Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 218 Geothermal Energy

Chapter 218 Geothermal Energy
Zhou Yu learned that the employees were doing well and the heating problem would be resolved soon, so he left the community.

On January 1th, Zhou Yu came to the scientific research center, ready to inspect the projects of the scientific research center, and various scientists established many projects that required high investment.

Some time ago, the scientific research center adjusted the layout of the laboratory for safety.

The previous administrative planning of the scientific research center is no longer feasible. Now scientists are in charge of the research of large-scale projects, and laboratories are divided according to disciplines.

Multiple associated laboratories form a research institute, or a single project forms an independent laboratory.

Each scientific research unit is different according to ability and contribution, and their influence is also different.

Wang Xiaoxiao's Gene Research Institute, Tian Kai's Quantum Computer Research Institute, Feng Yunde's Materials Research Institute, Ma Shangshu's Electromagnetic Research Institute, and Yu Zhenfeng's Particle Research Institute.

These are large-scale scientific research institutions with huge investment and rich research results.

Zhao Zhao's neutrino laboratory, Liu Jing's mechanical laboratory, Lu Qinling's neural interaction laboratory.

These are single but very important scientific research units.

Zhou Yu came to the Materials Research Institute, which looked like a gold-swallowing monster, which was the research institute with the highest investment in Spark Technology.

The theory of science and technology on the earth is very mature, and Zhou Yu's technology tree can integrate theory and technology.

The only thing that limits the growth of Xinghuo Technology is the materials. Many high-tech technologies require special materials to be realized.

Zhou Yu walked into the Materials Research Institute, which consists of many independent laboratories.

Metal materials laboratory, carbon-based polymer materials laboratory, silicon-based polymer materials laboratory, composite materials laboratory and many other laboratories.

Zhou Yu found Feng Yunde in his office and saw him sorting out applications for scientific research projects.

If Zhou Yu evaluates which scientist has grown the fastest after joining Spark Technology, the champion is Feng Yunde.

After more than two years of training from the level of a doctoral student, his knowledge reserve is now comparable to that of an academician.

Zhou Yu half-jokingly said: "Director Feng, the estimated scientific research funding of your Materials Research Institute this year will account for 30% of the overall scientific research funding. The others are very resentful!"

Feng Yunde said proudly: "Mr. Zhou, count carefully the achievements of other projects, which one is not supported by our Materials Research Institute.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Without the support of advanced materials, how can they support them to realize various advanced technologies.

Our Materials Research Institute has received high research funding, but our high funding is obtained by using advanced results as bargaining chips. "

"It's good that you have confidence. I read your reports. It seems that no special materials have been developed during this period of time." Zhou Yu asked.

"Now we are exploring new material synthesis methods, and the development of nanomaterials such as metal crystals has reached the limit.

We have synthesized hundreds of thousands of metal crystals and metal compound crystals, and the laboratory is testing the properties of these materials.

It is hoped that the rules can be summed up, which can be calculated by supercomputers in the future.

For silicon-based polymer materials, only compounds with nine silicon-based atoms can be synthesized, and silicon-based polymer compounds can be produced through polymerization reactions.

We are working on ways to form more stable long-chain silicon-based compounds. "

Feng Yunde briefly introduced the general situation of the Materials Research Institute to Zhou Yu.

He then said confidently: "However, we have also produced many achievements during this period, especially hundreds of special alloys, which directly promote the maturity of processing technology.

There is an alloy so hard that cutting a diamond is as easy as cutting tofu with a knife.

There are two other materials that I am going to report to Mr. Zhou. Their uses are very narrow, but they can be used to develop geothermal energy. "

Zhou Yu asked in surprise: "Director Feng, is this true?

It is very difficult to develop geothermal energy. The two materials you developed can really solve the problem of geothermal energy development. "

Feng Yunde nodded confidently and said: "Our laboratory has verified many times that the melting points of these two materials are as high as 5000 degrees Celsius and 4800 degrees Celsius respectively.

The mantle layer with the most abundant geothermal energy reserves has a temperature of about 3500 degrees Celsius.

The mantle layer is deep in the ground, it is about 2865 kilometers away from the ground, and the high-hardness alloy drill bit can easily drill holes in the rock layer, go deep into the mantle layer, and find a way to export geothermal energy.

One of the material properties allows for the rapid removal of heat from the mantle layer, and the other material properties allow for the rapid conversion of heat into electricity. "

Zhou Yu didn't finish listening to Feng Yunde's introduction of these two materials, but just learned about their melting points and characteristics.

He can be sure that these two materials can really use the geothermal energy that has always existed underground, but no one can use it on a large scale.

Geothermal energy, like wind energy and solar energy, is an inexhaustible energy source of nature. As long as you can find a way to use them, you can definitely get great benefits.

These energies are inexhaustible sources of environmental protection. Unlike fossil energies, they not only pollute the environment, but will be exhausted sooner or later.

As long as the sun is not extinguished, the solar energy will not be exhausted, and as long as there is a temperature difference change on the earth, the wind energy will not be exhausted.

As long as the earth still keeps rotating and orbiting the sun.

The earth's lava is subjected to huge mechanical energy, and they generate heat through friction, which will continue to generate geothermal energy.

The use of geothermal energy by human beings will not cause harm to the earth. On the contrary, it will draw huge energy from the mantle layer, which is more beneficial to the people on the ground.

Otherwise, the energy has been accumulated for a long time, and finally released through the weak part of the earth's crust, forming earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Human beings cannot directly use geothermal energy, but there are countless examples of using geothermal energy in some places due to special geological conditions.

The most common is the hot spring, which is the groundwater is roasted and then flows to the ground.

Zhou Yu believes that the development of geothermal energy is profitable, but he still does not know the efficiency of using geothermal power generation.

But no matter how slow the efficiency is, this is also an inexhaustible source of electricity. As long as the time is extended, the investment will always be recovered.

Another application of geothermal energy, especially in the north, is heating in winter.

If geothermal energy is really developed, this cheap and environmentally friendly heating method is much more economical than boilers, and it can also achieve large-scale heating.

China is densely populated, and heating in the north has always been a big problem.

In the past, coal was used for heating, but during the process of burning coal, it will cause pollution to the environment. Oil and natural gas are less polluting, but their cost is too high.

The country is even preparing to use small nuclear reactors to heat large areas at a lower cost than natural gas.

However, this project has been in the demonstration research and has not entered the practical stage.

The cost of a small nuclear reactor is also very high, and it is too small to use it for heating.

What's more, people are very resistant to being exposed to nuclear weapons, fearing that it will have unknown hazards, such as radiation from water used for heating.

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of human IQ. Not to mention this kind of product that may cause harm, even the base station signal tower that has been proven to be harmless. Many people think that its radiation hazard is very serious.

The radiation from the base station signal tower is not as big as the sun. People believe such rumors.

The country must fully consider the social impact, and invest in nuclear reactors for heating, and must be very cautious.

Geothermal heating is cheap and environmentally friendly, and it will not cause any harm. It is a high-tech heating method more suitable for the north.

 Thanks to "Ye Zi Bo Tao" for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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