Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 347 Miniaturization of Controlled Fusion Reactor

Chapter 347 Miniaturization of Controlled Fusion Reactor

Zhou Yu asked Xianghua to turn on the quantum simulation function of the quantum server.

He began to prepare to turn his inspiration into technology.

Based on the technical background of Spark Technology, Zhou Yu thought of providing portable energy without energy storage.

Instead, it provides portable energy by shrinking the power generation device.

The power generation device that is clean and can provide huge energy is of course a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

As long as the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is miniaturized, it is an energy storage method that is far superior to particle batteries, and even more efficient than the energy blocks proposed in science fiction movies.

Particle batteries store the electricity generated by the power station and provide it to electrical equipment for consumption.

Now Zhou Yu is going to do it in one step, directly reducing the intermediate links, so that the controllable nuclear fusion reactor can directly provide energy for electrical equipment.

If the controllable nuclear fusion reactor wants to be miniaturized, there are too many technical difficulties that need to be overcome.

Controllable nuclear fusion reactors need to maintain a high temperature of up to 5000 million degrees Celsius if they want to continue to carry out thermonuclear reactions.

In larger places, the thermonuclear reaction process of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is controllable.

Once reduced to a place as large as a 100 square meter house, or even smaller areas.

By what means to control the thermonuclear reaction process, this is an extremely complicated difficulty.

An uncontrollable thermonuclear reaction is a powerful hydrogen bomb.

After the volume of the controlled nuclear fusion reactor is reduced, both the heat insulation material and the heat conduction material need to be replaced, and the existing materials can no longer fulfill their tasks.

The thermoelectric generator needs to be completely remodeled, and the current thermoelectric generator can no longer meet the demand for miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

This almost overthrows the original controllable fusion reactor, and redesigns a new controllable fusion reactor based on the principle of the controllable fusion reactor.

Zhou Yu is now going to find new materials to build a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

He has a lot of confidence in himself, Zhou Yu is a man with golden fingers.

The technology tree in mind did not generate the fusion reactor technology when the controllable fusion reactor design was completed.

This situation has happened many times, and Zhou Yu has summed up his experience.

That is, this technology has not yet been introduced. It is just a breakthrough in a certain aspect and can barely be used, but it has not been recognized by the technology tree.

Regarding the technology tree, Zhou Yu is very cautious in using it now. Except for the key technologies that the scientists of Spark Science and Technology cannot complete, he will not use the technology tree to develop ordinary technologies.

Zhou Yu is now only announcing some advanced theoretical knowledge at the Academy of Science and Technology, and putting forward some achievable conjectures.

In the early stage of the development of Spark Technology, the technology on the technology tree can be used to replace the research and development technology of scientists.

Now that the technical level of Xinghuo Technology is already very high, it should not encourage the growth of seedlings and stifle the creativity of scientists.

Zhou Yu is only responsible for providing inspiration, and scientists turn inspiration into technology.

Technologies such as the miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion reactors must be developed by the technology tree, and now the scientists of Xinghuo Technology have no ability to develop them.

Zhou Yu and the artificial intelligence Xianghua worked together to continuously replace the original materials of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor with new materials.

He experimented with all the materials that Xinghuo Technology had developed, and found no material that met his requirements.

Zhou Yu was not surprised by this situation. The technical difficulties of small-scale controllable nuclear fusion reactors are too high.

Its harsh requirements for materials have exceeded the understanding of scientists on earth.

Zhou Yu builds virtual materials on quantum computers, and uses virtual materials to simulate small controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

If this simulation plan is successful, the technology tree will give him some feedback, allowing Zhou Yu to judge whether this technology is feasible.

The quantum computer began to simulate a controllable nuclear fusion reactor based on the virtual materials set by Zhou Yu and quickly based on the performance of these virtual materials.

The clock is ticking, the quantum computer is running at high speed, and tens of thousands of simulations have been performed.

Zhou Yu needs to read every plan in detail, trying to cause fluctuations in the technology tree in his mind.

In a blink of an eye, more than two months have passed, and the miniaturization of the controllable nuclear fusion project has still not progressed.

Lu Jinming has completed the preparations for the lunar advance base and is waiting for Zhou Yu's order whether to start construction of the lunar advance base.

Li Qihua has also completed the ground test of the gravity engine.

The gravitational engine is directly powered by a controllable fusion power plant, and the gravitational force it generates is very strong.Basically meet the design requirements.

In the office, Zhou Yu read again the miniaturization scheme of controllable nuclear fusion simulated by quantum computer.

He knows that there is no rush now, and scientific research cannot achieve breakthroughs in a hurry.

It is necessary to accumulate bit by bit, sum up the experience of failed projects, and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

When Zhou Yu was reading this plan, he felt golden raindrops falling in his mind.

The technology tree trembled, and new technologies were generated.

Zhou Yu looked at the newly generated controllable fusion reactor technology.

After he briefly read the technology, his heart was full of excitement.

This controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology is no longer a very large technology. It can freely adjust the size of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor according to the power generation.

The largest controllable nuclear fusion reactor can be built as big as Mount Tai, and the smallest controllable nuclear fusion reactor can be built as the size of a palm.

After the miniaturization of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, its safety performance has been further improved. Even if the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is hit violently, it will not cause catastrophic consequences.

This controllable nuclear fusion reactor perfectly meets the needs of Xinghuo Technology's various projects for energy supply.

Zhou Yu immediately held a technical seminar at the Spark Science and Technology Research Institute.

The top scientists of Xinghuo Technology gathered together to study the miniaturization technology of controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

Zhou Yu provided technical information to various scientists.

"This is the miniaturization technology of controllable nuclear fusion reactor derived by me through quantum computer.

The technical principle of this project is perfect, as long as we overcome the difficult problems of materials and processing technology, it will definitely become a reality.

Particle battery technology has been unable to meet our demand for a huge energy supply.

We can and can only miniaturize nuclear fusion reactors and move them to places that require huge energy.

I believe in your strength, and we must also complete this technology. "

Scientists of Xinghuo Technology put their main energy into the miniaturization project of controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

Zhou Yu watched the scientists receive tasks in their respective fields and return to the laboratory for research and development.

He knows that some levels of this project are extremely difficult, and it cannot be completed in a short time.

Even with the most optimistic estimate, the miniaturization project of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor will take about 10 months to complete.

Once certain difficulties cannot be overcome for a long time, and the project cannot be completed in three to five years, that is a normal phenomenon.

But it is a very important project, after the breakthrough in the miniaturization project of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

Xinghuo Technology is like a wild horse that has broken free from the rein, and will no longer be bound by energy supply problems.

 Thanks to "Indomitable Male Paper Khan" for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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