Chapter 380

In 2028, on November 11, the sky over the Bohai Sea was calm and calm.

Bohai Aerospace Port welcomes the spaceship of the Sky Police Force. It stopped at the space port. The Sky Police carried out a group of blond-haired and blue-eyed Europeans and Americans from the spaceship at a unit price. They were in a deep coma.

These people are the Kevin Te team that was attacked by the Star Thief.

CCTV News reported in an official tone: "The Sky Police Force's attack on the moon star bandit group rescued a group of American expeditions.

Their space shuttle was plundered by the star thieves, and their wealth was also plundered by the star thieves.

They were directly abandoned on the moon by the Star Thief Group, and were found and rescued by the passing space shuttle.

They have now been rescued and returned to China by the Lunar Sky Police Force.

They were attacked by star thieves and have yet to regain consciousness.Relevant departments are sending assistance applications to other countries to verify their identities. "

The news immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Chinese netizen [Bai Ma Fei Ma]: "It's really strange, how could there be Europeans and Americans flying space shuttles on the moon.

Domestic laws and regulations are very strict, space shuttles must be used by special companies, and relevant departments will inspect the space shuttles of various companies from time to time.

Of course, there are people who are greedy for profit at any time, and there will definitely be people who smuggle the space shuttle overhead.

These people should have used the lost space shuttle to go to the moon. "

Huaxia Netizen: [Black and White Bear]: "He's enemy, my hero.

These foreigners should be expelled to prevent them from touching our moon.

This practice of the Star Thieves really vents our anger, and they should focus on cracking down on these smugglers. "

Chinese netizen [Jiantian Lianye]: "I know these people, he is the American smuggling tycoon Kevin.

People like Kevin Te smuggled space shuttles. This is an illegal and criminal act.

The United States often uses domestic terms to deal with legitimate companies in other countries through long-arm jurisdiction.

It's an extremely outrageous tactic if we get hit.

Once we also use this method, it is a very good method and can be effective against competitors.

Kevin and the others bought smuggled space shuttles, we can directly sentence them.

Directly killing chickens and scaring monkeys to curb this bad trend, as long as we suppress them for two or three years, our country will be able to establish a comprehensive advantage, and we will no longer be afraid of competition from other countries. "

Chinese netizen [Neptune Star]: "I don't believe that this expedition entered the moon by accident, there must be a meticulous organization behind it.

This organization wants to test us. If the country does not deal with it heavily, such things will definitely emerge in endlessly.

Now this incident has become a benchmark incident. If it is not handled properly, it will harm the millennium. I hope the country can handle this matter well through sufficiently flexible means. "

The news of Kevin's team returned to the United States, causing an uproar in the United States.

U.S. News Online: "The Star Thieves, bah, this is the Chinese thief shouting to catch the thief. If our guess is correct, the so-called Star Thieves are the Chinese militia or the paramilitary forces controlled by China.

In the Age of Discovery, the navies of various countries acted as pirates and robbed merchant ships of other countries. This was a semi-public act.

Huaxia's doing this is completely trying to cover up the obvious. Any smart person can clearly understand this kind of obvious thing. "

Wall Street Journal: "China's wolf ambitions can be seen by anyone. They just want to prevent other countries in the world from obtaining resources on the moon.

Huaxia received the input of lunar resources, their economy flourished, and their national strength gradually became stronger.

Now the earth's resources have been gradually scarce, and it is impossible to maintain the consumption of superpowers.

Huaxia doesn't have to do anything, just block our access to space.

It is because our country cannot continue to develop that society has fallen into involution.

We are a federal country. If the country's development stagnates, social conflicts will accumulate to the limit in a short period of time.

The whole country will inevitably be divided, and we will all be sinners of the country. "

U.S. Science and Technology Daily: "China has established a permanent military base on the moon, and its strategic deterrence capability against us is already very strong, and we will go all out now.

All consortiums should abandon prejudices, use the government as a bond, and unite all forces to complete scientific and technological breakthroughs together.

In the Roosevelt era, we won World War II by virtue of our powerful state-owned enterprises and unified scientific research scheduling capabilities.

Under the technological environment at that time, even atomic bombs with extremely high technological content could be created originally.

As long as this system is restored and some advanced instruments and equipment are imitated, it will be a piece of cake.

A few years ago, the country also planned to unify the scattered scientific research forces, but these scientific research forces are in the hands of major companies.

Even when the country is extremely passive, these companies are still fighting internally, causing our country's technology to continue to fall behind.

It's not that our scientists are not strong enough, it's that the current system cannot fully utilize their talents. "

According to the Kevent incident, the American consortium is also fanning the flames behind their backs.

The consortia need to understand Huaxia's attitude and let them decide whether to cooperate with Huaxia or the US government.

Capital has no national boundaries, so don't talk about patriotism with capital, as long as it can bring benefits to capital, capital can even cooperate with enemies.

Everyone in the world is waiting for the actions of the Chinese government. The Kevent incident has risen to a political incident, and it is no longer an ordinary incident.

The actions of the Chinese government directly affect China's attitude towards other countries in the process of space development.

Huaxia also learned about the strange situation in the world, and they were also very cautious about the Kevent incident.

The decision-makers in China have already decided that this time they want to kill chickens and scare monkeys, and cut off all the hands that reach out to the moon.

Huaxia already regards the moon as its own back garden. It is the closest planet to the earth and the best planet to develop.

Huaxia's space technology was the first to make a breakthrough. This is a once-in-a-thousand-year development opportunity. Of course, we must take advantage of the opportunity of technological leadership to firmly control the moon.

If such a good opportunity is not grasped well, then the matter that will last forever will be ruined for thousands of years.

The Public Security Bureau of Bohai Aerospace Port issued an announcement: "Received clues from the Pengcheng police, they uncovered a major smuggling group headed by Chen Jing, and the amount of smuggled goods was as high as 865 billion yuan.

According to Chen Jing's initiative, his upline is American Kevin Te.

We have criminally detained Kevin and his accomplices and are now conducting a full investigation into the case. "

After Huaxia announced this information, Huaxia netizens shouted words like "6666" and "I am relieved to see the country is so rogue".

Public opinion all over the world was shocked. They didn't expect Huaxia to be so strong, and it wanted to dominate the rhythm of the moon.

The moon belongs to all mankind, how can Huaxia do this?How dare Huaxia do this?

They calmed down and found that Huaxia could really do this, and they had nothing to prevent Huaxia from dominating the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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