this year?"

Old Jack looked expectant.

Su Yuntao nodded, "Yes, but you have to pay me first!"

"No money, why lose money??"

Old Jack was stunned.

Su Yuntao said: "Just now, a sickle martial soul with innate soul power of level 10 was awakened, a blue silver grass martial soul with innate soul power of level [-] was awakened, and there was another guy who was a peerless martial soul, a nine-day dragon and phoenix. Full of soul power, it even burst my crystal ball!"

"Two innate full soul power and one innate level 5?"

Old Jack opened his mouth wide, he thought Su Yuntao was joking.

"You're not kidding, are you?"


Su Yuntao said seriously, "Do you think I'm joking?"

"It really doesn't look like it!"

Old Jack suddenly thought of something, and reconfirmed: "What did you say just now? Lan Yincao is born full of soul power?"

"Yes, the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun with full soul power, but it's a pity! Let's not talk about him, the other two are not bad. The one with the scythe Wuhun and the Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix will definitely make a difference in the future. As for the blue Silvergrass..."

Su Yuntao couldn't bear to continue talking.

"That kid really guessed it right. Could it be that he can really predict the future?"

Old Jack muttered, and then asked: "Uh, can the one with the blue silver grass really not be able to practice?"

Su Yuntao thought for a while, and then said: "That's not true, his martial soul actually has soul power! That means he can still cultivate, but what's the point of cultivating an ordinary blue silver grass? "

Hearing Su Yuntao's words, Old Jack also nodded slightly, the expression of regret on his face no less than that of Su Yuntao.

Su Yuntao said again: "Don't forget to pay me a blue crystal ball, well, I'm going to visit the house of Wang Ming who awakened the sickle martial soul, and ask their parents if they have taken their children Willingness to send to Wuhundian to study."

"Wang Ming awakened the sickle spirit?"

Old Jack frowned, and then asked, "Who is that guy who exploded the crystal ball?"

(End of this chapter)

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