Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 31 Chip Supply Cutoff

Chapter 31 Chip Supply Cutoff
4 month 19 day.

As soon as Zhou Yu got out of the car, he was blocked by a wall of reporters.

He thought it was some star who came to Tenglong Building. It turned out that these reporters were here to interview him.

If Xinghuo Technology’s products were famous, Zhou Yu would be very happy if so many reporters came to interview him, but because he was scapegoated by the United States, the feeling would not be so complicated.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you think about the judgment of the New York court?"

"President Zhou, did your company really spend money to bribe CNN and The New York Times?"

"Mr. Zhou, please talk about your thoughts on the US's slander and ban on Xinghuo Technology."

The reporters immediately flocked to Zhou Yu, holding microphones and asking them questions.

Zhou Yu squeezed hard towards the elevator, and said loudly at the same time: "For your questions, our company has already provided answers on the official website."

While he was speaking, a holographic image lit up on his hand, and a video of a little white rabbit taking the blame reappeared.

Taking advantage of the gap between the reporter watching the video, Zhou Yu immediately squeezed into the elevator to get rid of the reporter's interview.

Now is a sensitive time. These reporters are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. No matter what Zhou Yu says now?That will be interpreted repeatedly, it is better to use the dragging formula and wait for the development of the incident.

Zhou Yu visited various departments of the company and found that the trial in the United States had little impact on employees, and they even talked about the trial as a joke.

He directly convened a meeting of department managers to unify the thinking of the company's leadership and prevent the company from falling into chaos because of this matter.

After Zhou Yu saw that everyone was here, he joked: "Everyone knows that we were punished by the New York court. I was directly sentenced to 555 years, and you were also sentenced to be banned from entering the United States. Fortunately, you have no assets in the United States, otherwise will be confiscated."

When everyone heard what Zhou Yu said, they couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Yu said with a serious expression: "If you want to immigrate to the United States in the future, I advise you to leave your job as soon as possible, otherwise your visa will be affected."

He was relieved to see that none of the executives wanted to leave because of immigration issues.

Jiang Weiwei, manager of the human resources department, also joked: "This may be a good thing. People who want to join our company in the future will definitely not consider immigrating to the United States.

This can reduce our cost of training talents, save us from spending several years training talents, and go to the United States to work as soon as the contract expires. "

"Our company's sanction by the United States will definitely cause a series of chain reactions. The company may be in turmoil in the future. Please work together to overcome this difficulty."

Zhou Yu knew that the American financial speculative capital represented by the Ford consortium would never let Spark Technology go easily, so he said it in advance to let the company's executives prepare.

Yuan Keqing immediately said: "I was able to become a manager during the internship stage of my senior year. This was completely unimaginable before. Mr. Zhou gave me this opportunity, and I will definitely complete my task conscientiously."

Other executives also followed suit, vowing to tide over the difficulties with the company.

Zhou Yu asked Lin Yun, the sales manager: "How is the sales of the holographic bracelet? Is it affected by this incident?"

Lin Yun replied with a smile: "President, the holographic bracelet has not been exported, and it has been affected to a certain extent, but it is a good influence. The group who bought the holographic bracelet in the past did not care about such things.

The US sanctions caused dissatisfaction among consumers, who supported our company through actions, and the sales of holographic bracelets increased by 15%. "

When Zhou Yu heard the news, he relaxed and said: "Our company is now based in China, as long as we have the support of domestic consumers, we are not afraid of any challenges.

The overseas market is not dominated by the United States. As long as our company continues to provide high-quality services, we will always make breakthroughs in other markets. "

The door of the meeting room was knocked suddenly, and Zhou Yu said to Lu Dayong who was sitting by the door: "Let them in, know that we are in a meeting, there is nothing important, and the employees will not disturb us."

Lu Dayong opened the door of the conference room and saw Liu Wen, the project director of the purchasing department, coming in.

He had a bad premonition and asked, "Old Liu, what happened to the company."

Liu Wen said in a panic: "President Zhou, Manager Lu, something is wrong.

Samsung, MediaTek, and Toshiba all sent us emails, and their companies immediately terminated the supply contracts signed with us. "

"What? All these companies have terminated their contracts with us, so the supply of the SOC and storage chips of the holographic bracelet will be cut off. Without the communication function, it can still be used as a bracelet. Without the storage function, it will really become a waste product.

How could they do this? Is there any spirit of contract? "Lu Dayong said angrily.

As soon as Zhou Yu heard it, he understood that it must be the investment of Wall Street financial speculative capital.

You must know that both South Korea and Japan are deeply controlled by the United States, especially in the economic field. Wall Street controls all the core industries of the two countries.

Spark Technology has been severely sanctioned by the US authorities, and these companies will never offend American capitalists because of Spark Technology's sales.

Zhou Yu told Jiang Fanghai, the manager of the legal department, "Manager Jiang, if you file a lawsuit with them according to the contract you signed, our company should not be less than a penny of compensation."

Jiang Fanghai said to himself: "President, don't worry, contract disputes have been considered when signing the contract. We designated contract disputes to be handled by Yanjing Intermediate People's Court. The case is clear and easy to resolve."

Knowing that these companies should pay compensation, Zhou Yu just vented his sulking. The key issue of chip supply cutoff has not been resolved yet.

He asked Lu Dayong again: "SOC and storage chips, how many do we have left in our company?"

Lu Dayong kept all the information in his heart, and he immediately replied: "According to the current growth trend of the company's holographic bracelets, the SOC inventory is only enough for 20 days, and the storage chip inventory can be used for 24 days."

"It's really a little small." Zhou Yu sighed.

He didn't blame Lu Dayong either. According to the normal supply plan, the supplier would continue to supply these chips, and the company didn't need to stockpile them at all.

Lin Yun from the sales department said anxiously: "President, do we need to restrict the purchase of holographic bracelets? If the corresponding modules cannot be purchased, it will greatly affect our reputation."

"Continue to sell according to the original plan. If this problem can be solved, there is no need to restrict purchases at all. If this problem cannot be solved, purchase restrictions will have no effect." Zhou Yu waved his hands.

Zhang Yunqiang suggested: "Mr. Zhou, we don't need to be too frustrated. There are domestic products for SOC modules, Huawei HiSilicon for high-end ones, and Spreadtrum for low-end ones.

Domestic storage chips have also started mass production one after another, and we can completely replace imports with domestic products. "

Zhou Yu smiled wryly and said: "Of course I know this, but Huawei HiSilicon chips are only for personal use, and Spreadtrum chips are used in low-end [-]-yuan phones.

Domestic storage chips have just been mass-produced, and the output and pass rate are appalling, and the quality cannot match that of foreign products. "

"We have no other choice but to purchase their products. The corresponding modules of the holographic bracelet are ready to reduce the price, and the company has also begun to expand the maintenance department to optimize the return and exchange service for consumers.

The purchase interface should detail the suppliers of these accessories, so as not to mislead consumers.

Consumers can accept defective products, but they cannot accept deception. Word of mouth is the foundation of our development and growth. "Zhou Yu reluctantly accepted this suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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