Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 414 Space Agriculture

Chapter 414 Space Agriculture
At the Lunar Spaceport, the CCTV interview team walked out of the passenger space shuttle.

CCTV reporter Zixin greeted the camera: "Hello everyone, I am CCTV reporter Zixin.

Space plants are very popular. This time we are here to explore the status quo of space agriculture on the moon. "

The CCTV interview team boarded the flight from the Lunar Spaceport to the Xinghuo Technology Lunar Base.

There is the largest space plant plantation on the moon around the Xinghuo Technology Moon Base. CCTV has already contacted the Xinghuo Technology Moon Base and obtained the qualification to interview the space plant plantation.

The flight soon arrived at the Xinghuo Technology Moon Base, and the CCTV crew found the person in charge of Xinghuo Technology's space agriculture.

A middle-aged man in his 40s with a simple face stood in front of the camera.

CCTV reporter Zixin introduced to the camera: "This is Han Yuke, the manager of the Lunar Branch of Xinghuo Technology Space Agriculture Company. He is a professor of Huaxia Agricultural University and an authoritative expert in the field of agricultural technology in our country."

CCTV reporter Zixin interviewed Manager Han Yuke and said, "Manager Han, can you show us the plantation and introduce us to the characteristics of space plants."

Han Yuke politely agreed: "There is no problem at all, I will show you the moon plantation right now."

Han Yuke brought the CCTV interview team to the lunar plantation covering an area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

The CCTV interview team began to use drones to take pictures of the plantation.

The boundaries of the plants in the plantation are very clear. They are distributed in strips. The most are corn and sorghum, and the rest are tomatoes and eggplants.

These four plants occupy more than 90% of the space in the plantation.

CCTV reporter Zixin patted the transparent shield on top of her head in front of the camera.

"It's such a lunar vacuum that we all need space suits to walk here.

These space plants really don't need air to survive. "

CCTV reporter Zi Xin picked a tomato the size of a volleyball, and she asked Manager Han Yuke: "Manager Han, do these space plants need to be fertilized at ordinary times? Its management is not complicated.

How come I don't see the water channels in the plantation.It's not that space plants need a lot of water to grow. "

Manager Han Yuke immediately replied: "Space plants grow from seeds to seedlings, and they need fertilization management during their cultivation.

All we get are standard space plant seedling plants, which don't require fertilization.

Space plants also don't need to do insect weeding and other work.

Plant space plants in the universe, there are no weeds to compete with it for space, and no bugs to eat it. "

After manager Han Yuke finished his introduction, he bent down and used his hands to push aside the cover covering the roots of the space plants.

Space plants can be seen growing in a translucent tube with water flowing inside.

Manager Han Yuke introduced to the reporters: "The soil that the earth can provide for plant growth is an extremely valuable item, and only the soil on the outermost layer of the earth's crust has the ability to provide a place for plant growth.

At present, the relevant departments of China strictly prohibit the transportation of soil into space, and only a small amount of approval can be obtained except for scientific research projects.

In the research stage of space plants, a more convenient hydroponics method was considered.

We grow space plants in pipes, and the liquid in these pipes has all the nutrients they need to survive.

We can also control the condition of the culture medium through the background, and intelligently manage the growth environment of space plants. "

Manager Han Yuke then led the CCTV interview team to visit the plantations of space corn, space sorghum and space eggplant.

CCTV reporter Zi Xin listened silently to Manager Han Yuke's introduction all the way.

When they walked out of the plantation, CCTV reporter Zi Xin asked the most concerned questions of ordinary people.

"Hello, Manager Han, on behalf of our ordinary people, I would like to ask you a sharp question.

How about the safety of space plants?Some people still have concerns about space plants. "

Manager Han Yuke replied with a smile on his face: "Our Xinghuo Science and Technology official website and the Huaxia Ministry of Agriculture official website have detailed introductions about space plants.

The space plant is a special plant produced by grafting. The main part of our edible part is still an ordinary plant.

The edible components of space plants are exactly the same as those of ordinary plants, whether it is its genetic material or cell structure.

This is why our space plants all use plants with thick stems, because this kind of plant is convenient for grafting at the seedling stage.

Leafy plants like cabbage are inconvenient to graft at the seedling stage, so there are very few vegetable varieties in space plants.

Only when scientists break through the grafting technology will it be possible to cultivate this type of space plant.

Root-eating plants like radishes and sweet potatoes cannot grow space plants at all. "

CCTV reporter Zixin also cooperated and said: "After hearing Manager Han's introduction, I understand that the ingredients of the space plants we can eat are exactly the same as those of normal space plants. You can eat space plants with confidence, and they will not threaten our health. "

"Let me show you the deep processing center. Our company has formed an industrial chain that fully utilizes space plants." Manager Han Yuke invited them.

The CCTV interview team accompanied manager Han Yuke to the deep processing center.

CCTV reporter Zixin was on the way, and took the opportunity to interview: "Manager Han, may I ask what contributions the appearance of space plants has made to our current space development."

Manager Han Yuke replied excitedly: "The appearance of space plants is like installing a powerful engine for space development.

Taking the moon as an example, the most obvious point is that the moon can be self-sufficient in food and vegetables.

We must know that food is the most important thing for the people. In the past, the bulk commodities transported from the earth to the moon included food.

Now the food and vegetables on the moon can be self-sufficient, which means that the moon can carry more people.

There are sufficient populations on the moon, and then settlements and cities can be formed.

Our development of the moon has shifted from initial resource exploration to urban development. "

They came to the deep processing center next to the plantation, and the CCTV interview team began to film the situation of the deep processing center.

Manager Han Yuke kept introducing the specific situation to them.

"Space plants not only provide us with food, some of its deep-processed products also provide us with important industrial raw materials.

Corn and sorghum can be processed into fodder and wine.

Feed meets the requirements of animal husbandry, further reduces the cost of raising livestock in space, and provides sufficient meat for humans.

Alcohol can satisfy the local market on the moon and reduce the transportation of this type of goods from the earth.

Except for the edible parts of space plants, other parts will not be discarded. They are important industrial raw materials.

We extract plant fibers from straw and carbonize them to make a tough carbon fiber.

The cloth woven from it is cheap and durable, and most of the clothes on the moon are now made of this material.

The leaves of space plants can be used to grow microbes to produce some important products.

Space plants are all treasures, and they are the cornerstone of space agriculture. "

(End of this chapter)

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