Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 53 Protoss Bracelet Press Conference (3)

Chapter 53 Protoss Spirit Bracelet Press Conference ([-])
Before Du Xing and Wang Mai could reach the booth, Lin Yun's anxious voice came to Zhou Yu's invisible earphones.

"Mr. Zhou, there is an error in the Alibaba Group's database, and the holographic shopping cannot be displayed now. Manager Zhang Yunqiang has activated remote technical support. It will take at least half an hour to fix it. Try to find a way to delay it for half an hour."

Zhou Yu nodded his head lightly, expressing that he understands that it all depends on improvisation, and he can only show the easter eggs in advance.

He told Xianghua: "Xianghua, I will preside over the next meeting."

This kind of performance that needs to be performed on the spot, Xianghua's intelligence level cannot be perfectly presented.

He turned back to Du Xing and Wang Mai and said apologetically, "You two gentlemen, please rest for a while."

With a tangled expression, Wang Mai nodded slightly apologetically, and pulled Du Xing to sit together in the rest area again.

Zhou Yu said with a serious expression: "At first, I wanted to skip the ultra-sensitive light pressure perception, because this technology is not yet mature.

But I think its emergence will make some meager contributions to society, so I temporarily changed my mind and officially announced its extraordinary role at the press conference. "

Xianghua suddenly turned into the morning star system, and a crystal ball floated in the air, with many hand-made models embedded in it.

These models are of all kinds, some are like Xianghua, some are like cute penguins, some are red and black cats, and some are pure white dogs.

Zhou Yu pointed to the crystal ball and said: "This is the Morning Star operating system of the Protoss Bracelet, which is the operating system developed by our Xinghuo Technology.

The intelligence of the Morningstar system is very high. Xianghua's IQ is no worse than that of a 10-year-old child on the Internet or the noble version of the Xingling bracelet. "

After Zhou Yu finished the introduction, he began to introduce the magnetic buckle, and demonstrated the steps of operating the Morningstar system from the beginning.

Like a sci-fi movie, he clicks each model on the holographic image, and the software represented by the model starts immediately, operating much like a three-dimensional smartphone.

The Morningstar system generated a standard keyboard, which appeared in front of Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's arms were slightly bent, his arms were stretched forward, and his hands were pressed on the virtual keyboard. Pressing on the keyboard quickly and continuously, the Chinese programming language source code interface was displayed on the virtual screen.

After Zhou Yu finished the demonstration, he held up the Morningstar system with his hands and said: "This is one of the operating methods of the Morningstar system. It uses ultra-sensitive light pressure sensing. As long as you wear the Protoss bracelet, it can sense any movement of the owner.

There is also a voice operation method for the Protoss Bracelet, which everyone understands and will not demonstrate. "

"The easter eggs hidden by the ultra-sensitive light pressure sensor can sense the mood of the owner of the protoss bracelet.

Xianghua can change the different themes of the protoss bracelet according to your emotions, and can also combine intelligent technology to comfort you. "Zhou Yu said to everyone with a smile on his face.

When the audience heard the news, they booed immediately, and they didn't believe that this technology could be realized.

Netizens on Tencent's live video broadcast also began to speak happily.

"The Shadiao product manager asked me to make the phone case display different colors according to the customer's emotions.

I immediately threw the protoss bracelet on his face, you go and study with Xianghua about joy, anger, sorrow, joy, sir, I don't have that ability. "

"The fugitive pretended to be a seriously ill patient, and was preparing to escape the blockade in a 120 ambulance. He had already tricked the police. Suddenly, the holographic bracelet played celebratory music and congratulatory sounds. The fugitive died."

"Xinghuo Technology is really amazing. It is so easy to verify the authenticity of the function. Others can break it with a poke. My mother doesn't know my emotions. You want to know my emotions. Is it possible?"

"What's going on with Zhou Yu, the president of Spark Technology, the topic was so heavy at the beginning, as if he had hidden a very important function, and the result was an indifferent function like recognizing mood.

Is Zhou Yu trying to show contrast and cuteness?It's too disrespectful for a president of a big company to do such a thing. "

"It was a false alarm. I thought there was a black technology, but it turned out to be just a gimmick."

The scene of the launch event of the Protoss Bracelet.

"I have already said that this is an Easter egg. It is not that I want to announce the core function of the ultra-sensitive light pressure sensor. Let everyone experience this function first." Zhou Yu said to everyone with a smile.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart, so that he could procrastinate happily, leaving enough time for the programmer to repair the database.

Holographic images demonstrate the principle of supersensitive light pressure perception.

A huge electromagnetic spectrum map of the human body appeared on the booth, and the spectrum of each part has its own characteristics.

Zhou Yu began to explain: "Human physiological activities will generate complex electrical signals, which radiate a variety of electromagnetic waves including infrared rays.

Infrared cameras are developed according to this principle.

The high-sensitivity light pressure sensor on the Protoss bracelet can also perceive the type and strength of electromagnetic waves radiated from the human body.

The physiological activities of the human body are different, and the properties of the electromagnetic waves released are also different.

The ultra-sensitive light pressure sensor can sense very subtle changes in electromagnetic wave signals. "

"Friends from the media, can you cooperate? Let the protoss bracelet test your mood." Zhou Yu asked them.

After obtaining their affirmative information, Zhou Yu asked the staff to hand each reporter a luxurious version of the Protoss bracelet, and asked them to wear it formally. The Protoss bracelet can receive electromagnetic wave signals from the human body.

A hologram in front of the press corps plays a hilarious skit.

"I have announced the moods tested by the Protoss Bracelet on the holographic image behind you. Please submit your feelings through the Protoss Bracelet."

"It's absolutely correct. Our Starfire Technology cannot bribe so many reporters. You can test it yourself if you buy the Protoss Bracelet back."

The results of the protoss bracelet test were basically similar to those submitted by the reporters.

"In this way, there are only joy and displeasure, and it's a complicated test." There were audiences booing constantly at the scene.

Zhou Yu readily accepted: "Then we will test a complex video. This video may cause everyone's discomfort, but it can maximize everyone's resonance."

The holographic image broadcasts CCTV's documentary "Revealing the Devil's Troop 731"

Zhou Yu played a short segment and then stopped immediately. There are no bloody scenes in the documentary, but the old photos and the calm narration of the parties are enough to make people shudder.

"The protoss bracelet test and the materials submitted by the reporters have all been displayed."

The holographic image immediately showed the mood of the press corps, most of which were anger, sadness, heartache, regret and other emotions.

There was only one person who stood out from the crowd. The mood he submitted was sadness, but the protoss bracelet test showed suspicion, contempt, and ridicule.

Zhou Yu's face was gloomy, "Security, please invite this gentleman from Japan out, he is not welcome in our press conference."

The Xinghuo security guards had long been prepared to deal with emergencies, and had been on standby all the time. After hearing Zhou Yu's order, they immediately invited this person out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect the press corps to sneak into such a thing. Our company's review is not strict." Zhou Yu immediately apologized to everyone.

"This gentleman from Japan, his Chinese is quite good, but his brain is a bit difficult.

Encountering the far right can make me sick for a day, but it also shows that the ultra-sensitive light pressure sensor can really detect the mood of the wearer.

But this is not its core technology, the core function of the ultra-sensitive light pressure sensor is—”

Zhou Yu elongated his voice, leaving enough suspense, ready to tell the most important function of the ultra-sensitive light pressure sensor.

If it wasn't for delaying time, he didn't plan to talk about this function, let it develop and grow slowly.

Because the interest groups in this field are too large, if they are not careful, they will backfire on themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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