Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 335 Building a Nuclear Fusion Power Station

Chapter 335 Building a Nuclear Fusion Power Station
Zhou Yu finished observing the 3D model of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

The doubts in his heart deepened, and he looked at Ma Shan and asked: "I observed the controllable nuclear fusion reactor and found that there are many hidden safety hazards in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

For example, a force field is used at both ends of a hollow tube of a high-temperature-resistant extreme material to block nuclear materials, which consumes a huge amount of energy.

Once the external energy supply is interrupted, it will inevitably lead to the inability to effectively control the thermonuclear reaction process.

Controlled nuclear fusion uses polysilicon styrene as a thermally conductive material for heat exchange.

Once there is a problem with the thermoelectric generator, the temperature of the polysilicon styrene gas will increase, the Brownian motion between atoms will intensify, the molecules cannot be effectively connected, and the entire molecule will be split directly.

It will lose its rapid heat conduction ability, and the core heat of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor will accumulate rapidly, which may detonate the entire nuclear reactor. "

Ma Shan heard Zhou Yu raise questions about the safety performance of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

He replied confidently: "Mr. Zhou, we have already resolved all these security details.

It is because we need to solve many safety hazards that it takes so long to design a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

The safety performance of controlled fusion reactors is excellent, and we can be sure of thousands of possible nuclear power plant accidents. "

While engineer Ma Shan was speaking, he showed Zhou Yu how the controllable fusion reactor should avoid emergency in case of an emergency.

Not only the two safety hazards raised by Zhou Yu, nuclear fusion power stations can easily solve them.There are still many safety hazards, all of which have found ways to solve them.

Most of the solutions are at any cost, and would rather destroy the nuclear reactor than allow the nuclear reactor to have a major accident.

For example, 10 tons of water are stored above the nuclear fusion power station, and the water tank is completely mechanical. When an accident occurs in the nuclear reactor, the intelligent robot can quickly open the valve of the water tank.

A huge amount of water begins to cool the nuclear reactor, and the temperature difference of tens of millions of degrees will directly damage the core structure of the nuclear reactor.

But this method can quickly cool the nuclear reactor and prevent it from major accidents.

"As for the safety issue, you have dealt with it very well. It seems that I was worried for nothing. The nuclear fusion power station can start construction. What's your opinion?"

Zhou Yu asked them about the construction plan of the nuclear fusion power station.

Zhong Haiyang responded: "Mr. Zhou, the design work of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor has been completed, and its supporting projects have also been designed, and together they form an advanced nuclear fusion power station.

Controlled fusion reactors do not require large amounts of cooling water, nor do they produce radiation during operation.

In this way, he does not need to be built on the seaside or in places with abundant water sources.

Nuclear fusion power stations can be built in the relatively arid regions of central and western my country.

Nuclear fusion reactors are not afraid of water shortages, but they are very afraid of earthquakes.

During a thermonuclear reaction, if there is a violent vibration, it may cause the entire nuclear reactor to be scrapped.

Fusion power plants are best built in geologically stable areas. "

Xu Rui made a suggestion: "We were completely unfamiliar with controllable nuclear fusion reactors at first, and we can build a slightly smaller nuclear fusion power plant to verify our technology."

Engineer Ma Shan echoed: "This is indeed the case. We have already figured out the theoretical issues of controllable nuclear fusion reactors. The supporting equipment such as thermoelectric generators are also very mature.

However, in the specific construction process of nuclear fusion power plants, some thorny problems may be encountered.

During the operation of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, some problems may also occur.All this requires us to accumulate enough experience. "

Zhou Yu discussed with the experts the specific details of building a nuclear fusion power plant.

Finally, it was decided to invest 8000 billion yuan to build a nuclear fusion power station composed of small controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

The construction of nuclear fusion power stations requires the cooperation of the state.

Xinghuo Technology is in contact with relevant state departments to jointly discuss the construction plan of the nuclear fusion power station.

Zhou Yu greeted the national representative Jiang Zhongyun in his office.

Jiang Zhongyun said excitedly: "Mr. Zhou, I really didn't expect that your Xinghuo Technology could break through the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Relevant national scientific research institutions have been investing in controllable nuclear fusion technology, but now they only control the thermonuclear reaction time within 5 minutes. "

Zhou Yu showed a smile on his face, and said modestly: "Our research and development direction is just different from other scientific research units.

Unexpectedly, this direction turned out to be the right direction, allowing our Xinghuo Technology to break through the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Now the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is only a breakthrough in theory, and it is still necessary to build a controllable nuclear fusion reactor in reality to verify whether the theory can be realized. "

Of course Jiang Zhongyun knew that Zhou Yu was being modest, after the country learned about the technology of controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

Immediately organize relevant expert groups of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to discuss the technology of Xinghuo Technology.

Authoritative experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have given a definite conclusion that Xinghuo Technology's controllable nuclear fusion reactor has a high success rate.

Its success rate far exceeds the controllable nuclear fusion technology currently developed by Huaxia.

Jiang Zhongyun immediately assured: "Mr. Zhou, the country will fully support Xinghuo Technology and cooperate with you in building a nuclear fusion power station.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology is too important. If this technology can really succeed, then our country will no longer worry about energy.

Energy can be converted into food through modern agriculture, and energy can be converted into huge industrial products.Modern society is inseparable from energy. "

Xinghuo Science and Technology conducted several rounds of consultations with relevant state departments, and finally decided to build a nuclear fusion power station in the central area of ​​southern Henan Province.

The geological conditions here are relatively stable, far away from the main earthquake zone in China.

It is located in the central part of China, through China's already well-established power transmission network.

The electric energy generated by the nuclear fusion power station can be continuously delivered to any region of the country.

Xinghuo Technology Mashan engineers led the team to personally guide the construction site.

CSCEC will undertake the construction of the nuclear fusion power station.

The controllable nuclear fusion reactor construction project strives for perfection in every construction detail.

The controllable nuclear fusion reactor is built completely according to the design drawings, and no error of one millimeter is allowed.

The requirements for other facilities of the nuclear fusion power station are not so strict, but they must closely cooperate with the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, which has high requirements for the entire project.

Mashan engineers continued to communicate with the construction party, and they worked together to solve the problems encountered in the construction of the nuclear fusion power plant.

A small-scale nuclear fusion power plant has turned from a blueprint to a physical project.

Although it is a small-scale nuclear fusion power plant, its power generation capacity is greater than that of the world's largest fission technology nuclear power plant.

Zhou Yu has been paying attention to the construction of the nuclear fusion power station.

Many difficulties were encountered during the construction of the nuclear fusion power station, but they were all resolved one by one, and it is estimated that it will be put into use soon.

Xinghuo Technology now has to solve an important problem, which is the raw materials needed for controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

The reserves of helium-3 on the earth are very low, and the cost of extracting helium-3 on the earth is higher than that of extracting helium-3 from the moon.

This is because the space shuttle of Xinghuo Technology can reach the moon at a relatively low cost.

Xinghuo Technology is preparing a lunar mining plan.

(End of this chapter)

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