Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 389 Preparations

Chapter 389 Preparations
When Wang Xiaoxiao heard Zhou Yu's introduction, the big stone in his heart finally dissipated.

Their laboratory spent a huge amount of money and invested in the longevity light project.

Once the Longevity Light project was aborted due to the lack of this unknown substance.

Then he was sorry for the scientists who worked hard on the experiment, and even more sorry for Zhou Yu who had always supported him.

"How is the progress of your laboratory's research on the longevity light project?" Zhou Yu asked Wang Xiaoxiao.

Longevity light technology must be made public, it is a technology that can benefit all people in the country.

Now Xinghuo Technology can manufacture or collect all the substances that produce longevity light, which can satisfy the consumption of all people in the country.

Longevity optical technology is a technology that can be enjoyed by all people, and it is not a technology monopolized by a certain class.

Everyone's lifespan can be effectively extended, so that people will not be torn into two different groups.

Even if some twists and turns are caused by longevity light technology, it is within the controllable range and will not cause irreversible changes.

Zhou Yu also wanted to put the Chinese nation at the top of the world's nations through his own efforts.

Let the national strength of the Chinese country be strong, break through the limitations of the earth's region, and enter the era of cosmic civilization that exploits cosmic resources.

When Wang Xiaoxiao heard Zhou Yu's question, he immediately answered: "Mr. Zhou, we are now ready to collect enough data through human clinical trials.

Longevity light technology transforms the active cells of the human body, whether it is a newborn baby or an elderly person who is about to die.

Whether it is a healthy person or a person suffering from certain diseases.

Whether it is a comminuted fracture of the whole body or multiple traumas of the whole body.

None of them affect the transformation process of human cells by longevity light technology.

Our longevity light technology is very mature and will not cause harm to the human body during use.

The longevity light generation equipment has also been improved, and the longevity light equipment has become more convenient and convenient.

In particular, according to Mr. Zhou's research results, it will no longer absorb dark energy from the outside world, but will instead supply dark energy from special storage equipment.

This can make long-lived optical devices more efficient. "

Hearing what Wang Xiaoxiao said, Zhou Yu nodded with satisfaction and said: "You have worked hard during this period, and now is the time for us to reap the fruits.

Next, you will start preparing to promote the longevity optical technology. Once the preparations are mature, we will gradually promote the longevity optical technology according to the plan. "

Wang Xiaoxiao nodded, and asked puzzledly: "Mr. Zhou, what else are we preparing now? Why don't we disclose the longevity light technology immediately."

Zhou Yu heard some silly questions from Wang Xiaoxiao, he waved his hands helplessly, and said: "How can things be so simple, everything develops in a single line, and the world will not have so many problems.

How could longevity optical technology be announced suddenly? This technology has too much impact on society, and the country announced it without preparation.

There may be some irreversible consequences in society, especially when external forces get involved and spread certain rumors that are not good for us.

The whole process will be more out of control, which runs counter to our original intention.

We must first release this technology to a limited extent, and at least let the country get a certain amount of preparation, and we must not do bad things with good intentions. "

Everything in Xinghuo Technology was ready, and Zhou Yu began to notify Jiang Zhongyun, who was in charge of contacting Xinghuo Technology, with the relevant state departments.

After Jiang Zhongyun received Zhou Yu's message, he quickly came to Zhou Yu's office.

"It's been a long time, Chairman Zhou. During this time, your Starfire Technology is very quiet, and I don't have to work so hard." Jiang Zhongyun joked.

"We are holding back a big move. In the days to come, you will be busy enough. Don't blame me for making you suffer." Zhou Yu said while staring at him.

When Jiang Zhongyun heard Zhou Yu's words, he was a little excited, knowing that Spark Technology had come up with another major project.

Zhou Yu has this attitude when Xinghuo Technology developed a spaceship, and now they should develop a technology comparable to that of a spaceship.

"What kind of technology does your spark technology come up with? Don't underestimate our country's ability to bear any technology. For us with a population of more than one billion, there are so many people who can bear it together. He has no problem." Jiang Zhongyun joked.

Zhou Yu saw that Jiang Zhongyun was still in the mood to joke, so he handed Jiang Zhongyun information related to longevity light technology.

When Jiang Zhongyun checked the information Zhou Yu handed over, his expression kept changing.

There was an expression of disbelief on his face at first, and then an unimaginable expression. After reading the information, he became a little terrified again.

Jiang Zhongyun said tremblingly: "It's really unbelievable that you can develop the technology to extend human life.

Longevity, a dream that human beings have been striving for, did not expect that one day it would be possible to realize it.

His influence on our country is too great now. I can't believe what kind of impact it will have on the country if this technology is really announced. "

Seeing Jiang Zhongyun's trembling tone, Zhou Yu knew that he had realized the importance of the matter.

"Mr. Jiang, that's why I informed you to come to our company. Our company has no problem with technical matters, but we can't do anything about the changes in the whole society.

We can only notify the country in advance, so that you can make sufficient preparations, guide changes in public opinion, and get through this difficulty smoothly.

Longevity light technology is a technology that can promote the entire civilization. We cannot let a good thing become a bad thing because of insufficient preparation. "Zhou Yuyu said earnestly.

Jiang Zhongyun nodded, and he immediately stood up, wiped the sweat from his brow, and carefully put the technical information that Zhou Yu handed him in his hands.

"Chairman Zhou, this matter is too important. I don't have the right to make a decision at all. Experts must demonstrate based on this situation, and then the decision-makers will make the final decision."

After Jiang Zhongyun finished speaking, he immediately ran out with the materials.

Longer human life expectancy is a good thing that human beings have longed for for tens of thousands of years, but if it is not handled properly, good things can also turn into bad things, completely disrupting the development process of human society.

Now the division of labor in human society is very clear, even if a person is nostalgic for a job, he can work in a job for at most 40 to [-] years.

This is determined by the lifespan and physical condition of human beings. Once a person is on the job, he can work for three to four hundred years.

This poses a huge challenge to the division of labor and cooperation of the whole society.

This is a matter at the work level, and there are many legal aspects that need to be considered clearly.

For example, the issue of the upper limit of fixed-term imprisonment in the Criminal Law, the issue of people's inheritance, and a series of legal documents need to be changed.

The emergence of longevity light technology directly changes the cornerstone of the operation of modern society. The country needs to make sufficient preparations in advance to cope with this change process.

(End of this chapter)

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