Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 341 Industrial Upgrade

Chapter 341 Industrial Upgrade
It has been more than a month since the controllable nuclear fusion power station was officially connected to the grid for power generation.

Zhou Yu inquired about the impact on society after the controllable nuclear fusion power plant was put into use in the office.

When he asked Xianghua to search for information, he thought of the emergency that State Grid encountered that day.

Theory can predict what happens in a controlled fusion reactor, but it cannot predict what happens unexpectedly.

The reason for this accident is that the technology of controllable nuclear fusion is not yet mature, and the current technology can only restrict the occurrence of controllable nuclear fusion in a certain place.

It is impossible to control all the information of the thermonuclear reaction, only to ensure that the total output power of the controllable nuclear reactor is roughly the same within a certain period of time.

It is precisely for this reason that the power of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor will increase instantaneously at certain moments.

Xinghuo Technology learned about the characteristics of controllable nuclear fusion reactors, so they arranged multiple back-ups to prevent the sudden generation of huge electric energy from destroying the national grid due to unexpected situations.

When the power of the nuclear fusion power station increased instantaneously, Xinghuo Technology engineers had a premonition that something was wrong.

They immediately cut off the connection between the geothermal power station and the national grid directly and remotely according to the plan.

This would cause fatal damage to the thermoelectric generator of the geothermal power station, but the situation at that time could not be left to Xinghuo Technology to think about.

The geothermal power station is damaged, but there is still a nuclear fusion power station to make up for the energy gap.

If the state grid transformer and other related facilities are destroyed, even if the state grid has a backup network, most parts of China will have power outages for at least three or four days.

This can have a fatal impact on the entire national economy and industry.

In particular, power outages in special departments such as hospitals can cause unimaginable consequences.

Zhou Yu is confident, he knows that even in the most urgent moment, the huge power generated by the nuclear fusion power station will never destroy the national grid.

There is a special gravitational device in the backyard of the nuclear fusion power station. After absorbing a huge amount of electric energy, it can guide the earth's gravitational waves to change.

The target of gravitational waves is the moon, the natural satellite of the earth, and it will accelerate the moon.

For tens of thousands of years, the moon's speed around the earth has been weakening, but the magnitude of the weakening is very small.

Even if it runs for 100 years, the change in speed is not obvious.

But the lifespan between celestial bodies is extremely long. Sooner or later, the moon will approach the earth and be attracted by the earth's gravity.

The moon hits the earth at a very high speed, and the entire earth will be directly smashed by the moon and turned into cosmic dust.

This is the greatest foreseeable threat to Earth before the Sun becomes a red giant.

The gravitational equipment of Xinghuo Technology can accelerate the moon through gravitational technology.

Even using the full power of a nuclear fusion power plant, the acceleration of the moon is negligible.

The purpose of running this device is not to accelerate the moon, but to consume the energy continuously produced by the nuclear reactor.

Prevent nuclear reactors from causing huge explosions due to energy accumulation.

Xianghua's projection appeared in front of Zhou Yu, and she said with a smile: "Master, I have searched which industries will be promoted to upgrade after the nuclear fusion power station appears."

Zhou Yu is waiting for Xianghua's demonstration. He also wants to see what impact the nuclear fusion power station will have on society after only one month of development.

He knew that in such a short period of time, it is impossible for emerging industries to mature.

The huge energy produced by nuclear fusion can only promote the industrial upgrading of old industries.

Xianghua showed what she had searched and explained it to Zhou Yu at the same time.

The video shows a metal smelter that no longer uses electric furnaces for metal smelting.

Instead, connect carbon rods and conductive rods composed of some special materials to many solutions with multiple colors.

"The energy supply is sufficient, and metal smelting plants no longer use electric furnaces for smelting.

They use electrochemical methods to smelt metals and carry out metal smelting by electrochemical means.

This method can increase the purity of the metal to 99.999999%.

This is already a very pure metal, and this high-purity metal has many industrial uses.

It has been monopolized by high-end factories before because these factories have power-saving technologies.

They can use less electricity to process metals with higher purity.

But the theoretical basis of electrochemistry is simple, as long as there is enough electric energy, it can smelt more metals.

Now that the energy supply is abundant, these factories are not afraid of energy consumption at all. "

Zhou Yu heard Xianghua's explanation. He knew that the industrial upgrading of electrochemistry benefited from the reduction of electricity prices and did not have too high technical content at all.

The biggest performance of the nuclear fusion power station connected to the grid is to make the cost of electricity plummet.

After the nuclear fusion power station was connected to the grid for power generation, the National Development and Reform Commission began to change the electricity price for residential electricity and industrial electricity across the country.

Residential electricity consumption adopts a ladder system, and the annual electricity consumption is less than 5000 kWh, and the price per kWh is one cent.

The price of industrial electricity is unified, and the price per kilowatt-hour is [-] cents.

Whether it is an ordinary factory or a high-energy-consuming enterprise, their electricity price is the same price.

This is a substantial discount in the past, directly reducing the energy costs of enterprises by more than 8%.

The sharp drop in official electricity prices can promote the installation of energy-intensive equipment in smelting plants.

Only by using such energy-intensive equipment to produce high-purity metals can they be profitable.

Xianghua continued to introduce the upgrading plans of other industries.

"Master, after the nuclear fusion power station is connected to the grid for power generation, the industry that has changed the most is the agricultural industry.

The level of agricultural industrialization in our country was very low in the past. This is due to historical reasons, which caused most of the land to be divided into small pieces.

Now with the development of technology, industrialized agriculture is beginning to emerge. "

Xianghua showcases a standard factory for industrial agriculture.

The factory grows rice, corn, potatoes, cotton and other agricultural and cash crops.

It uses hydroponics to cultivate these plants by adjusting the nutrients of the culture solution and the temperature and humidity of the cultivation room.

It can make plants grow better. Industrial agriculture does not use sunlight.

The use of sunlight is the traditional greenhouse planting industry.

They used an artificial light source, a modulated artificial light source that emits red and blue-violet light that plants like.

It allows chloroplasts to quickly absorb the energy contained in these lights.

The reason why the rice, jujube and other crops produced in the Northeast and Northwest are more delicious than those in other places.

It is in these places that only one season of crops can be grown, and the crops have sufficient sunshine, can accumulate more nutrients, and their taste is better.

Industrialized agriculture uses modern means to allow plants to irradiate with sufficient light sources and directly artificially control the growth cycle of plants.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu said with emotion: "Agriculture can be upgraded to industrialization, which is the effect of cheap energy.

With these industrialized agriculture, they produce a huge amount of produce.With sufficient food, society will be more stable. "

(End of this chapter)

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