Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 138 Chinese Fever

Chapter 138 Chinese Fever

Blizzard headquarters in California, USA.

Hibern, the head of the holographic game project department, was frantically scratching at his thinning hair.

With the emergence of smart devices with holographic display functions, Blizzard has keenly grasped the huge application of this new type of display device in the field of games.

Blizzard is going to transplant well-known stand-alone games to the smart bracelet platform.

They bought the Protoss bracelet through smuggling and have been researching the software development of the Morningstar system.

According to the Chinese programming software that comes with the Morningstar system, with the assistance of a Chinese translator, I gradually tried to use the Chinese programming software.

In particular, Huaxia Smart Bracelet Company is attacking the European market, and the multilingual version of the Morningstar system and artificial intelligence services are all online.

The most important thing is that there is an advanced holographic game engine inside the software mall.

Hibern found that using artificial intelligence technology and a professional stand-alone game virtual engine, the game porting work only took 5 days to complete.

Their original work plan was to spend 18 months, even if excluding 4 months of preparation work, the Spark technology platform is too efficient.

Bruce walked into Hipburn's office and saw how anxious he was.

Bruce patted him and said, "Hiburn, what's the matter with you, we have all completed the tasks assigned by the boss, we should be on vacation now."

Hibern said frantically: "It's because the work is done and the boss has assigned a new task that I'm so entangled."

He stared at Bruce and asked, "Dude, do you speak Chinese?"

"I know a little bit, but I'm not familiar with it. My wife is of Chinese descent. At that time, I was learning a little Chinese in order to catch up with her. I could understand the meanings of commonly used words, but my oral English was not good enough.

That is the pain of learning Chinese, it is really the most difficult language, and I will go crazy if I learn Chinese again. "

Bruce asked with wide-eyed eyes: "Hiborn, why are you asking this? Do you want to use that extremely complicated Chinese programming software to develop games."

"Mygod, please spare me! Using that to program, I will really go crazy."

Seeing Hibern nodding helplessly, Bruce asked dejectedly, "The game we developed can't be perfectly transplanted to the Morningstar system through artificial intelligence technology. Why use Chinese programming software to write the game."

Hibern spread his hands helplessly, and said: "Since the smart bracelet was launched in Europe, its growth rate has been very fast, and it has now accounted for 21% of the total number of smart devices, which is a very large number.

How can BOSS let go of this market and ask us to develop new games that run on the Morningstar platform.

We can write games in the current language, but this method can also be used for porting old games. Doing so for new games will damage our company's brand.

Using Chinese programming software and the game engine provided by Xinghuo Technology, it can make NPC characters have a certain IQ, and make corresponding choices at any time according to different situations, so as to have better interaction with players.

The game scene can also be intelligently changed according to the angle of the light curtain projected by the smart device, and even use different scenes according to the mood of the player.

This kind of core function must use Chinese code to be realized in the game.

The boss has given me an order to complete an epoch-making stand-alone game and start our company's brand.

Those who can go up, those who are mediocre go down, talents who can use Chinese code programming work, stay in our project team, will increase your salary, and those who are not suitable will be transferred to other projects. "

When Bruce learned the specific reasons, he knew that the company was also very helpless, who made this technological breakthrough not happen in the United States.

If he wants to keep his job, he must study Chinese hard. Bruce has a hunch that the status of Chinese will become more and more important in the future.

Bruce returned to his work station and began to try out Chinese programming software. He knew all these individual Chinese characters, and most of them needed to guess what meanings they formed when they were combined.

I can only take a Chinese-English dictionary and start to re-learn word by word.

Bruce went home and asked his wife for Chinese lessons.

Her wife said with a smile: "When you were chasing me, you studied Chinese hard, I think we have a common language with you.

After catching up with me, I stopped learning Chinese. Why do I suddenly want to learn Chinese now?

Your programmer work is mainly to write codes in English, even if you write software for the Chinese market, you don't need to use you to translate and introduce. "

Bruce said helplessly: "In the future, you will also need to use Chinese when writing codes. Learning early will make it easier."

He looked at the child who was stacking blocks, smiled and said to him: "Starting today, you will also let your mother teach you Chinese, you must lay a good foundation from an early age.

Learning Chinese is a very comfortable process. It is fun to study for a while, and it is always fun to study all the time. "

It's not just programmers like Bruce who are learning Chinese.

In Europe and most other regions, there is an upsurge in learning Chinese.

Language learning is closely related to the status of the country that uses this language in various fields in the world.

People learn Chinese because they discover that programmers are learning Chinese, university professors are learning Chinese, and celebrities are learning Chinese.

This demonstration effect is the motivation for the public to learn Chinese.

Celebrities and stars learn Chinese because of the rapid development of China's domestic economy. Some people born in the Kaikai era have money in their wallets, and there is an atmosphere of admiration for foreigners. Through this fan group, these celebrities and stars can gain a lot in China. money.

University professors learn Chinese because Huaxia has already achieved enough results in the field of basic scientific research.

They do not learn Chinese and only rely on translation to read documents, which is prone to misunderstandings.

For example, when they read the "Spark" magazine, which is already well-known in the field of scientific research, they must understand Chinese in order to understand the meaning of relevant documents.

Many terms are completely new, and there is no translation that can accurately translate the meaning of cutting-edge scientific and technological papers.

The masses pay real money to learn Chinese, because they can clearly see that Chinese can really bring them benefits.

This is the best motivation to really learn a language.

Because the enthusiasm for Chinese language that was born under such circumstances can also make the vitality of Chinese language more sustainable, and truly promote Chinese language around the world.

This is completely different from the scene where all the people in China learn English. Only a very small number of people enjoy the benefits of English.

More people are disgusted with English, but they have to learn it because of the college entrance examination.

All Chinese people learn English, except that English is the most widely used language in the world. At that time, China's national strength was very weak, and it was necessary to use English to connect with the world.

More importantly, many people in the cultural and educational circles at that time were reverse nationalists. They believed that the reason why China was backward was that the race was not good, and it needed a comprehensive transformation. Language transformation was an important part.

During the period of the Republic of China, many famous masters advocated the abolition of the Chinese language, and among them was Hu Shi, a master highly respected by fans of the Republic of China.

The masters and their protégés did not succeed, but cultivated a special interest group.

Now Huaxia's English education has become a lucrative industry chain with tens of billions of annual profits and millions of employees.

Even if some people say that English education is not good at all, they will be attacked by groups.

But with the development of technology, especially the development of artificial intelligence technology, language communication will become easier sooner or later.

At that time, many small international languages ​​will disappear, and only a few major languages ​​with a large number of users will remain.

Foreign language teachers and translators will lose their jobs, and artificial intelligence can analyze sentences that have exactly the same sentences but different semantics in different scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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