Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 87 Public Opinion War

Chapter 87 Public Opinion War
On December 12, Lu Dayong excitedly pushed away Zhou Yu's office and sat across from him to report: "Mr. Zhou, our plan to manipulate public opinion to lure snakes out of their holes was perfectly successful.

It has now been confirmed that the interest group that obstructs our certification is the fuel vehicle group headed by FAW SAIC.

With the strong intervention of the Certification and Accreditation Administration, our electric vehicles have obtained 3C certification, and now all the certificates for electric vehicles are complete, and we can officially hold an electric vehicle launch event on New Year's Day. "

Zhou Yu said with emotion: "You guys did a good job this time, but you must be careful and never misjudge the situation.

We, Spark Technology, abide by our duty as a businessman and will not intervene in the political field.

Once you stand in the political line, you will be labeled directly on your body. Although it is convenient for a while, it will cause endless troubles.

After all, joining one party will inevitably offend his opponent. While there is help, there are also enemies.

The more you get, the more you pay, and the wind will change forever.

How many companies whose prosperity is also booming, but whose death is also sudden, are involved in political struggles, and disappear suddenly.

We, Spark Technology, do not participate in politics. We can only keep up with the times and never go against the trend, and always respond to national policies.

As long as what we do is far better than other companies and is conducive to the development of the country, the country's leaders will naturally see the role of our company, which is far more useful than flattery.

It is not terrible that a company has value, but the most terrible thing is that it is worthless and can be discarded at will.

If something happens to Huawei, the country will definitely try its best to protect it.If something happens to Lenovo, the country needs to carefully weigh whether it is worth paying these costs.

What we have to do is to master the core technology, drive the development of the entire industrial chain, and then promote the vitality of the country's economy.

Our company's electric vehicles are in line with the country's established policies.

Petroleum is China's second largest imported material every year, and it needs to consume huge foreign exchange reserves.Oil is related to the strategic security of the country, especially when the sea transportation channel is blocked by people, the country hopes that the fuel consumption of civilian vehicles should be as low as possible. "

Lu Dayong nodded thoughtfully and said, "Mr. Zhou, what shall we do next? Comprador assembly car factories like FAW SAIC rely on the technology of foreign car companies, and they have deep-rooted influence in the country.

We have touched their core interests again. Faced with the moment of life and death, these enterprises will never let it go. If they use administrative means to deal with us, how should we deal with it. "

Zhou Yu laughed softly and said: "Manager Lu, you are a little unfounded, these car companies definitely don't have such great energy, otherwise BYD electric vehicles will never develop, and the country will not introduce Tesla electric vehicles.

The development of new energy electric vehicles is an established strategic plan of the country. You have not seen that the National Development and Reform Commission no longer approves new models of fuel vehicles.

Our electric vehicles will definitely be on the market, and the core of the competition now is the preferential policies of relevant state departments for Xinghuo electric vehicles.

The electric vehicles officially sold on the market now enjoy the national support policy for new energy vehicles. Otherwise, how can these lithium-ion battery electric vehicles with inherent disadvantages compete with normal vehicles.

The state provides subsidies for consumers to purchase electric vehicles, and we are in the tax holiday, which can quickly occupy the market.

If electric vehicles do not enjoy policy subsidies, or even banks directly increase loan interest rates, it will affect the development of our electric vehicles. "

"In this way, we slowly develop and accumulate strength, is it to ease the current tense situation?" Lu Dayong asked.

Zhou Yu shook his head and denied: "For the development of our company, we must compete with these stubborn interest groups. It is best to beat them to bankruptcy, so that our company can develop better."

"Mr. Zhou, I'm a little confused when you say that these manufacturers don't engage with us, why should we take the initiative to punish them? It would be nice to take a step back." Lu Dayong asked suspiciously.

"Our company must show its own value, and now new energy and environmentally friendly vehicles are the general trend.

However, fuel vehicles still occupy a dominant position, and tens of millions of people are attached to this industrial chain, providing huge tax revenue for the country.

There are also many people in the system who support fuel vehicles. If we cannot prove that electric vehicles are better than fuel vehicles, how can the country make up its mind to replace the fuel vehicle industry with the electric vehicle industry.

Once it fails, people in the system who support environmentally friendly cars will not speak out for the interests of our company. After all, there are very few people who give charcoal in the snow, and many people who add icing on the cake. Zhou Yu said with a sigh.

For the long-term development of Spark Technology, he will definitely not be attached to certain political groups. If he wants these people to support electric vehicles to replace fuel vehicles, he must show his own value.

Let these people know that there is a huge generation gap between electric vehicles and fuel vehicles, and that the future automobile market will definitely be replaced by electric vehicles, so as to ensure that Xinghuo Technology can get the support they deserve.

Zhou Yu thought for a while and ordered: "Launch a public opinion war to find out the direction of the wind. If the policy is beneficial to us, then hold a huge press conference to fully promote electric vehicles.

If the policy is not good for us, then low-key development waiting period.

If the battlefield is limited to the field of public opinion, and these stubborn fuel vehicle interest groups cannot use administrative means to deal with our company, it means that the overall national policy is biased towards us.

Now convene a meeting of senior executives, and we will carefully discuss a detailed plan, which requires the cooperation of various departments. "

The evening of July 12.

Global Times Weibo: "Since the beginning of winter, the city of Yanjing has seen more and more smoggy days. Some people attribute this phenomenon to burning coal for heating. Please read the authoritative report now."

He forwarded the report of the Atmospheric Environment Laboratory of the Spark Research Center.

Scientists claim that they use advanced sensors and molecular traceability methods to carefully analyze the sources of atmospheric pollutants in heavily polluted weather and normal weather in the laboratory.

It was found that cooking, construction smoke, factory emissions and other sources of pollution in normal production and life accounted for 15%; coal-fired heating in winter accounted for 17%, and the remaining 68% of pollutants came from vehicle exhaust emissions.

If it is summer, automobile exhaust accounts for a higher proportion of pollutants.

Severely polluted weather depends on the situation of atmospheric circulation. Once the low pressure and wind are not smooth, the accumulation of pollutants will form severely polluted weather.

This report blew the clarion call of the Starfire Technology public opinion war and caused an uproar on the Internet.

[Little girl selling matches]: "Stone hammer, this is really a real hammer. In the past, whenever we encountered polluted weather, we would blame it on burning coal for heating or straw burning.

Farmers have burned straw for thousands of years, how could it cause serious pollution at this time.

It has become crazy to cancel coal-fired heating at the grassroots level, and we have formed a freezing zone around Yanjing.

Even if coal-fired heating is canceled around Yanjing, there will still be smoggy days, which proves that smoggy days have little to do with coal-fired heating.

Now that this report is released, what will the official do? For the sake of our green mountains and green waters, is it necessary to ban all cars. "

[Industrial Tycoon]: "This report is really timely, and it cannot be ruled out that the smog in some heavy industrial areas is caused by industrial emissions.

But in non-heavy industrial cities, the main factor of smog is vehicle exhaust emissions.

Those who drive cars but shout about environmental protection are all hypocrites. I deeply despise such people.

The detection method of this kind of air pollutants is very simple, is it because certain interest groups do not release the detection results in order to maintain the interests of the group.

Now it is directly skinned by the test results of Xinghuo Technology, everyone hurry up and watch. "

(End of this chapter)

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