Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 170 Controllable, Uncurable

Chapter 170 Controllable, Uncurable

Wang Xiaoxiao handed the brief experimental data to Zhou Yu, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, you can understand what I mean after reading the experimental data."

Zhou Yu immediately checked Wang Xiaoxiao's experimental data.

He saw that the animal experiment was the African green vervet monkey, and the most critical experimental data was the concentration and activity of HIV collected in the previous week.

After a simple summary analysis, you can easily draw conclusions.

HIV is closely related to human herpesvirus-6, and Wang Xiaoxiao has cracked the code for the connection between the two viruses.

Through the comparative experiment of pheromone and interferon, it is studied how the pheromone released by human herpesvirus-6 virus binds to HIV, and how the interferon released by human herpesvirus-6 virus interferes with the immune system.

After Wang Xiaoxiao learned about these biological codes, he artificially synthesized the inducer to drive the human immune system to actively kill the AIDS virus.

This is like turning on the radar on the immune system side in a foggy battlefield, allowing them to pinpoint the HIV virus.

Through animal experiments, it has been proved that elicitor can definitely guide the immune system to trap and kill most HIV viruses.

After Zhou Yu read Wang Xiaoxiao's experimental data, he was quite surprised and said: "Director Wang, I didn't expect you to be able to do this and find the biological code of HIV.

Since elicitor can guide the immune system to attack HIV, why do you deny that it can cure AIDS. "

Seeing that Zhou Yu had already understood his experimental data, Wang Xiaoxiao didn't need to explain the experimental data to Zhou Yu anymore.

He directly stated the specific reason, saying: "Mr. Zhou, we have not developed a drug that locates and kills the HIV virus, we only target the HIV virus and induce the human immune system to kill the HIV virus.

But HIV is a very cunning virus, which has been observed in our laboratory for a long time.

The AIDS virus parasitizes in lymphatic T cells, and they don't all start the value-added program immediately.

A very small part of HIV hibernates in lymphoid T cells in immune glands such as the thymus and lymph nodes, and at the same time makes the lymphatic T cells useless.

The dormant HIV cannot receive the biological signal sent by the human herpes virus-6 virus. Our inducer uses the biological signal related pathway of the human herpes virus-6 virus, so it cannot be delivered to the lymphatic T where the HIV parasitizes. inside the cell. "

Zhou Yu listened carefully to Wang Xiaoxiao's words, and he realized that he was blindly optimistic. HIV, a disease that has plagued mankind for decades, could not be so easily solved.

"Director Wang, what is the effect of the inducer you are studying? Since you can stop the experiment, you should have reached the goal set by the experiment." Zhou Yu asked expectantly.

At the beginning of the establishment of the HIV project, the biggest goal was to completely cure AIDS, but no one regarded this goal as a real goal, but only regarded it as an ideal.

The initial goal of the laboratory is to find an AIDS drug that has few side effects, low viral resistance, and can be used for a long time.

Wang Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "We have spent 38 billion yuan on research for such a long time. If there is no result, we will be sorry for ourselves."

He reported to Zhou Yu in detail how inducer controls AIDS.

Inducer guides the human immune system and can kill HIV in the blood and most body fluids of the human body. Only a small amount of HIV remains in the lymph fluid, which exists in the glands such as the thymus and lymph nodes, rather than in the densely distributed lymphatic vessels around the body .

Inducin is a polypeptide that can exist in body fluids for up to a year.

As long as the AIDS patient does not die, after using the inducer, the remaining immune system of the human body can respond quickly, and gradually kill most of the AIDS virus in the body, allowing people to gradually return to normal.

After HIV carriers use the inducer, there will be no HIV in the blood and other body fluids, so they will not be transmitted through the common channels of AIDS transmission such as blood, sex, and mother to child.

This is equivalent to cutting off the transmission route of AIDS, and it has changed from a high-risk infectious disease to a disease of the patient itself.

Its social harm is greatly reduced. If it is properly controlled, just like rabies has been eliminated in some countries, AIDS can also be eliminated in some areas.

To sum up what Wang Xiaoxiao meant, AIDS can be controlled, but not cured.

Zhou Yu laughed twice, stood up and patted Wang Xiaoxiao on the shoulder, and said happily: "Director Wang, you are doing a great job, as long as you persevere in promoting elicitor, we will eradicate AIDS virus sooner or later.

This technology has been developed to such an extent that it can be officially completed. How about the production of inducer?Is it expensive? "

"Mr. Zhou, the production cost per kilogram of inducer is about 1 million yuan, and the production speed is very slow. Our laboratory can only produce about one gram per day.

If a pharmaceutical factory is built for industrial production, its output should be greatly increased.

This project can only be said to be half successful. We still don't know what chain reaction the elicitor will have when injected into the human body.

If its side effects are very serious, then this drug is not as effective as we thought.

We also don't know whether inducin can achieve the effect shown in African green vervet monkeys in humans.

To know these data, we must conduct human experiments.

In order to carry out human experiments, it is necessary to apply to relevant departments such as the Health and Medical Commission. Our animal experiment process must be exposed, and the composition of elicitor polymorphisms also needs to be disclosed.

Mr. Zhou, if we want to hold this technology for a long time, we can select certain countries to conduct human experiments, such as India, where there are very big loopholes in the audit of pharmaceutical companies.

International mainstream pharmaceutical companies have laboratories in India for the convenience of conducting human experiments in a confidential and convenient manner. "

After Wang Xiaoxiao answered Zhou Yu's question, he also asked his own question.

Zhou Yu laughed lightly and said: "We at Spark Technology have no shortage of money, of course, no one will be too short of money earned by skills.

But I can't make money without conscience. Besides, the original intention of setting up the AIDS project is to completely cure AIDS, not to make money.

Otherwise, why should I choose AIDS, which is a difficult nut to crack? Drugs such as broad-spectrum antibiotics are not easier to develop than AIDS drugs, and the application market is also huge.

You just leave the matter to Huang Ke. After the patents related to inducer come down, ask him to apply for human experiments according to the normal process. "

When Wang Xiaoxiao heard Zhou Yu's words, he was in awe. In the past few years, he was in exile and met many black-hearted capitalists. Capitalists like Zhou Yu are really rare.

Some well-known pharmaceutical companies in the world obviously have medicines with better curative effects, but they choose medicines with less curative effects and need to be taken for a long time.

It is to find ways to earn high profits. For example, the proportion of medicine in the United States to GDP is as high as 18%.

"Mr. Zhou, I will immediately sort out the experimental data and send the relevant data to Huang Ke. After the AIDS project is over and the technology is officially handed over to the relevant company, I will start a new project." Wang Xiaoxiao said bluntly.

Xinghuo Technology is a company that is worth fighting for all his life.

(End of this chapter)

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