Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 387 Space Fluctuation Detector

Chapter 387 Space Fluctuation Detector

Wang Xiaoxiao sighed: "Longevity light technology can transform ordinary cells into active cells, prolonging human life without side effects.

But we can't fully grasp the longevity light now. If 100 to 1 people are irradiated in each place, this place will not be able to produce the longevity light again. We need to wait at least a week before the longevity light can be restored.

In such a situation, we are not worried at all, at most it is troublesome, and we use different places in rotation.

Now I am worried that the unknown substances consumed by Longevity Light are non-renewable resources, and their total amount is certain.

In this way, for us, longevity optical technology is just a toy for the rich, and it cannot be popularized at all. "

Zhou Yu heard Wang Xiaoxiao's worry, and he also recognized Wang Xiaoxiao's worry.

The material of alien civilization promotes the combination of unknown material and laser to produce long-lived light.

The most critical point here, and also the most unfathomable point, is this unknown substance.

Once the total amount of unknown substances is fixed, it can bear the consumption of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people at most.

The longevity optical technology can only be put on the shelf, and at most it will be used by scientists who have made outstanding contributions, so that they can make greater contributions.

It is just an extreme luxury and cannot contribute to the whole society at all.

What is even more frightening is that the total amount of unknown substances has not been found yet.

In a hurry to promote longevity light technology, some people have completed cell transformation, but suddenly found that this technology is invalid.

That would directly tear the entire country apart, and the country would become two factions of the long-lived species and the short-lived species.

Just the confrontation between these two factions is enough to consume the country's resources, and it is simply impossible to keep up with the pace of other countries' space age.

Zhou Yu said calmly: "You don't need to worry, I will be responsible for finding the unknown energy that produces longevity light.

I have now basically determined what the alien civilization material is.

Knowing one reactant and product, it is not difficult to deduce another reactant through technical means. "

When Wang Xiaoxiao heard Zhou Yu's words, he said excitedly: "This is really great, Mr. Zhou's project has made a breakthrough, so I can rest assured.

I am now organizing scientists to study longevity optical technology. Now we can finally use longevity optical technology with confidence and boldness, and no longer worry about consuming all unknown substances at a certain moment. "

Zhou Yu soon came to his own laboratory, where the experimental equipment for producing longevity light has now been rearranged.

Zhou Yu, through long-term experimental exploration, has uncovered the final answer to what is the material of alien civilization.

The matter of extraterrestrial civilizations is a kind of artificially manufactured elementary particles whose properties are close to energy.

It can also be seen as a mass of energy.

Now Zhou Yu has synthesized this kind of elementary particle through technical means.

Zhou Yu named it Xiao Zi to commemorate Wang Xiaoxiao's contribution to the invention of longevity light.

Spark Technology has a complete reward and punishment mechanism. For Wang Xiaoxiao, he is not short of money now, and benefits do not work for him.

But as a scientist, reputation is very important to him, let alone a reputation that will be recorded in history.

Now they have produced one microgram of Xiao Particles through technical means. Although it is such a small number of Xiao Particles, it costs as much as 800 billion.

Zhou Yu tried many methods before he found the natural elementary particles in the universe, and after technical processing, they were transformed into Xiao particles.

He told the other scientists of the project: "Now start the experiment of producing long-lived light, we will take the opportunity to find out what is this unknown substance?"

The scientists heard Zhou Yu's order, and they started to get busy. After the detection equipment was arranged, they began to repeat the manufacturing process of longevity light.

One of the golden equipment is the most eye-catching. It is the most advanced detector of Xinghuo Technology, the Space Fluctuation Detector.

Spatial fluctuation detectors can perceive subtle changes in space.

Even if a photon passes through space, the space fluctuation detector can detect the traveling track of this photon.

He can also infer the basic properties of the photon based on the fluctuations caused by the photon breaking through the space.

The most powerful part of the spatial fluctuation detector is that it spans the macro and micro.

In the macroscopic world, a spaceship laboratory flies over, and the space fluctuation detector can detect the trajectory of the spaceship and analyze the basic information of the spaceship.

It is precisely because of the powerful effect of the space fluctuation detector that every spacecraft flagship of Xinghuo Technology is equipped with a space fluctuation detector.

In the microcosm, even if an elementary particle is spinning, the spatial fluctuation detector can accurately capture it.

The layout method of the macroscopic space fluctuation detector is relatively simple, and it can be used only with a quantum computer.

The layout of the microscopic space fluctuation detector is extremely complicated, and it needs to be equipped with a huge quantum computer server to exert its due effect.

The microscopic spatial fluctuation detector needs to detect the surrounding microscopic particle fluctuations, which requires an extremely large amount of calculation to calculate this data.

Without quantum computers, ordinary computers simply cannot complete such huge computing tasks.

A bacterium that cannot be seen by human eyes is indeed composed of immeasurable atoms, and the microscopic particles that make up atoms are also an astronomical number.

If the microscopic spatial fluctuation detector wants to detect the target, it also needs to use the elimination method to eliminate common interference items.

All of this requires enormous computing power to achieve.

The microscopic space fluctuation detector is the highest technological crystallization of Xinghuo Technology.

The manufacturing cost of each macroscopic spatial fluctuation detector is as high as hundreds of millions of yuan.

The manufacturing cost of microscopic spatial fluctuation detectors is as high as tens of billions of dollars.

The manufacturing cost of the spatial fluctuation detector is high. One is that the processing difficulty is too high, and the success rate of manufacturing is too low, resulting in high cost.

The most critical point is that the material used to make the spatial fluctuation detector is very expensive, and it is a common metal.

The core material for making space fluctuation detectors is highly compressed gold.

Compress 100 tons of gold into a cubic centimeter, about the size of the top knuckle of a human thumb.

This highly compressed gold becomes the most core component of the spatial fluctuation detector after being refined.

Gold is a very strange material, and its potential is far from being discovered.

Gold reserves are very rare throughout the universe.

Most of the matter in the universe is formed through the evolution of stars, and the main way is that stars undergo thermonuclear reactions.

Elements before iron undergo thermonuclear reactions to release energy, and most stars can undergo such thermonuclear reactions.

Elements after iron need to absorb energy for thermonuclear reactions.

Only massive stars can produce elements after iron, and the order of gold is even lower, and the stars required to produce gold are more massive.

(End of this chapter)

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